
June 92 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation

Date: Mon, 16 Sep 91 14:15:34 EDT

                         CALL FOR PAPERS for PEPM'92

                   ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation
                    and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation
                               June 19-20, 1992
                         San Francisco, California
                        (between PLDI'92 and LFP'92)

This workshop continues the momentum brought by PEPM'91.  Its goal is
to investigate the principles and applications of manipulating
programs based on their semantics. As usual, four main themes will be

      semantic foundations, program transformation,
      program and data specialization, multi-level semantics,
      self-application, mixed computation, supercompilation.

      static analyses, binding time analysis, polyvariant specialization,
      driving, unfolding, generalization,
      staging, memoization, retyping, combinators.

      scientific computing, 
      pattern matching (string, tree, matrix, stream, etc.),
      semantics directed compiler generation, 
      theorem proving, partial deduction and learning,
      programming environments, algorithm debugging, incremental computation,
      computational reflection, meta-programming, prototyping.

    Programming language issues -- languages for manipulated programs:
      functional (eager or lazy), logic, object oriented, imperative,
      term rewriting, parallel, dataflow, constraint programming, visual.

Original results and ongoing work in these areas, or that bear upon
these topics are solicited.  New work that relates partial evaluation
to other areas of Computer Science is encouraged.

Authors should submit 6 copies of a two-page abstract to Charles
Consel, Department of Computer Science, Yale University, 51 Prospect
Street, New Haven, CT 06520, USA, before December 3, 1991, together
with a return mailing address and if possible an electronic mail
address.  Authors from countries reachable by e-mail may alternatively
send their submission to consel@cs.yale.edu, exclusively using the Unix
commands tarmail or uuencode.  Accepted formats are DVI and
PostScript.  Submissions should be typed double spaced or typeset
10-point on 16-point spacing.  They should include a very clear
comparison with related works.  Papers will be judged on relevance,
significance, correctness and clarity.

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by January 31,
1992.  Final version of accepted papers must be received in
camera-ready form by April 2, 1992.  Proceedings will be distributed
at the conference and they will subsequently be available from Yale
University and University of Copenhagen as a technical report.

General and program chair: Charles Consel, consel@cs.yale.edu 

Local arrangements: Stan Osborne, stan@ana.com 

Program committee: Charles Consel (Yale University)
                   Kent Dybvig (Indiana University)
		   Chris Hankin (Imperial College)
		   Timothy Hickey (Brandeis University)
                   Neil Jones (University of Copenhagen)
		   Arun Lakhotia (University of Southwestern Louisiana) 
                   John Launchbury (University of Glasgow)
		   Daniel Weise (Stanford University)