European Association for Computer Science Logic
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\centerline{\Huge \bf CSL '93}
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\centerline{\Large \bf 1993 Annual Conference of the }
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\centerline{ \Large \bf European Association for Computer Science Logic}
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\centerline{ \Large \bf 13th -- 17th September 1993}
\centerline{ \LARGE \bf University College of Swansea, Wales}
\centerline{ \Large \bf United Kingdom }
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\centerline{ \Large Second Announcement
Call For Papers }
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The conference {\it Computer Science Logic '93} will be held from
Monday, September 13th to Friday, September 17th, 1993, at the University
College of Swansea. Swansea is the second largest city in
Wales and is situated on the southern coast at the edge of the Gower peninsula,
an area of
outstanding natural beauty.
{\it CSL '93} is the 1993 annual conference of the newly formed {\it European
Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL)}. The conference took place
in previous years under the title {\it Workshop on Computer Science Logic}
at Karlsruhe (1987), Duisburg (1988), Kaiserslautern (1989),
Heidelberg (1990), Bern (1991) and Pisa (1992).
The conference is intended for computer
scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for
logicians working in areas related to computer science.
The scientific program will consist of invited lectures and
contributed papers selected from those submitted. All
contributions will be refereed for a Proceedings volume. The Proceedings will
be published by
Springer Verlag in the {\it Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series}.
Six copies of an extended abstract (up to 5 pages) of papers to be
submitted should be sent to the program committee chairman (K. Meinke)
to arrive not later than June 1, 1993. The authors will be notified of
acceptance for presentation at the workshop by July 20, 1993.
The preliminary version of the complete paper to be submitted to the
Proceedings volume should be available at the start of the workshop.
Authors will be
notified of the acceptance of their papers for the Proceedings volume
by January 15, 1994.
The final camera-ready version of the paper should not exceed 15 pages
and must be submitted before February 26, 1994.
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Invited Speakers are: \=
J.A. Bergstra (Amsterdam), \hskip 0.2in \= A. Blass (Michigan),\\
\> E. Gr\"adel (Basle),\>
I. Hodkinson (Imperial),\\
\> D. Kozen (Cornell), \> P. Martin-L\"of (Stockholm),\\
\> R. Milner (Edinburgh),\> W. Thomas (Kiel),\\
\> S.S. Wainer (Leeds). \> \\
\> \> \\
Program Committee: \>
E. B\"orger (Pisa),
\> E. Grandjean (Caen),\\
\> Y. Gurevich (Michigan), \>
W. Hodges (QMC London),\\
\> G. J\"ager (Bern), \> H. Kleine B\"uning (Paderborn),\\
\> K. Meinke (Swansea, Chair), \>
P. Pudlak (Prague),\\
\> M. Richter (Kaiserslautern),\>
J. Tiuryn (Warsaw).\\
Correspondence should be sent to: \=
Dr. K. Meinke (CSL '93),\\
Department of Computer Science,\\
University College of Swansea, \\
Swansea SA2 8PP, \\
Great Britain.\\
E-mail: csl93@pyr.swan.ac.uk
Fax: +44 792 295708 \\