
LICS'96 Second Call for Papers

[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]

[A postscript version of the call for papers is available via the LICS
 web page at http://www.research.att.com/lics/, and via anonymous ftp
 from research.att.com, directory /dist/lics.]

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.]

                   Eleventh Annual IEEE Symposium on
                      LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE
           July 27-30, 1996, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

The LICS Symposium aims to attract original papers of high quality on
theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to
logic in a broad sense, including algebraic, categorical and
topological approaches.

Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest include: abstract
data types, automated deduction, categorical models, concurrency,
constraint programming, constructive mathematics, database theory,
domain theory, finite model theory, hybrid systems, logics of
knowledge, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic, logical
aspects of computational complexity, logics in artificial
intelligence, logic programming, modal and temporal logics, model
checking, program logic and semantics, rewriting, logical aspects of
symbolic computing, software specification, type systems,

Paper submission: Send 12 copies of an extended abstract (not a full
paper) to the program chair to be received by December 13, 1995.  This
deadline is firm; late submissions will not be considered.  Authors
without access to copiers may submit a single copy.  Authors will be
notified of acceptance or rejection by March 7, 1996.  Accepted papers
in a specified format for the proceedings will be due May 7, 1996.

The first page of the extended abstract should include the title of
the paper, names and affiliations of authors, a brief synopsis, and
the contact author's name, address, phone number, fax number, and
email address, if available.

The extended abstract may not exceed 10 typed pages in no less than
11-point font, with a line spacing of no less than 1.5.  It must be in
English and provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee
to assess the merits of the paper.  It should begin with a succinct
statement of the issues, a summary of the main results, and a brief
explanation of their significance and relevance to the conference, all
phrased for the non-specialist.  References and comparisons with
related work should be included.  Technical development directed to
the specialist should follow.  Submissions departing significantly
from these guidelines risk rejection.

Dual submissions: The results must be unpublished and not submitted
for publication elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia
or workshops (see exception below).  All authors of accepted papers
will be expected to sign copyright release forms.  One author of each
accepted paper will be expected to present the paper at the

As a one-time experiment, submissions to LICS this year can also be
submitted to the Israeli Symposium on the Theory of Computing and
Systems (ISTCS), provided this is clearly indicated on the cover page
of the submission.  If the paper is accepted to both LICS and ISTCS,
then the paper will be included in the LICS proceedings, and the ISTCS
proceedings will include only a 1-page abstract with a pointer to the
LICS proceedings.

	Submission deadline: December 13, 1995
	Notification: March 7, 1996
	Final papers due: May 7, 1996
	Conference: July 27-30, 1996

The symposium is part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC),
July 27-August 3, 1996, being hosted by the Center for Discrete
Mathematics and Computer Science, Rutgers University, as part of its
Special Year on Logic and Algorithms.  In addition to LICS, FLoC
includes the following related conferences: Rewriting Techniques and
Applications (RTA), Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE), and
Computer-Aided Verification (CAV).  LICS and RTA will be held in
parallel during the first four days of FLoC.  CADE and CAV will be
held during the last four days, with CADE workshops running in
parallel with the last day of LICS.  Plenary events involving all the
conferences are scheduled.  For further information on FLoC and the
participating conferences, see the FLoC home page at
Information about the Special Year can be found in

The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on
Mathematical Foundations of Computing in cooperation with the
Association for Symbolic Logic, the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science, and the Association for Computing

Kleene Award for Best Student Paper: An award of $500, in honor of the
late S.C. Kleene, will be given to the best paper, as judged by the
program committee, written solely by one or more students.  A
submission is eligible if all authors are full-time students at the
time of submission.  This should be indicated in the submission
letter.  The program committee may decline to make the award or may
split it among several papers.

