
Final CFP for Static Analysis Symposium SAS'95 (deadline mid-April)

[Since it is clearly relevant, I am distributing this conference
announcement to types.  -- Philip Wadler, moderator, Types Forum.]

Please find attached the final call-for-papers for SAS'95.
Details are also available by http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/am/sas-95.
Alan Mycroft, PC chair.
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\begin{document}					\begin{center}
		Final Call For Papers
  International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'95)
Kelvin Conference Centre, Glasgow, 25--27 September 1995
{\bf Location}								\\[.5em]
Glasgow is a vigorous city, an active cultural centre,
and features some of the best Indian restaurants in Europe.
The splendid Highlands and Islands of Scotland are within easy reach.
It has direct flights to many European and North-American cities.
It lies 600km north of London (frequent flights or 5--6 hours by train).
{\bf Program Committee}							\\[.5em]
Marc-Michel Corsini	& Bordeaux FR					\\
Patrick Cousot		& ENS Paris FR					\\
Gilberto Fil\`e		& Padova IT					\\
Chris Hankin		& Imperial College UK				\\
Pierre Jouvelot		& ENSMP Fontainebleau FR			\\
Baudouin Le Charlier	& Namur BE					\\
Daniel Le Metayer	& Rennes FR					\\
Peter Lee		& Carnegie Mellon US				\\
Kim Marriott		& Monash AU					\\
Alan Mycroft		& Cambridge UK (chair)				\\
Flemming Nielson	& Aarhus DK					\\
Ulf Nilsson		& Link\"oping SE				\\
Martin Odersky		& Karlsruhe DE					\\
Uday Reddy		& Illinois US 						\\
Mads Rosendahl		& Roskilde DK					\\
Harald Sondergaard	& Melbourne AU					\\
Bernhard Steffen	& Passau DE					\\
Philip Wadler		& Glasgow UK			\end{tabular}	\\~\\
{\bf Local Organisation}						\\[.5em]
Simon Peyton Jones~~	& Glasgow					\\
Andy Gill 		& Glasgow 			\end{tabular}	\\~\\
{\bf Important Dates}							\\[.5em]
Deadline: &{\tt 	15 April					}\\
Notification: &{\tt 	10 June						}\\
Final Version: &{\tt 	3 July				}\end{tabular}	\\~\\
{\bf Contact and Submission address}					\\[.5em]
Email: &{\tt	sas-95@cl.cam.ac.uk				} \\
Phone: & 	+44 1223 334621					\\
Fax:   &	+44 1223 334678					\\
Post:	&	Alan Mycroft					\\
	&	Computer Laboratory				\\
	&	New Museums Site				\\
	&	Pembroke Street					\\
	&	Cambridge CB2 3QG				\\
	&	United Kingdom				\end{tabular} 
% \\Only electronic and postal submissions will be considered. \\
							}{ %%% twocol
Static Analysis is increasingly recognised as a fundamental tool for
high performance implementations and verification systems of high-level
programming languages. The last two decades have witnessed substantial
developments in this area, ranging from theoretical frameworks to
design and implementation of analysers and their applications in
optimising compilers.

SAS'95 is the second international symposium on static analysis;
it follows the growth trend of
SAS'94 in Namur (Belgium), WSA'93 in Padova (Italy)
and JTASPEFL and WSA'92 in Bordeaux (France).
The technical program for the symposium
will consist of invited lectures, presentations of refereed papers and
software demonstrations. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of Static
Analysis, including, but not limited to
Abstract Interpretation		&	Optimising Compilers		\\
Applications                    &	Specific Analyses		\\
Complexity                      &	Theoretical Frameworks		\\
Experimental Evaluation         &	Verification Systems		\\
Fixpoint Algorithms             &	Type Inference			\\
Partial Evaluation              &	Abstract Domains

Submissions can address~any programming paradigm, including concurrent,
constraint, functional, imperative, logic and object-oriented programming.
Survey papers which present some aspect of the above topics with a new
coherence are also welcomed.

Papers must be written in English, must not exceed 15 pages (excluding
references and figures) and must contain a cover page including the following:
a 200 word abstract, keywords, and postal and electronic mailing addresses as
well as phone numbers and fax numbers of one of the authors.

Submissions should arrive at the following address by 15 APRIL 1995:
either e-mail a WWW URL descriptor for your submission; or e-mail a Postscript
or (uuencoded) DVI file; or send SIX paper copies.  (Electronic submission
is prefered but do ensure that your submission is self-contained and prints on
A4 paper.)  In any case please also e-mail an ascii or Latex
version of the cover page if possible.

Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their papers by
10 JUNE 1995. Final versions of the accepted papers must be received in
camera-ready form by 3 JULY 1995. We anticipate that the proceedings will
again be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.
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Information on SAS'95 is available from the WWW URL		{\tt
    http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/am/sas-95			} \end{center}
