subtyping variants
What is the current state of art in (sub)typing variants?
For example consider the following data type declaration:
data I1 = Xcoord | Ycoord | Mv(Real,Real)
I would like to write something like
data I2 = Color | I1
instead of
data I3 = Color | Coerce(I1)
If one considers only non-recursive (polymorphic) data type
declarations then:
1) Are type reconstruction algorithms awailable to compute
the principal type of functions defined by using the
constructors of I2?
2) Is there any functional of the form:
I2-w :: x -> (I1 -> x) -> I2 -> x
I2-w (a)(f)(x) = case x of
Color => a
otherwise => f x
corresponding to the functional obtained for I3:
I3-when :: x -> (I1 -> x) -> I3 -> x
I3-when (a)(f)(bottom) = bottom
I3-when (a)(f)(Color) = a
I3-when (a)(f)(Coerce u) = f u
What about recursive data type declarations?
I would be grateful for relevant references.
I will post a summary if interest is shown.
Radu Grosu
Institut fuer Informatik
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Arcisstrasse 21 Email: grosu@informatik.tu-muenchen.de
D-80290 Muenchen Phone: ++49-89-2105-2398
Germany. Fax: ++49-89-2105-8183