
CFP, ECOOP'94 workshop (W4) on Logical Foundations of OOP

			Call for participation

			   One day workshop
	Logical Foundations of Object Oriented Programming

		     in connection with ECOOP'94
		           4 - 8 July 1994
		           Bologna,  Italy

The aim of this workshop is to investigate the relation between logic,
computing and object oriented programming.

Both the declarative and computational aspects of logic have long been
exploited in the context of object-oriented programming. For instance,
researchers   have    investigated  the  use   of   static   type- and
effect-inferencing   mechanisms, and the   use of Dijkstra-Hoare-style
assertional systems  for   reasoning about state changes   produced by
method invocations.    Considerable work  has been done   in extending
basic declarative computational formalisms (e.g. lambda calculus) that
support  the essence  of  OOP.  On the   computational side, novel OOP
techniques have emerged from  the use of "agent-oriented" (concurrent)
programming languages based   on the computational interpretation   of
fragments of various logics.

Conversely,   some  of the fundamental  insights   of  OOP concern the
structuring  of large  (computational)  formal  descriptions so as  to
minimize change  in the face of  evolution. These insights are equally
applicable when the  formal systems are  also logical, as happens  for
example,   in constructing  large  domain  theories   of phenomena  of

Recent developments in substructural approaches to logic (e.g.  linear
logic) and rewriting logic offer the promise of considerably expanding
the repertoire of  logical techniques that  can be brought to  bear in
the design, execution and  analysis of OO systems. These  developments
internalize a  fundamental  notion  of localized state-change   within
logic. A primary objective of this workshop will be to investigate the
applicability and   usefulness of these   techniques to the  design of
real-world object-oriented computational systems.

The workshop will  consist of short presentations  as well as informal
discussions.  We expect to establish  a state-of-the-art in the use of
logic for Object Oriented  Programming, as well  as to contribute to a
better  understanding  between researchers  in  this area.   Topics of
interest include but are not limited to the following:

- Logic based models for Object Oriented Programming
- Logic and change
- Use of logic in object-oriented domain modeling and analysis
- Declarative object-oriented real-time systems
- Abstraction, Encapsulation, and information hiding in logic
- Knowledge-structuring mechanisms in logic (inheritance, overriding...)
- Process-oriented mechanisms in logic (communication, synchronization...)

Last but not least, descriptions  of  applications developed on  logic
based object-oriented environments are welcome.

	Jean-Marc Andreoli (Rank-Xerox, Grenoble, France) and
	Vijay Saraswat (Xerox, Palo-Alto, California)

Please send a position paper (e-mail if possible, latex prefered) to

Jean-Marc Andreoli         | Tel:  +33 76 61 50 80
Rank Xerox Research Center | Switchboard:  +33 76 61 50 50
6 Chemin de Maupertuis     | Fax:  +33 76 61 50 99
38240 Meylan (France)      | E-mail:  Jean.Marc.Andreoli@xerox.fr

Specify whether you wish to make a presentation (in  that case, send a
title and 2-3-line abstract). Presentations are  limited to 15 minutes
and will be selected and scheduled by the organizers.

Submission due:		13 May, 1994
Date of the workshop:	4 July, 1994

The  participation  to  the   workshop  is  free,  but  each  workshop
participant must have registered for the main ECOOP conference.