TYPES list archives
Last update: Wed Feb 05 18:59:45 97
379 messages
- No Subject
- No Subject
- No Subject
- No Subject
- Workshop on Types for Program Analysis Hanne Riis Nielson <hrn@daimi.aau.dk>
- monad transformer papers David Espinosa <espinosa@cs.columbia.edu>
- Cahiers 8 crabbe@risp.ucl.ac.be (Crabb'e Marcel)
- TR available: "Dynamic Types Have Existential Type" Dominic Duggan <dduggan@nuada.uwaterloo.ca>
- Proof Normalization and Subject Reduction in Extensions of Fsub sv@mpi-sb.mpg.de (Sergei Vorobyov)
- TAPSOFT '95 Preliminary Programme "Peter D. Mosses" <pdmosses@daimi.aau.dk>
- Workshop on Advances In Type Systems For Computing Andrew Pitts <Andrew.Pitts@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- Papers on Cut Elimination Frank Pfenning <Frank_Pfenning@ALONZO.TIP.CS.CMU.EDU>
- Faculty Position at Stanford John "C." Mitchell <jcm@cs.stanford.edu>
- Natural deduction and coherence rags@triples.math.mcgill.ca (Robert A. G. Seely)
- TLCA'95: call for participation Philippa Gardner <pag@dcs.edinburgh.ac.uk>
- [New Book]: Isomorphisms of Types Roberto.Dicosmo@ens.fr
- WoLLIC '95 - Call for Contributions Ruy de Queiroz <R.deQueiroz@doc.imperial.ac.uk>
- Reversible computations; Proof nets and Hilbert space regnier@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Laurent REGNIER)
- Structural Rules and Exponentials marco@nextiac.iac.rm.cnr.it
- Chair in Theoretical Computer Science at The University of Edinburgh Gordon Plotkin <gdp@dcs.edinburgh.ac.uk>
- Undecidability of second order linear logic without exponentials lafont@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Yves LAFONT)
- MFPS Program and Registration Information Michael Main <main@piper.cs.colorado.edu>
- LLL : the paper girard@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Jean-Yves GIRARD)
- Isabelle course -- brief notice Lawrence C Paulson <Larry.Paulson@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- Re: Structural Rules and Exponentials lafont@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Yves LAFONT)
- colloquium at ENS Giuseppe.Longo@ens.fr
- The Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation tbilisi@cogsci.edinburgh.ac.uk
- Higher-Order Logic Programming gopalan@cs.duke.edu (Gopalan Nadathur)
- Re: Structural Rules and Exponentials G M Bierman <Gavin.Bierman@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- For you perhaps dkm <dkm@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
- Summer School on Semantics and Logic of Computation Andrew Pitts <Andrew.Pitts@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- No Subject types-dist-request@dcs.gla.ac.uk
- LICS'95 Accepted Papers felty@research.att.com (Amy Felty)
- Soundness of Seely's models rags@triples.math.mcgill.ca (Robert A. G. Seely)
- Categorical models of linear logic. Torben Brauner <tor@daimi.aau.dk>
- Research Fellowships at QMW Edmund Robinson <edmundr@daimi.aau.dk>
- Categorical models of linear logic. Nick Benton <Nick.Benton@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- Research Studentships at UEA, Norwich jrwg@information-systems.east-anglia.ac.uk (John Glauert)
- monad composition as a relation David Espinosa <espinosa@cs.columbia.edu>
- Categorical Models of Linear (and other) logics Greg Restall <Greg.Restall@cisr.anu.edu.au>
- TLCA'95, early registration Philippa Gardner <pag@dcs.edinburgh.ac.uk>
- Comparing Cubes of Type Systems ronchi@di.unito.it (Simonetta Ronchi_della_Rocca)
- Re: Categorical Models of Linear (and other) logics Vaughan Pratt <pratt@cs.Stanford.EDU>
- Categorical Models of Linear (and other) logics "Uday S. Reddy" <reddy@cs.uiuc.edu>
- Type inference with record-subtyping? Jens Palsberg <jpalsberg@daimi.aau.dk>
