
Commutative Diagrams in La/TeX

Date: Thu, 12 Jul 90 11:45:15 BST

A new version of my commutative diagrams package is now available.  Users
of the version released last September will know that it uses a matrix
syntax for the objects and morphisms, and is able to stretch horizontal
arrows to meet the objects at the endpoints. The new version is also able
to stretch verticals, and the diagonals have been re-worked.

The following produces a cube.
     A'   &        &\rArr^{f'}&           &      B'     &       &         \\
          & \SE_a  &          &           & \vLine^{h'} & \SE_b &         \\
\dArr^{g'}&        &     A    &  \rArr_f  &    \HonV    &       &   B     \\
          &        & \dArr^g  &           &    \dArr    &       &         \\
     C'   & \hLine & \VonH    & \rArr^{k'}&      D'     &       & \dArr_h \\
          & \SE_c  &          &           &             & \SE_d &         \\
          &        &     C    &           &   \rArr^k   &       &   D     \\

I shall dispatch electronic copies of the package & manual just before
I depart for the International Category Meeting in Italy (22-27 July)
(to allow for last minute bug-fixes while I print my own papers!).
Known past users should get it automatically, but to be sure, please
email me, including the word "diagrams" in your subject line.

Paul Taylor, Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, London SW7 2BZ, UK
email   pt@doc.ic.ac.uk   pt%ic.doc@ukacrl   or   ...!mcvax!ukc!icdoc!pt
phone +44 71 589 5111 x 5057 fax +44 71 581 8024

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