
MIT seminar: Ait-Kaci, April 6

			       MIT SEMINAR

                       DATE : Thursday, April 6
                       TIME : 2:00 PM (Refreshements)
                              2:15 PM (Lecture)
                       PLACE: NE43 2nd Floor Lounge

			 An Overview of LIFE
			   Hassan Ait-Kaci
		       DEC/Paris Research Lab.
LIFE (Logic, Inheritance,  Functions, and  Equations) is a programming
language with  a  powerful facility  for structured type  inheritance.
Operationally, LIFE reconciles styles  from Functional Programming and
Logic Programming by  implicitly  delegating control to  an  automatic
suspension mechanism.   This allows  interleaving    interpretation of
relational   and   functional  expressions   which   specify  abstract
structural dependencies on objects.  Together,  these features provide
a  convenient and versatile  power of  abstraction for very high-level
expression  of constrained  data structures.   In  this  talk,  I will
overview the operational functionality of LIFE by way of examples.
This work was done while I was at MCC in Austin, Texas.

Host: Prof. R.S.Nikhil