- Re: Categorical Models of Linear (and other) Logics "R. L. Crole" <rlc3@mathematics-and-computer-science.leicester.ac.uk>
- Re: Categorical Models of Linear (and other) logics Thorsten Altenkirch <alti@cs.chalmers.se>
- MLL2 is undecidable scedrov@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Andre SCEDROV)
- LOPSTR'95 Call for Papers proietti@IASI.RM.CNR.IT (Maurizio Proietti)
- Lectureships at Glasgow wadler@dcs.gla.ac.uk
- Question: typing with set of most general unifiers simonc@dcs.kcl.ac.uk
- DCFLs and recursive types steck@dcs.edinburgh.ac.uk
- Covariant Deep Subtyping Reconsidered shang@cadsun.corp.mot.com (David Lujun Shang)
- Re: Categorical Models of Linear (and other) logics Greg Restall <Greg.Restall@cisr.anu.edu.au>
- Summary: type inference Jens Palsberg <palsberg@daimi.aau.dk>
- AMAST'95 Preliminary Programme available scollo@cs.utwente.nl (Pippo Scollo)
- Re: Question: typing with set of most general unifiers Mitchell Wand <wand@ccs.neu.edu>
- paper on MLL2 lafont@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Yves LAFONT)
- Re: Summary: type inference hak@chaumes.cs.sfu.ca
- Re: Question: typing with set of most general unifiers Martin Odersky <odersky@ira.uka.de>
- paper available: "Polymorphic Methods with Self Types for ML-like Dominic Duggan <dduggan@nuada.uwaterloo.ca>
- LICS'95 Program & Registration (text & LaTeX) felty@research.att.com (Amy Felty)
- Final CFP for Static Analysis Symposium SAS'95 (deadline mid-April) Alan Mycroft <Alan.Mycroft@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- new address Thomas Streicher <streiche@informatik.uni-muenchen.de>
- Research Posts in Theoretical Computer science George Cleland <glc@dcs.edinburgh.ac.uk>
- Linear Lauchli Semantics: paper available SCPSG@acadvm1.uottawa.ca
- Question: typing with set of most general unifiers simonc@dcs.kcl.ac.uk
- LDPL'95 Call for participation ldpl95 <ldpl95@mathematik.th-darmstadt.de>
- Normalisation by Translation loader <loader@maths.ox.ac.uk>
- Lectureships Matthew Hennessy <matthewh@cogs.sussex.ac.uk>
- Papers available: game semantics for lazy lambda calculus. Guy McCusker <gam@doc.imperial.ac.uk>
- LICS Registration Update / Sample Newsletter felty@research.att.com (Amy Felty)
- Positions in Theoretical Computer Science M.Z.Kwiatkowska@computer-science.birmingham.ac.uk
- Research Studentships Matthew Hennessy <matthewh@cogs.sussex.ac.uk>
- SCILL wadler@dcs.gla.ac.uk
- Research Studentship Zhaohui.Luo@durham.ac.uk
- Announcement Jan Rutten <Jan.Rutten@cwi.nl>
- New linear logic bibliography Iliano Cervesato <iliano@AREND.TIP.CS.CMU.EDU>
- Polymorphic Record Calculus and Compilation Atsushi Ohori <ohori@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- addendum for Kfoury+Wells Dec. 1994 tech report jbw@cs.bu.edu (Joe Wells)
- decision problem for non-commutative linear logic Martin Emms <emms@cis.uni-muenchen.de>
- Information relating to the AMAST newsletter scollo@cs.utwente.nl (Pippo Scollo)
- Non-commutative MLL2 is undecidable maxk@ito.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp (Max KANOVITCH)
- paper available Michael Huth <huth@mathematik.th-darmstadt.de>
- Summer School on SEMANTICS AND LOGICS OF COMPUTATION Andrew Pitts <Andrew.Pitts@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- papers available Marek Zaionc <zaionc@cs.Buffalo.EDU>
- LICS'95 2nd Call for Participation felty@research.att.com (Amy Felty)
- THEMES IN THE SEMANTICS OF COMPUTATION Andrew Pitts <Andrew.Pitts@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- BRICS positions Uffe Engberg <engberg@daimi.aau.dk>
- Church Festschrift Refereeing Michael Zeleny <zeleny@math.ucla.edu>
- A New Basic Set or Proof Transformations Ruy de Queiroz <ruy@di.ufpe.br>
