
Subtyping for Recursive Types

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 89 21:03 EST

To: types@theory.LCS.MIT.EDU

On Thursday, here at LCS, Val Breazu-Tannen presented a translation of
inheritance (subtyping) by means of coercion functions.

Two issues raised by Val's talk piqued my interest:

    (1) During his presentation, Val mentioned some results that the
	simply-typed \-calculus, with ``strong variants'' and recursive
	types has an inconsistent equational logic.

Can anyone tell me what this means?  What are strong variants, for


    (2) What should be the subtyping rule for recursive types?

One possible rule is	     C,a<Top |- s < t
			C |- (rec a s) < (rec a t)

Val conjectured that this rule is sound, so long as `a' does not appear
`negatively' within s (or t).

This condition on the appearances of the recursively-bound type variable
is important.  The FX-87 typechecker required a means to test
type-inclusion of recursive types.  Pierre Jouvelot implemented this by
maintaining a stack of assumptions about type variable inclusions, and
comparing recursive types by:

(Testing (rec a s) <? (rec b t))
	1. Push a<b to the assumption stack.
	2. answer := Test s <? t
	3. Pop a<b from the assumption stack.

This method effectively assumes the following subtyping rule,

	      C,a<b |- s < t
(RL)	--------------------------
	C |- (rec a s) < (rec b t)

The FX-87 Reference manual does not state this rule; it states type
inclusion rules for other types, and provides a conversion rule that

	(rec a s) == s[(rec a s)/a]   (I.e., unroll the recursion once.)

I suppose that a precise definition of the FX-87 type inclusion relation
would be as the maximal fixed point of the conditions described in the

The rule (RL) expresses the condition that `a' (resp. b) not appear
negatively in `s' (resp. t), because if it did, then the required
derivation that C,a<b |- s < t would fail.  This derivation would
require b<a, which C,a<b does not provide.

We can observe that this condition is important for type safety by
considering this example:

	s = (rec a {u:a -> int, v:real})

	t = (rec b {u:b -> int})

The type variable `a' appears negatively in the body, and we have

	H = (lambda (x : t)
	      (x.u {u = (lambda (w : t) 4)}))

It is not safe to apply H to a value of type `s', because the u field of
that value will be applied to a value of type t not containing a field

The translation rule for the inclusion rule (RL) could be:

	  C*,f:a -> b   |-   (G f) : s -> t
	C* |-  (Y G) : (rec a s) -> (rec b t)

[Proposed by Rishiyur Nikhil and myself.]

This translation makes sense; we should expect a coercion function on
recursive types to be defined recursively in terms of the body coercion
