ACM SIGPLAN '93 Conference on
Programming Language Design and Implementation
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, June 23-25, 1993
SIGPLAN '93 continues the series of broad-based language and compiler
design conferences. The conference will provide a forum for
researchers and developers to learn about current practical and
experimental work across the breadth of the field. The conference
will emphasize experimental results and experience with the languages
and techniques described.
The conference seeks original papers relevant to practical issues
concerning the design, development, implementation, and use of
programming languages (in contrast to the annual SIGACT/SIGPLAN POPL
Conference, which is oriented more toward foundations). The conference
favors no particular programming paradigm or support architecture.
Conference topics include:
* compiler construction * translation by program transformation
* interpretation * benchmarking and assessment
* preprocessing * translator validation
* design and use of languages * programming environments
* special-purpose languages * internal representations
* optimization for scalar and parallel architectures
* implementation for non-traditional languages and/or architectures
* incremental and interactive methods
Authors should submit twelve copies (preferably double-sided) of a
technical summary of a prospective paper to the program chair; persons
without access to a photocopier may submit a single copy. The first
sheet of the summary (not the cover letter) must include the phone
number and street and Internet addresses for the corresponding author.
Summaries must not exceed 5000 words (approximately 10 pages typeset
10-point on 16-point spacing, or 15 pages if typewritten double-spaced).
Excessively long summaries will be rejected immediately by the program
chair. Papers awaiting acceptance by any other conference are ineligible
for SIGPLAN '93; if a closely related paper has been submitted to a
journal, the authors must notify the program chair.
The summary must be organized so that it easily understood. Clearly
identify what has been accomplished, why it is significant, and how
it compares with prior work. Summaries will be judged on clarity,
significance, relevance, correctness, and originality. Authors should
make their papers understandable to a broad audience.
Submissions must be received by **November 11, 1992**. Authors will
be notified of acceptance or rejection by **January 20, 1993**. Full
versions of the accepted papers must be formatted according to ACM
conventions, and camera-ready copy must be received by the program
chair by **April 2, 1993**. Authors of accepted papers must sign an
ACM copyright release form. Proceedings will be distributed at the
conference and as a special issue of SIGPLAN Notices. All papers
published in the proceedings are eligible for publication in refereed
ACM journals at the discretion of the editor.
Program Committee:
Timothy A. Budd Oregon State University
Robert Cartwright Rice University
Jack W. Davidson University of Virginia
Susan J. Eggers University of Washington
Benjamin Goldberg New York University
Ralph E. Griswold The University of Arizona
James Larus University of Wisconsin
Mark Linton Silicon Graphics
Steven S. Muchnick Sun Microsystems
Vivek Sarkar IBM Corporation
Walter Tichy University of Karlsruhe
David W. Wall Digital Western Research Lab
Tutorials will precede the conference on June 21-22. The conference
advance program will announce the tutorial topics.
Conference Chair: Program Chair: Local Arrangements Chair:
Robert Cartwright David W. Wall Rebecca Parsons
Rice University Digital Equipment Los Alamos National Labs
Computer Science Dept. Western Research Lab C-3 MS B265
P. O. Box 1892 250 University Ave. Los Alamos, NM 87545
Houston, TX 77251-1892 Palo Alto, CA 94301 (505) 667-2655
(713) 527-6042 (415) 617-3309 rebecca@lanl.gov
cork@cs.rice.edu wall@decwrl.dec.com