
ftp site at the University of Sydney

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 92 13:35:18 +10

			Category theory material
		       Available by Anonymous FTP
		          from maths.su.oz.au

This file is README in the sydcat directory of maths.su.oz.au,, accessible by anonymous ftp.

The sydcat directory is for FTP distribution of recent publications, programs,
seminar listings and other material of the Sydney Category Theory Group, and the 
Sydney Categories in Computer Science Group.  These groups consist 
of mathematicians and computer scientists and students at the University 
of Sydney and Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia,
including the following:

	Murray Adelman                  murray@macadam.mpce.mq.edu.au
	Brian Day
	Robbie Gates			gates_r@maths.su.oz.au
	Amitavo Islam			islam_a@maths.su.oz.au
	Mike Johnson			mike@macadam.mpce.mq.edu.au
	Giulio Katis			katis_p@maths.su.oz.au
	Max Kelly			kelly_m@maths.su.oz.au
	Stephen Lack			lack_s@maths.su.oz.au
	Mark Leeming			leeming_m@maths.su.oz.au
	Stephen Ma			ma_s@maths.su.oz.au
	Wafaa (Moynham) Khalil		moynham_w@maths.su.oz.au
	Wesley Phoa			
	Usha Sridhar			sridhar_u@maths.su.oz.au
	Ross Street                     street@macadam.mpce.mq.edu.au 
	Sun Shu-Hao			sun_s@maths.su.oz.au
	Bob Walters			walters_b@maths.su.oz.au


FTP LOGIN.  Give the following commands.

	ftp maths.su.oz.au
Login:	anonymous			(if you don't have an account on maths)
Paswd:	yoursurname			(though any string will work)
	bin				(if you are retrieving a .dvi file)
	prompt off			(if you want no ? prompts from mget)
	cd sydcat			(change directory to _public/sydcat
	ls -lt				(see what's there, most recent first)
	mget filename-1 ... filename-n	(e.g.   mget catcurrent.Z)
	quit				(exit from FTP)

DVI.  If you wish to print paper, calg say, retrieve calg.dvi and
associated .eps and .sty files from the subdirectory calg (cd calg first).
You must first give the bin command to ftp since .dvi files are not 
text files.  You will then need a dvi to postscript converter
which will include the .eps files. Print the resulting postscript file
on your host.

PROBLEMS.  If you have problems in either retrieving or compiling
papers, please contact Bob Walters.

NOTE.  Please note that the IP satellite link between Australia and the rest of the
world is saturated most of the time.  Large file transfers to non-Australian
sites should be spaced out, and should preferably take place between the
hours 2300 and 0800 local Eastern Australian time (the local time appears in
the ftpd banner at connection).

===========================Available papers=================================    

The following files and directories are available:

addresses/catcurrent	The  Category Theory address list 
			maintained by Max Kelly and Michael Johnson
			Updated 5 March 1992

addresses/structdir	Vaughan Pratt's latest email address list
			Updated 1 December 1991
                        Release 3.0
			Master copy: Boole.Stanford.EDU:~ftp/pub/struct.dir
			Maintainer: Vaughan Pratt, pratt@cs.stanford.edu

addresses/structdir_max	Max Kelly's corrections to structdir
			3 Dec 1991

papers/walters/af	A directory containing af.dvi for the paper

			M. S. Johnson, R.F.C. Walters, Algebra Families

papers/walters/como	A directory containing como.dvi and
			some associated postscript files for the paper:

			S. Carmody, R.F.C. Walters, Computing quotients of
			actions of a free category.

papers/walters/calg	A directory containing calg.dvi and
			some associated postscript files for the paper:

			S. Carmody, R.F.C. Walters, The Todd-Coxeter Procedure
			and Left Kan Extensions.

papers/walters/coinv	A directory containing coinv.dvi for the 

			G.M. Kelly, Stephen Lack, R.F.C. Walters

papers/walters/imp	A directory containing imp.dvi.Z for the paper
			R.F.C. Walters, An imperative language based on 
			distributive categories

papers/walters/imp2	A directory containing imp2.dvi.Z for the paper
			Wafaa Khalil, R.F.C. Walters, An imperative language
			based on distributive categories, II.