- positions in Nijmegen Wil Dekkers <wil@cs.kun.nl>
- Paper on binary methods in object-oriented languages available Gary Leavens <leavens@cs.iastate.edu>
- research position Abbas Edalat <ae@doc.ic.ac.uk>
- WADT11/COMPASS-8, 2nd CFP (ASCII & Latex) Magne.Haveraaen@ii.uib.no
- finite phase semantics lafont@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Yves LAFONT)
- LICS'95 Registration Reminder felty@research.att.com (Amy Felty)
- Dana Scott receives Honorary Degree from Edinburgh mikef@dcs.edinburgh.ac.uk
- COORDINATION'96 gorrieri@cs.unibo.it (Roberto Gorrieri)
- Structural Rules Avron Arnon <aa@math.tau.ac.il>
- garbled paper barr@triples.math.mcgill.ca (Michael Barr)
- Papers on a theory of objects luca@src.dec.com (Luca Cardelli)
- Submissions by e-mail (NEW DEADLINE) Ruy de Queiroz <ruy@di.ufpe.br>
- Research position at Chalmers Bengt Nordstr|m <bengt@cs.chalmers.se>
- Dana Scott, Honorary Degree Celebration; further details. Michael Fourman <mikef@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
- "Themes in the Semantics of Computation", 17--21 July 1995 Andrew Pitts <Andrew.Pitts@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- rewrite semantics for extended mu-calculus from continuation semantics Thomas Streicher <streicher@mathematik.th-darmstadt.de>
- Paper on lambda calculus optimal graph reductions Stefano Guerrini <guerrini@di.unipi.it>
- Cancellative LL Jean Marc Andreoli <Jean-Marc.Andreoli@xerox.fr>
- Advances in Linear Logic lafont@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Yves LAFONT)
- Cancellative LL Masaru Shirahata <sirahata@jaist.ac.jp>
- Re: Cancellative LL Jose Meseguer <meseguer@csl.sri.com>
- plain text ICFP CFP for electronic distribution Robert Harper <Robert_Harper@TERRIER.FOX.CS.CMU.EDU>
- Call for papers: CAAP-CC-ESOP 96 Helene Kirchner <Helene.Kirchner@loria.fr>
- NEW BOOK: Logic Programming: Formal Methods and Practical Applications Christoph.Beierle@fernuni-hagen.de (Christoph Beierle)
- Research positions at Sussex Matthew Hennessy <matthewh@cogs.sussex.ac.uk>
- Coq V5.10 Release Coq Team <coq@pauillac.inria.fr>
- Second order Lambek is undecidable maxk@ito.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp (Max KANOVITCH)
- Lectureships in Computer Science Rosemary Soutar <rs@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
- Chair in Computer Science "Roy L. Crole" <rlc3@mcs.le.ac.uk>
- university positions Peter Clote <clote@bluenote.bc.edu>
- SAS 95 Call for Participation Alan Mycroft <Alan.Mycroft@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- Linear logic in mathematical practice Vaughan Pratt <pratt@cs.Stanford.EDU>
- Post for Research Fellow J.A.Bayfield@ukc.ac.uk
- Static Analysis Symposium '95 simonpj@dcs.gla.ac.uk
- paper on interaction combinators lafont@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Yves LAFONT)
- ILPS'95 Workshop Announcement James Harland <jah@cs.rmit.edu.au>
- Job Ad: Post-Doctoral Fellowships at Edinburgh Rajagopal Nagarajan <R.Nagarajan@doc.ic.ac.uk>
- Availability of the linear logic programming language Lygon James Harland <jah@cs.rmit.edu.au>
- Advances in Linear Logic (corrected) lafont@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Yves LAFONT)
- paper: from Chu spaces to cpos lamarche@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Francois LAMARCHE)
- The relationship between exceptions and call/cc Mark Lillibridge <mdl@WILY.FOX.CS.CMU.EDU>
- paper: Subtyping Dependent Types David Aspinall <da@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
- Curry-Howard Isomorphism Dirk Dussart <dirkd@daimi.aau.dk>
- types Carolyn Talcott <clt@SAIL.Stanford.EDU>
