
TACS '94 First announcement and call for papers

[Since it is clearly relevant, I am distributing this conference
announcement to types.  General conference announcements should go to
the Theory-A list.  -- Philip Wadler, moderator, Types Forum.]


                      International Symposium on

                Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software
                             (TACS '94)
                          April 19-21, 1994
                   Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

The TACS conference will focus on theoretical foundations of software and
applications of theory to practice. More specifically, the conference is
concerned with theoretical foundations of programming and theoretical aspects
of the design, analysis and implementation of programming languages and
systems, including, but not limited to the following topics: Logic, Proof,
Specification and Semantics of Programs and Languages; Theories and Models of
Concurrent, Parallel, and Distributed Computation; Constructive Logic, Category
Theory, and Type Theory in Computer Science; Theory-Based Systems for
Specifying, Synthesizing, Transforming, Testing, and Verifying Software.

The scientific program will consist of invited lectures, contributed talks,
demo sessions, and post-conference workshops.  There will also be an evening
reception on April 18 and an evening banquet on April 20.  A Proceedings
containing the full papers of the invited and contributed talks published in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, will be available at the
conference. Several post-conference workshops will be held on April 22. Their
details will be announced later.

Conference Co-Chairs:
Takayasu Ito, Tohoku University            Albert R. Meyer, MIT

Invited Speakers:
Samson Abramsky, Imperial College          Matthias Felleisen, Rice University
Paris C. Kanellakis, Brown University      Masako Takahashi, Tokyo Inst. Tech.
Moshe Vardi, IBM Almaden                   Akinori Yonezawa, University of Tokyo

Program Committee:
Martin Abadi, DEC SRC                      Robert Constable, Cornell University
R. van Glabbeek, Stanford University       Carl Gunter, Univ. Penn. and AT&T 
Masami Hagiya, Univ. Tokyo  (Co-Chair)     Susumu Hayashi, Ryukoku University
Takayasu Ito, Tohoku  University           Paris Kanellakis, Brown University 
Jean-Louis Lassez, IBM                     Albert Meyer, MIT 
John Mitchell, Stanford  (Co-Chair)        Atsushi Ohori, Oki
Masahiko Sato, Tohoku University           Masako Takahashi, Tokyo Inst. Tech.

Important Dates:
Submission of Full Paper:    August 15, 1993
Notification of Acceptance:  October 15, 1993
Deadline for Final Text:     December 31, 1993

The symposium is partly sponsored by Tohoku University with the pending
cooperation of 
    Information Processing Society of Japan, 
    Japan Society for Software Science and Technology,
    IEEE Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing, 
    ACM-SIGACT, and the
    Association for Symbolic Logic.

Aoba Memorial Building, Aobayama-Campus, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan