
Question about notation

A question on notation: Is there a standard or near-
standard notation for a set of type-statements of form

  x1 has type tau-1, x2 has type tau-2,...,xn has type tau-n ?

I have heard these sets sometimes called a BASIS, sometimes an
ENVIRONMENT, sometimes a CONTEXT, etc. Any consensus?

("Basis" is not too good because the set of axioms of a
type-system, which assigns types to the atomic constants of
the system, has sometimes also been called a basis.
 "Environment" can also mean a mapping that assigns to each
variable an interpretation in a lambda-model.
 "Context" has other meanings but is that the best?

I am trying to settle on a notation for a book and would be 
intetrested in any suggestions or comments.

    Roger Hindley,  majrh@pyr.swan.ac.uk