- announcement of a congress sambin@euler.math.unipd.it (Giovanni Sambin)
- universe elimination rules Daniel Mahler <mahler@socs.uts.edu.au>
- CADE-13 Call for Papers Geoff Sutcliffe <geoff@cs.jcu.edu.au>
- TPTP-v1.2.0 release Geoff Sutcliffe <geoff@cs.jcu.edu.au>
- universe elimination rules (replies) Daniel Mahler <mahler@socs.uts.edu.au>
- MLLW2 is undecidable "Alexey P. Kopylov" <Lesik@kopylov.home.chg.ru>
- postgraduate studentship in Nijmegen Wil Dekkers <wil@cs.kun.nl>
- Curry-Howard Isomorphism (replies) Dirk Dussart <dirkd@daimi.aau.dk>
- WORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT Jeremy Gunawardena <jhcg@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
- Programme of the 1st Tbilisi Symposium on LLC tbilisi@cogsci.ed.ac.uk
- LICS'96 Call for Papers felty@research.att.com (Amy Felty)
- CFP: Goedel'96 -- August 25-29, Brno, Czech Republic Jiri Zlatuska <zlatuska@muni.cz>
- Hypertext Bibliography WWW page dmjones@theory.lcs.mit.edu (David M. Jones)
- Types Forum policy types@dcs.gla.ac.uk
- Two postdoctoral posts in Gothenburg & Nordstr|m <bengt@cs.chalmers.se>
- Tech report: `A theory of weak bisimulation for core CML' alanje@cogs.susx.ac.uk (Alan Jeffrey)
- Re: EXPONENTIAL girard@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Jean-Yves GIRARD)
- faculty positions Indiana U search <search@cs.indiana.edu>
- CFP: MFPW'96/NZFPDC'96 MFPW96@massey.ac.nz (Massey FP Workshop/NZFPDC)
- EXPONENTIALS (PS) girard@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Jean-Yves GIRARD)
- workshop on Games, Processes and Logic Andrew Pitts <Andrew.Pitts@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- Re: Types Forum policy types@dcs.gla.ac.uk
- CFP: 1996 Federated Logic Conference (text/Latex) howe@research.att.com (Doug Howe)
- Position Announcement schmidt@cis.ksu.edu (Dave Schmidt)
- LLI-Job at Saarbr"ucken, Germany kohlhase@cs.uni-sb.de
- Announce baillot@logique.jussieu.fr (Patrick Baillot)
- Shape papers Barry Jay <cbj1@doc.ic.ac.uk>
- Generalized Ultrametric Spaces Jan Rutten <Jan.Rutten@cwi.nl>
- paper on finite phase semantics lafont@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Yves LAFONT)
- Job opportunity "A. Jung" <aj204@newton.cam.ac.uk>
- 2nd CFP: MFPW'96/NZFPDC'96 MFPW96@massey.ac.nz (Massey FP Workshop/NZFPDC)
- CADE-14 Program Chair Geoff Sutcliffe <geoff@cs.jcu.edu.au>
- LICS'96 Second Call for Papers felty@research.att.com (Amy Felty)
- "A NEW DECONSTRUCTIVE LOGIC: LINEAR LOGIC" Harold Schellinx <schellin@math.ruu.nl>
- Effective topological lambda models spreen@informatik.uni-siegen.de (Dieter Spreen)
- Postdoc positions val@saul.cis.upenn.edu (Val Tannen)
- Subtyping for second-order types is undecidable Jerzy Tiuryn <Jerzy.Tiuryn@ens.fr>
- ON DENOTATIONAL COMPLETENESS girard@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Jean-Yves GIRARD)
- Robin Gandy bellin@logique.jussieu.fr
- Re: CONCUR'96 - Call for Papers ugo@DI.Unipi.IT
- AMAST'96 Call for Systems Demonstrations scollo@cs.utwente.nl (Pippo Scollo)
- Typing in object-oriented languages kim@cs.williams.edu (Kim Bruce)
- Journal of Functional Programming: state of play Simon L Peyton Jones <simonpj@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
- New WWW Page: Logic-Related Conferences howe@research.att.com (Doug Howe)
- LICS'96 Final Call for Papers + Correction felty@research.att.com (Amy Felty)
- Full abstraction for PCF Pasquale Malacaria <pm5@doc.ic.ac.uk>
- A Type-Theoretic Basis for an Object-Oriented Refinement Calculus Emil Sekerinski <esekerin@ra.abo.fi>
- Linear Logic 96, Tokyo Meeting Mitsu Okada <mitsu@abelard.flet.mita.keio.ac.jp>
- Typing in object-oriented languages kim@cs.williams.edu (Kim Bruce)
- British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science bctcs <bctcs12@ukc.ac.uk>
- Faculty Positions at Loyola University Chicago Konstantin Laufer <laufer@math.luc.edu>
- ELP'96: Call for Participation psh@hume.Informatik.Uni-Tuebingen.De (Peter Schroeder-Heister)
- Conference Announcement ICFP w/ FLIC Matthias Felleisen <matthias@cs.rice.edu>
- Lectureship in Computer Science "Roy L. Crole" <rlc3@mcs.le.ac.uk>
- Survey paper available A.Jung@cs.bham.ac.uk
- CFP: ESSLI96 Workshop on LP systems Vitor Santos Costa <vitor@rio.cos.ufrj.br>
- 3rd WoLLIC'96 - third call Ruy de Queiroz <ruy@di.ufpe.br>
- On Weak and Strong Normalisations HongWei_Xi@CTPS.TPS.CS.CMU.EDU
- Re: Call for papers: LOPSTR'96 john@cs.bris.ac.uk
- ESOP, CAAP, CC: call for participation Hanne Riis Nielson <hrn@daimi.aau.dk>
- CFP: ESSLI96 Workshop on LP systems Vitor Santos Costa <vitor@rio.cos.ufrj.br>
- Lectureship in Computer Science "Roy L. Crole" <rlc3@mcs.le.ac.uk>
- ELP'96: Call for Participation psh@hume.Informatik.Uni-Tuebingen.De (Peter Schroeder-Heister)
- FOOL Workshop call for papers kim@bull.cs.williams.edu (Kim Bruce)
- Research Position Matthew Hennessy <matthewh@tonic.cma.fr>
- MFPS Resgistration Information mwm@math.tulane.edu
- Re: On Weak and Strong Normalizations Morten Heine S|rensen <rambo@diku.dk>
- Associate Professor Positions at Italian Universities Eugenio Moggi <moggi@venus.disi.unige.it>
- Research Fellowship Zhaohui.Luo@durham.ac.uk
- a satellite meeting to Linear'96 Masaru Shirahata <sirahata@jaist.ac.jp>
- LACL call for papers Christian.Retore@loria.fr (Christian RETORE)
- Paper available by ftp "Robert A. G. Seely" <rags@triples.math.mcgill.ca>
- Postdoc: logic in computer science Harry Mairson <mairson@cs.brandeis.edu>
- AMAST'96 Preliminary Program scollo@cs.utwente.nl (Pippo Scollo)
- Coq distribution Gerard Huet <Gerard.Huet@inria.fr>
- Work-Shop Jean-Paul BAHSOUN <bahsoun@irit.fr>
- ESSLLI97 - Call for Proposals Bill Keller <billk@cogs.susx.ac.uk>
- Re: CADE-15 Solicitation -Reply SUTCLIFFE GEOFF <GEOFF@wpogate.mlsultan.ac.za>
- TLCA'97 call for papers j.r.hindley@swansea.ac.uk (Roger Hindley)
- Associate Professor Positions at Italian Universities Eugenio Moggi <moggi@venus.disi.unige.it>
- Research Position Matthew Hennessy <matthewh@tonic.cma.fr>
- Re: On Weak and Strong Normalizations Morten Heine S|rensen <rambo@diku.dk>
- Non-dependant PTS's Neil Ghani <Neil.Ghani@ens.fr>
- Paper available: Linear Logic complements Classical Logic Vaughan Pratt <pratt@cs.stanford.edu>
- [cfp]: algi3 AKAMA Youji <akama@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
- No Subject Linear96 <linear96@abelard.flet.mita.keio.ac.jp>
- Types Forum Philip Wadler <wadler@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
- Re: Non-dependant PTS's Randy Pollack <pollack@cs.chalmers.se>
- Re: Non-dependant PTS's David Aspinall <da@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
- Linear Logic 96 Linear96 <linear96@abelard.flet.mita.keio.ac.jp>
- PVS Tutorial/Workshop in Tokyo: April 4, 1996 at Kieo U.(Mita campus) shankar@csl.sri.com
- CADE-13 Workshop on Proof search in Type-Theoretic Languages Didier Galmiche <Didier.Galmiche@loria.fr>
- WN => SN Morten Heine S|rensen <rambo@diku.dk>
- NEC Research Symposium May 20-21 wright@research.nj.nec.com (Andrew Wright)
- Last CC/ESOP/CAAP call for participation Patrik Hagglund <patha@ida.liu.se>
- AMAST'96: Call for Partecipation Bernhard Reus <reus@cd1.lrz-muenchen.de>
- FOOL Workshop paper submission problem kim@bull.cs.williams.edu (Kim Bruce)
- reminder: ICFP '96, FCRC '96 Robert Harper <Robert_Harper@TERRIER.FOX.CS.CMU.EDU>
- Two logic papers ale@csdec1.tuwien.ac.at (Alessandra Carbone)
- Finite Model Theory Tutorial "Roy L. Crole" <rlc3@mcs.le.ac.uk>