  Edmund M. Clarke
  Department of Computer Science
  Carnegie Mellon University
  Pittsburgh, PA 15228
      Phone: (412) 268-2628
      Fax: (412) 268-5576

   S. Buss, UC San Diego                 P. Lincoln, SRI
   E. Clarke, CMU                        J. Mitchell, Stanford
   A. Emerson, UT Austin                 U. Montanari, Univ. Pisa
   S. German, IBM Watson                 P. Panangaden, McGill
   G. Gottlob, TU Vienna                 F. Pfenning, CMU
   O. Grumberg, Technion                 J. Rushby, SRI
   D. Howe, AT&T Bell Labs               C. Stirling, Edinburgh
   C. Kirchner, INRIA & CRIN             A. Stolboushkin, UCLA
   K. Kunen, Wisconsin                   G. Winskel, Aarhus

   Jon G. Riecke
   AT&T Bell Laboratories
   600 Mountain Avenue
   Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA

   Moshe Y. Vardi
   Department of Computer Science
   Rice University
   6100 S. Main Street
   Houston, Texas 77251-1892, USA

   M. Abadi, S. Abramsky, S. Artemov, E. Boerger, A. Borodin,
   W. Brauer, A. Bundy, S. Buss, E. Clarke, R. Constable, A. Felty,
   U. Goltz, D. Howe, G. Huet, J.-P. Jouannaud, D. Kapur, C. Kirchner,
   P. Kolaitis, D. Kozen, T. Leighton, D. Leivant, A.R. Meyer,
   D. Miller, J. Mitchell, Y. Moschovakis, M. Okada, P. Panangaden,
   J. Remmel, J. Riecke, S. Ronchi della Rocca, A. Scedrov, D. Scott,
   J. Tiuryn, M.Y. Vardi

   Amy Felty and Douglas Howe
   AT&T Bell Laboratories
   600 Mountain Avenue,
   Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA
	 felty@research.att.com, howe@research.att.com

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{\bf CALL FOR PAPERS}\\[2ex]
{\large Eleventh Annual IEEE Symposium on }\\[2ex]
{\large\it July 27--30, 1996, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA}
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\parskip 4pt

{\bf Program Chair:} \\[1mm]
Edmund M.~Clarke\\
Department of Computer Science\\
Carnegie Mellon University\\
Pittsburgh, PA 15228\\
{\tt lics96@cs.cmu.edu} \\
Phone: (412) 268-2628 \\
Fax: (412) 268-5576\\[1mm]

{\bf Program Committee:}\\[1mm]
S.~Buss, \i{UC San Diego}\\
E.~Clarke, \i{CMU}\\
A.~Emerson, \i{UT Austin}\\
S.~German, \i{IBM Watson}\\
G.~Gottlob, \i{TU Vienna}\\
O.~Grumberg, \i{Technion}\\
D.~Howe, \i{AT\&T Bell Labs}\\
C.~Kirchner, \i{INRIA \& CRIN}\\
K.~Kunen, \i{Wisconsin}\\
P.~Lincoln, \i{SRI}\\
J.~Mitchell, \i{Stanford}\\
U.~Montanari, \i{Univ.~Pisa}\\
P.~Panangaden, \i{McGill}\\
F.~Pfenning, \i{CMU}\\
J.~Rushby, \i{SRI}\\
C.~Stirling, \i{Edinburgh}\\
A.~Stolboushkin, \i{UCLA}\\
G.~Winskel, \i{Aarhus }\\[1mm]

{\bf Conference Chair:} \\[1mm]
Jon G.~Riecke\\
AT\&T Bell Laboratories\\
600 Mountain Avenue\\
Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA\\
{\tt riecke@research.att.com}

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The {\bf LICS} Symposium aims to attract original papers of high
quality on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that
relate to logic in a broad sense, including algebraic, categorical and
topological approaches.

Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest include: {\em
abstract data types, automated deduction, categorical models,
concurrency, constraint programming, constructive mathematics,
database theory, domain theory, finite model theory, hybrid systems,
logics of knowledge, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logical aspects of computational complexity, logics in artificial
intelligence, logic programming, modal and temporal logics, model
checking, program logic and semantics, rewriting, logical aspects of
symbolic computing, software specification, type systems,

{\bf Paper submission:} Send 12 copies of an extended abstract (not a
full paper) to the {\bf program chair} to be {\bf received} by {\bf
December 13, 1995}.  {\sl This deadline is firm; late submissions will
not be considered.}  Authors without access to copiers may submit a
single copy.  Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by
March 7, 1996.  Accepted papers in a specified format for the
proceedings will be due May 7, 1996.

