Category Theory and Computer Science, Sep. 7-10, '93, Amsterdam
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 92 15:46:47 BST
********* Preliminary Announcement ***********
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* Fifth Biennial Meeting *
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Dates: 7th-10th September 1993.
Venue: CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The fifth of the biennial conferences on category theory and computer science
is to be held in Amsterdam in 1993.
The purpose of the conference series is the advancement of the foundations of
computing using the tools of category theory, algebra, geometry and logic.
Whilst the emphasis is upon applications of category theory, it is recognised
that the area is highly interdisciplinary and the organising committee welcomes
submissions in related areas. Topics central to the conference include:
* The semantics of computation
* Program logics and specification
* Type theory and its semantics
* Domain theory
* Linear logic and its semantics
* Categorical programming
Submissions purely on category theory are also acceptable as long as the
applicability to computing is evident.
Previous meetings have been held in Guildford (Surrey), Edinburgh, Manchester
and Paris. The format of this fifth meeting is to differ from previous meetings. Abstracts of talks are to be submitted to the organiser (details below).
These will undergo a preliminary selection procedure and authors will be
notified of the result. Proceedings of the conference will appear in a special issue of the
journal Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. All contributors
to the conference will be invited to submit full papers to the special issue.
Submissions will undergo the usual refereeing process for MSCS,
which accepts only very high standard contributions.
Organising and program committee:
S. Abramsky, P.-L. Curien, P. Dybjer, G. Longo, G. Mints,
J. Mitchell, E. Moggi, D. Pitt, A.Pitts, A. Poigne, D. Rydeheard,
F-J. de Vries, E. Wagner.
Submission of abstracts of talks 25th May 1993
Notification of acceptance 1st July 1993
Submission of Abstracts.
Authors should send 3 hard copies of an abstract and a cover
page (preferably in 11pt LaTeX format) to:
Dr. David Pitt,
Department of Mathematics
University of Surrey,
Guildford, Surrey GU2 XH
United Kingdom.
email: d.pitt@mcs.surrey.ac.uk
Authors without access to reproduction facilities may submit a
single copy of their submission.
The cover page of the submission should include the title, authors,
a brief synopsis, and the corresponding author's name, address,
phone number, fax number, and e-mail address if available.
Abstracts should consist of no more than 3 (three) A4 sides (not
including references). They must be in English, clearly written, and
provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee to assess
the merits of the paper. Each submission should make clear the
advances made by the authors, the relevance to the subject, the
background involved and the relationship to other work in the
area. If the authors believe that more details are essential to
substantiate the main claims of the paper, they may include a
clearly marked appendix to be read at the discretion of the
committee. Late abstracts, or those departing significantly from
these guidelines, run a high risk of rejection.
Local Arrangements: These will be notified later. The local co-ordinator is:
Dr. Fer-Jan de Vries
Department of Software Technology
Kruislaan 413
1098 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
email: F.J.de.Vries@cwi.nl