- ASIAN'96 CALL FOR PAPERS Joxan Jaffar <joxan@iscs.nus.sg>
- CADE-13 ATP System Competition Sutcliffe Geoff <geoff@informatik.tu-muenchen.de>
- GOEDEL'96 - Conference Programme Milan Daniel <milan@uivt.cas.cz>
- BRICS Autumn School in Verification Allan Cheng <acheng@brics.dk>
- new job Carl Gunter <gunter@central.cis.upenn.edu>
- reminder: fcrc registration deadline looms Robert Harper <rwh@cs.cmu.edu>
- ACM Summer School school@tcs.uni.wroc.pl
- new job Carl Gunter <gunter@central.cis.upenn.edu>
- ACM Summer School school@tcs.uni.wroc.pl
- FLoC'96 Advance Program howe@research.att.com (Doug Howe)
- ECOOP'96 Workshop Jean-Paul BAHSOUN <bahsoun@irit.fr>
- Coherent Banach Spaces : A Continuous Denotational Semantics girard@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Jean-Yves GIRARD)
- SAS'96: last call for papers Radhia Cousot <radhia@lix.polytechnique.fr>
- LICS'96 Advance Program + Registration Information howe@research.att.com (Doug Howe)
- Lecturing Position Martin Odersky <odersky@ira.uka.de>
- Reorg of half of Boole.Stanford.EDU Vaughan Pratt <pratt@cs.stanford.edu>
- types Didier Galmiche <Didier.Galmiche@loria.fr>
- DIMACS Workshop on Computational Complexity and Programming bquigley@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- Multiplicative conjunction Arnon Avron <aa@math.tau.ac.il>
- Decidability question Neil Ghani <Neil.Ghani@ens.fr>
- paper available by ftp : definite version girard@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Jean-Yves GIRARD)
- Announcing Hypatia Electronic Library Hypatia Electronic Library <hypatia@doc.ic.ac.uk>
- last issue of the paper journal FORMALIZED MATHEMATICS 5(1), 1996 Roman Matuszewski <ROMAT@plearn.edu.pl>
- relative definability ehrhard@lmd.univ-mrs.fr (Thomas EHRHARD)
- Call for papers: POPL '97 Fritz Henglein <henglein@diku.dk>
- NuPrl extract terms Jonathan Whittle <jonathw@aisb.ed.ac.uk>
- reference required Larry.Paulson@cl.cam.ac.uk (Larry Paulson)
- The 1996 Summer School on Advanced Functional Programming Jeff Lewis <jlewis@cse.ogi.edu>
- technical report Robert Harper <rwh@cs.cmu.edu>
- Participation Call: TPHOLs'96 - Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics Jim Grundy <jim.grundy@abo.fi>
- CONCUR 96: Programme and forst call for participation Vladimiro Sassone <vladi@DI.Unipi.IT>
- remove snyder@cs.bu.edu (Wayne Snyder)
- please remove me Zulah Karen Eckert <eckert@goober.cs.colorado.edu>
- Please remove me. kaku@slab.ntt.jp (Kaku 'DUKE' Takeuchi)
- TAPSOFT'97 CALL FOR PAPER. Marc.Tommasi@lifl.fr
- CS research fellowship for women Bj|rn von Sydow <sydow@cs.chalmers.se>
- Workshop on Foundations of OO languages kim@bull.cs.williams.edu (Kim Bruce)
- re: reference required Lawrence C Paulson <Larry.Paulson@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- Types in Monadic Mobile Processes ny@dcs.ed.ac.uk
- A kappa-denotational semantics of Map Theory. berline@logique.jussieu.fr
- International School on Type Theory and Term Rewriting fairouz <fairouz@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
- FLoC'96: Second Call for Participation howe@research.att.com (Doug Howe)
- Multi-Level Specifications (new papers) Eelco Visser <visser@fwi.uva.nl>
- Subtypes vs. Convertible Types shang@cadsun.corp.mot.com (David Lujun Shang)
- CFP reminder: ASIAN'96 Roland Yap Hock Chuan <ryap@iscs.nus.sg>
- Soundness of the C++ or Java type system scd@doc.ic.ac.uk (Sophia Drossopoulou)
- paper announcement for linear mailing list bellin@logique.jussieu.fr
- 8th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (short announcement) Magne.Haveraaen@ii.uib.no