The first page of the extended abstract should include the title of
the paper, names and affiliations of authors, a brief synopsis, and
the contact author's name, address, phone number, fax number, and
email address, if available.

The extended abstract may not exceed 10 typed pages in no less than
11-point font, with a line spacing of no less than 1.5.  It must be in
English and provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee
to assess the merits of the paper.  It should begin with a succinct
statement of the issues, a summary of the main results, and a brief
explanation of their significance and relevance to the conference, all
phrased for the non-specialist.  References and comparisons with
related work should be included.  Technical development directed to
the specialist should follow.  Submissions departing significantly
from these guidelines risk rejection.


\begin{minipage}[t]{2.20in}% first column
\parskip 4pt

{\bf General Chair:}\\[1mm]
Moshe Y.~Vardi\\
Department of Computer Science\\
Rice University\\
6100 S.~Main Street\\
Houston, Texas 77005-1892, USA\\
{\tt vardi@cs.rice.edu}\\[1mm]

{\bf Organizing Committee:}\\[1mm]
M.~Abadi, S.~Abramsky,\\
S.~Artemov, E.~B\"orger,\\
A.~Borodin, W.~Brauer,\\
A.~Bundy, S.~Buss,\\
E.~Clarke, R.~Constable,\\
A.~Felty, U.~Goltz, D.~Howe,\\
G.~Huet, J.-P.~Jouannaud,\\
D.~Kapur, C.~Kirchner,\\
P.~Kolaitis, D.~Kozen,\\
T.~Leighton, D.~Leivant,\\
A.R.~Meyer, D.~Miller,\\
J.~Mitchell, Y.~Moschovakis,\\
M.~Okada, P.~Panangaden,\\
J.~Remmel, J.~Riecke,\\
S.~Ronchi della Rocca,\\
A.~Scedrov, D.~Scott,\\
J.~Tiuryn, M.Y.~Vardi. \\[1mm]

{\bf Publicity Co-Chairs:}\\[1mm]
Amy Felty \& Douglas Howe\\
AT\&T Bell Laboratories\\
600 Mountain Avenue\\
Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA\\
{\tt felty@research.att.com}\\
{\tt howe@research.att.com}\\

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{\bf Dual submissions}:
The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or workshops
(see exception below).  All authors of accepted papers will be expected 
to sign copyright release forms.  One author of each accepted paper will 
be expected to present the paper at the conference.

As a one-time experiment, submissions to LICS this year can also be
submitted to the Israeli Symposium on the Theory of Computing and
Systems (ISTCS), provided this is clearly indicated on the cover page
of the submission.  If the paper is accepted to both LICS and ISTCS,
then the paper will be included in the LICS proceedings, and the ISTCS
proceedings will include only a 1-page abstract with a pointer to the
LICS proceedings.

The symposium is part of the {\bf Federated Logic Conference} (FLoC),
July 27--August 3, 1996, being hosted by the Center for Discrete
Mathematics and Computer Science, Rutgers University, as part of its
Special Year on Logic and Algorithms.  In addition to LICS, FLoC
includes the following related conferences: Rewriting Techniques and
Applications (RTA), Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE), and
Computer-Aided Verification (CAV).  LICS and RTA will be held in
parallel during the first four days of FLoC.  CADE and CAV will be
held during the last four days, with CADE workshops running in
parallel with the last day of LICS.  Plenary events involving all the
conferences are scheduled.  
For further information on FLoC and the
participating conferences, see the FLoC home page at {\tt
Information about the Special Year can be found in 
{\tt http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/}.

The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on
Mathematical Foundations of Computing in cooperation with the
Association for Symbolic Logic, the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science, and the Association for Computing

{\bf Kleene Award for Best Student Paper:}
An award of \$500, in honor of the late S.C.\ Kleene, will be given to
the best paper, as judged by the program committee, written solely by
one or more students.  A submission is eligible if all authors are
full-time students at the time of submission.  This should be
indicated in the submission letter.  The program committee may decline
to make the award or may split it among several papers.