papers/walters/ext	A directory containing ext.dvi.Z for the paper

			Aurelio Carboni, Stephen Lack, R. F. C. Walters, An introduction to 
			extensive and distributive categories.

papers/phoa		Contains notes and papers by Wesley Phoa.
			His current email address, till July 1992, is:  wkp@dcs.ed.ac.uk  

			[Note that the subdirectories contain postscript files only.  The papers
			fibs,topoi,(bohm),poly,pcf  may not be in their final form and should
			be treated as drafts.  Comments will be gratefully received.  8/3/92]

papers/phoa/fibs.ps     "Fibrations (outline)"
                        --an informal introduction to fibrations, with a
                          view to the semantics of typed lambda-calculi

papers/phoa/topoi.ps    "Toposes (outline)"
                        --an informal introduction to toposes, with a
                          categorical flavour, including a detailed
                          description of the internal language of a topos

papers/phoa/synth.ps    "Effective domains and intrinsic structure"
                        --describes a category of `synthetic domains'
                          in the effective topos

papers/phoa/graph.ps    "Building domains from graph models"
                        --ditto, in the realizability topos arising from
                          the r.e. graph model of the lambda-calculus 

papers/phoa/bohm.ps     "From term models to domains"
                        --ditto, for the closed term model in which
                          terms with the same Bohm tree are identified

papers/phoa/sml.ps      "A proposed categorical semantics for Pure ML"
                              (with M. P. Fourman, LFCS)
                        --sketch of a semantics for SML using synthetic
                          domain theory; focuses on the Modules system

papers/phoa/subtypes.ps "Using fibrations to understand subtypes"
                        --informal account of categorical models for  
                          subtyping and bounded quantification

papers/phoa/poly.ps     "A simple categorical semantics for first-order
                        --describes how any cartesian closed category can
                          be used to model ML polymorphism, using the
                          notion of `polynomial category'

papers/phoa/pcf.ps      "A note on PCF and the untyped lambda-calculus"
                        --proof of computational adequacy of an untyped
                          translation of call-by-name PCF

papers/phoa/eff         "The effective topos (outline)"   -- also a draft!!
                        --an informal introduction to recursive realizability,
                        the PER model, omega-sets, the effective topos and
                        the small complete category of modest sets

pmreports		List of Research Reports of the Pure Mathematics
			Department, University of Sydney, Australia
			Updated regularly.

seminars/sydcat		A directory containing sydcat.tex and macros.
			sydcat.tex is a listing of seminars given at the
			Sydney Category Seminar
			Not being currently maintained.

seminars/cics		A directory containing cics.tex and macros.
			cics.tex is a listing of seminars given at the
			Sydney Categories in Computer Science Seminar.
			Updated regularly.
programs/kan_1.0	A directory containing source and input files for
			kan (vers 1.0)  (Sean Carmody, Craig Reilly, Bob Walters)
			  An implementation of the algorithm developed in 1990 by 
			Carmody & Walters to compute (finite) left Kan extensions 
			is now operational (programmed by Reilly and Carmody).

			  There are also some sample input files as well as a file 
			called KAN.info which gives further details of the program
			and one called README which describes the sample input files. 
			If you experiment with the program, we would be very interested 
			to hear any comments or suggestions (especially with regards 
			any bugs which you -- hopefully won't -- find).
			  Future versions of the program will include a more 
			standardised i/o format, and will renumber the elements of 
			the output sets will be of the form {1,2,..,n} (a set which 
			may currently be given as {1,3,7} would become {1,2,3}).

				                Sean Carmody.
						email: carmody_s@maths.su.oz.au
						21 May 1991

programs/kan_2.0	A later version of kan, but Sean left Sydney for Cambridge
			before it was properly documented.

old			A directory containing old versions of things prior to deletion.

Bob Walters
Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Internet: walters_b@maths.su.oz.au  Phone: +61 2 692 2966  FAX: +61 2 692 4534