- FOOL 4: Call for papers / appel `a communications "Benjamin C. Pierce" <bcp1000@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) Simon L Peyton Jones <simonpj@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
- types Roman Garcia <roman@info.unlp.edu.ar>
- Reminder: Workshop on Foundations of OO languages kim@bull.cs.williams.edu (Kim Bruce)
- a web page drawing type assignment figures Sachio Hirokawa <hirokawa@i.kyushu-u.ac.jp>
- Volunteer Typesetters Wanted Michael Zeleny <zeleny@math.ucla.edu>
- paper Dusko Pavlovic <duskop@cogs.susx.ac.uk>
- papers available Alessandra Carbone <ale@csdec1.tuwien.ac.at>
- LOGSEM workshop in Birmingham Valeria DePaiva <V.DePaiva@cs.bham.ac.uk>
- Moving on Jean Gallier <jean@saul.cis.upenn.edu>
- types fairouz@win.tue.nl (Fairouz Kamareddine)
- Sussex technical reports julianr@cogs.susx.ac.uk (Julian Rathke)
- A Type System for Gnome amar@math.ist.utl.pt (Antonio Ravara)
- Preliminary call for papers for TACS 97 (Sendai, Japan) ma@pa.dec.com
- websites, ftp, and copyright Phil Scott <phil@csi.uottawa.ca>
- TABLEAUX'97 Call for Papers Didier Galmiche <Didier.Galmiche@loria.fr>
- First Workshop on FP in Argentina: IMPORTANT CHANGES Roman Garcia <roman@info.unlp.edu.ar>
- Job advert: 3 Lecturer B Positions in Adelaide, Australia Martin Odersky <odersky@ira.uka.de>
- Logic/Semantics Tools from Kansas State University Allen Stoughton <allen@cis.ksu.edu>
- Fool workshop: 2nd call for papers / 2me appel aux communications "Benjamin C. Pierce" <bcp1000@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- Faculty Position Matthew Hennessy <matthewh@cogs.susx.ac.uk>
- Fool workshop: 2nd call for papers / 2me appel aux communications "Benjamin C. Pierce" <bcp1000@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- Minimal Typings in Atomic Subtyping Jakob Rehof <rehof@diku.dk>
- Research Fellowship Zhaohui.Luo@durham.ac.uk
- Tech. Rep. on specialization inheritance and lambda-&-calculus Marco Temperini <marte@ifi.uio.no>
- research post at
Kent dat <D.A.Turner at ukc.ac.uk>
- Kanellakis Award Moshe Vardi <vardi@cs.rice.edu>
- Postdoc at Penn Carl Gunter <gunter@central.cis.upenn.edu>
- Minimal Typings in Atomic Subtyping Jakob Rehof <rehof@diku.dk>
- types vogler@orchid.inf.tu-dresden.de (Prof. Dr. Vogler)
- CFP: 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Continuations Andrzej Filinski <aof@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
- types Jens Palsberg <palsberg@cs.purdue.edu>
- BOOK: Foundations for Programming Languages (Mitchell) Mitchell@CS.Stanford.EDU (John C. Mitchell)
- Position at QMW Edmund Robinson <E.P.Robinson@dcs.qmw.ac.uk>
- Automated Analysis of Software Rance Cleaveland <rance@eos.ncsu.edu>
- A Typed Context Calculus Atsushi Ohori <ohori@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- Postdoctoral Position at Imperial College Lindsay Errington <le@doc.ic.ac.uk>
- ICALP'97 -- first call for papers gorrieri@cs.unibo.it (Roberto Gorrieri)
- CADE-13 ATP Competition Results Geoff Sutcliffe <geoff@cs.jcu.edu.au>
- Submit exceptional papers to JACM Mitchell@CS.Stanford.EDU (John C. Mitchell)
- LOGSEM Workshop in B'ham Valeria DePaiva <V.DePaiva@cs.bham.ac.uk>
- Book: A Theory of Objects Luca Cardelli <luca@pa.dec.com>
- CFP - CTCS'97 conference Eugenio Moggi <moggi@venus.disi.unige.it>
- Book: A Theory of Objects Luca Cardelli <luca@pa.dec.com>
- Ph.D. Studentships "Roy L. Crole" <rlc3@mcs.le.ac.uk>
- A Partially Deadlock-free Process Calculus KOBAYASHI Naoki <koba@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
- TapSoft'97 : 2nd Call For Paper Marc.Tommasi@lifl.fr
- LICS'97 Call for Papers types <types@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
- LACL call for participation Christian.Retore@loria.fr (Christian RETORE)
