Call for Papers PLILP'95
To: types@dcs.gla.ac.uk
Subject: Call for Papers PLILP'95
From: jeroen@cs.ruu.nl (PLILP'95 Conference)
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 1994 17:50:51 +0100 (MET)
Approved: types@dcs.gla.ac.uk
[Since it is clearly relevant, I am distributing this conference
announcement to types. -- Philip Wadler, moderator, Types Forum.]
%% Call for papers %%
%% PLILP'95 conference %%
{\Large\bf PLILP'95
Seventh International Symposium on
\\ Programming Languages,
\\ Implementations, Logics and Programs
\\{\bf Utrecht (the Netherlands)
}\\ September 20-22, 1995
Following the six previous \PLILP\ meetings in Orleans (1988),
Link\"{o}ping (1990), Passau (1991), Leuven (1992), Tallinn (1993)
and Madrid (1994), the Seventh International Symposium on
{\em Programming Languages, Implementations, Logics and Programs
} will be held in Utrecht (the Netherlands).
The meeting will run in parallel with \LoPSTr'95, the
Fifth International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and
LoPSTr and PLILP will share invited lectures and sessions of
general interest.
The event will be organized by the Computer Science Department
of Utrecht University.
\sect{ TOPICS
\PLILP\ aims at stimulating research on declarative programming
languages, and seeks to disseminate insights in the relation
between the logics of those languages, implementation techniques
and the use of these languages in constructing real programs.
Keeping the PLILP acronym, it was decided to change the wording
behind it in order to reflect the broadening of the scope
of the symposium.
It is felt that treating one of these subjects in isolation often
does too little justice to the other two aspects, and especially
papers dealing with more than one of these subjects are invited.
Typical, but not exclusive topics of interest are:
\item Implementation of declarative concepts
\item Compiler specification and construction
\item Program analysis
\item Program transformation techniques
\item Programming environments
\item Implementation issues (system demonstrations)
\item Executable specifications
\item Reasoning about language constructs
\item Integration of different paradigms
\item Relation between declarative paradigms
\item Term rewriting, narrowing, resolution
\item Experiences in constructing applications
\item Typing and structuring systems
The scientific program will include a number of invited talks
in addition to the presentations of the accepted papers.
Invited talks, as well as possibly a selection of accepted
contributions, will be scheduled for plenary sessions.
Other accepted contributions will be scheduled for parallel
\LoPSTr\ and \PLILP\ sessions.
We anticipate the PLILP proceedings to be published by
Springer Verlag in the LNCS series.
A limited number of scholarships may be available for those
participants who are unable to obtain support from other
Authors are invited to send {\bf five copies} of their manuscripts
to \PLILP'95, at Utrecht University, at the address mentioned
on the left.
Papers must describe original, previously unpublished research,
be written and presented in English, not exceed 15 pages
(A4 or letter format, up to 5,000 words),
and not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.
The cover page should include a return mailing address and,
if possible, an electronic mail address and a fax number.
If at all possible, at the earliest possible moment a message
containing the title of the paper, authors, abstract, keywords,
and the address information outlined above should be sent by
email to the corresponding address.
Additional information (e.g. on how to submit by email)
will be made available through our www server:
{\tt http://www.cs.ruu.nl/plilp
} .
\inform{ PLILP'95
\names{ Program Co-Chairs:
Doaitse Swierstra (Utrecht)
\\ Manuel Hermenegildo (Madrid)
\names{ Program Committee:
Mats Carlsson (Stockholm)
\\ Michael Codish (Beer Sheva)
\\ Patrick Cousot (Paris)
\\ Bart Demoen (Leuven)
\\ Pierre Deransart (Rocquencourt)
\\ Moreno Falaschi (Udine)
\\ Michael Hanus (Saarbr\"ucken)
\\ Neil Jones (K{\o}benhavn)
\\ Herbert Kuchen (Aachen)
\\ Alexander Letichevsky (Kiev)
\\ Rita Loogen (Marburg)
\\ Jan Ma{\l}uszy\'{n}ski (Link\"{o}ping)
\\ Juan Moreno (Madrid)
\\ Hiroshi Nakashima (Kyoto)
\\ Rinus Plasmeijer (Nijmegen)
\\ Laurence Puel (Orsay)
\\ Mario Rodr\'{\i}guez-Artalejo (Madrid)
\\ Francesca Rossi (Pisa)
\\ Peter Stuckey (Melbourne)
\\ David Warren (Bristol)
\\ Will Winsborough (Pennsylvania)
\names{ Local organisers:
Jeroen Fokker
\\ Erik Meijer
\\ Margje Punt
\info {Deadline for submissions:} {March 6, 1995}
\info {Notification of acceptance/rejection:}{May 17, 1995}
\info {Deadline for final text:} {June 28, 1995}
\info {Conference:} {September 20--22, 1995}
\info {by email:} {plilp-info@cs.ruu.nl}
\info {or WWW:} {http://www.cs.ruu.nl/plilp}
\info {or surface mail:} {PLILP'95
\\ Vakgroep Informatica
\\ Utrecht University
\\ P.O.Box 80.089
\\ 3508 TB Utrecht
\\ the Netherlands
\\ Phone: +31 30 531454
\\ Fax: +31 30 513791
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PLILP'95 Conference email: plilp-info@cs.ruu.nl
Dept.Computer Science WWW: http://www.cs.ruu.nl/plilp
Utrecht University phone: +31 30 531454
P.O.Box 80.089 fax: +31 30 513791
3508 TB Utrecht
the Netherlands