Referees Wanted
Seeking anonymous referees for the following papers:
Klaus Grue
``Map Theory 93''
A.J. Kfoury, S. Ronchi della Rocca, J. Tiuryn, and P. Urzyczyn
``On the Elimination of Alpha-Conversion in Higher-Order Lambda-Calculi''
Jim Lambek
``Programs, grammars and arguments: a personal view of some connections
between computation, language and logic''
Lawrence Paulson
``Co-induction and Co-recursion in Higher-order Logic''
John Shepherdson
``Language and Equality Theory in Logic Programming''
The papers are intended for the forthcoming Alonzo Church Festschrift;
all referees will receive complimentary copies of the book, to be
published by CSLI/University of Chicago Press.
Michael Zeleny@husc.harvard.edu