- Revision of paper on ftp "Robert A. G. Seely" <rags@triples.math.mcgill.ca>
- Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages Sam Kamin <kamin@cs.uiuc.edu>
- CADE-14 Call for Papers, Workshops, Tutorials Sutcliffe Geoff <geoff@informatik.tu-muenchen.de>
- Paper available GM Bierman <Gavin.Bierman@cl.cam.ac.uk>
- last issue of the paper journal FORMALIZED MATHEMATICS 5(2), 1996 Roman Matuszewski <ROMAT@plearn.edu.pl>
- Announcement Jan Rutten <Jan.Rutten@cwi.nl>
- Fuji Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming (Advance Program) Atsushi Ohori <ohori@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- Announcement of paper: FILL "Robert A. G. Seely" <rags@triples.math.mcgill.ca>
- CFP Workshop on Types in Compilation (TIC97) muller@cs.bc.edu
- CFP for Intl. Workshop on Database Programming Languages (DBPL) hull@research.bell-labs.com (Rick Hull)
- CSL '97 first announcement and call for papers Uffe Henrik Engberg <engberg@brics.dk>
- Workshop on Automated Analysis of Software Fritz Henglein <henglein@diku.dk>
- paper on polymorphic pi-calculus available Davide Sangiorgi <davide@duick.cma.fr>
- ASIAN'96 Preliminary Program (long) Roland Yap Hock Chuan <ryap@iscs.nus.sg>
- Announcement: Research Assistant Position Available Thom Fruehwirth <fruehwir@informatik.uni-muenchen.de>
- CADE-14 CFP: 2nd Call Sutcliffe Geoff <geoff@informatik.tu-muenchen.de>
- New Paper Available phil@mathstat.uottawa.ca (Phil Scott)
- paper available on typed pi-calculus and objects Davide Sangiorgi <davide@duick.cma.fr>
- 8th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (second announcement) Magne.Haveraaen@ii.uib.no (Magne Haveraaen local)
- paper on the soundness of the Java type system Sophia Drossopoulou <scd@doc.ic.ac.uk>
- ftp and URL location of the Java soundness paper Sophia Drossopoulou <scd@doc.ic.ac.uk>
- ICFP'97: update and final call for papers Simon L Peyton Jones <simonpj@cse.ogi.edu>
- POPL '97 advance program Fritz Henglein <henglein@diku.dk>
- Brouwer on idempotence of AND or OR Vaughan Pratt <pratt@CS.Stanford.EDU>
- CADE-14 ATP System Competition Call for Participation Sutcliffe Geoff <geoff@informatik.tu-muenchen.de>
- TABLEAUX'97 Last call for papers Didier Galmiche <Didier.Galmiche@loria.fr>
- Hindley-Milner type inference in pseudo-linear time. David McAllester <dmac@research.att.com>
- ICLP97 call for papers iclppubl <iclppubl@cs.kuleuven.ac.be>
- fellowships announcement for the type mailing lists Barthe Gilles <Gilles.Barthe@cwi.nl>
- types as values Brian Postow <postow@chert.CS.ORST.EDU>
- New Types Forum Moderator Types dist list <types@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
- Re: New Types Forum Moderator Benjamin Pierce <pierce@cs.indiana.edu>
- No Subject <sanchis@top.cis.syr.edu>
- Professorship at University of Provence amadio@gyptis.univ-mrs.fr (Roberto Amadio)
- FOOL workshop: Call for Participation Benjamin Pierce <pierce@cs.indiana.edu>
- Book announcement: Algol-like languages "Peter O'Hearn" <ohearn@dcs.qmw.ac.uk>
- POPL '97: 2nd call for participation Fritz Henglein <henglein@diku.dk>
- Book on Domains and Lambda Calculi amadio@gyptis.univ-mrs.fr (Roberto Amadio)
- Call for papers for TACS 97 (Sendai, Japan) <ma@pa.dec.com>
- Paper announcement Zhenyu Qian <qian@Informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE>
- LLL semantics Andre Scedrov <scedrov@saul.cis.upenn.edu>
- Thesis Torben Brauner <tor@brics.dk>
- Hilbert systems vs. Gentzen systems Healfdene Goguen <hhg@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
- Hilbert systems vs. Gentzen systems Thorsten Altenkirch <alti@informatik.uni-muenchen.de>
- Re: Hilbert systems vs. Gentzen systems selinger@math.upenn.edu (Peter Selinger)