
Last CC/ESOP/CAAP call for participation

[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]

Last reminder.


                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

             European Symposium on Programming (ESOP'96)
                             22--24 April

       Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming (CAAP'96)
                             22--24 April

      International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC'96)
                             24--26 April

                           Linko"ping Sweden
                              April 1996

                       In cooperation with IFIP

Note: Early registration deadline - March 15


Sunday April 21

               (at Frimurarehotellet)

Monday April 22

09.00 - 10.00  CA1   Invited speaker: S. Abramsky
                     Semantics of interaction
10.00 - 10.30  E1    F. Bueno, D. Cabeza, M. Hermenegildo, G. Puebla
                     Global Analysis of Standard Prolog Programs
               CA2   A. Bottreau, Y. Me'tivier
                     The Kronecker product and local computations in
10.30 - 11.00  COFFEE BREAK
11.00 - 11.30  E2    H. Seidl
                     Integer Constraints to Stop Deforestation
               CA3   M. Madonia, S. Varricchio
                     Iterative pairs and multitape automata
11.30 - 12.00  E3    T. Jensen, I. Mackie
                     Flow Analysis in the Geometry of Interaction
               CA4   A. Boudet, H. Comon
                     Diophantine Equations, Presburger Arithmetic and
                     Finite Automata
12.00 - 12.30  E4    R. Giacobazzi, F. Ranzato
                     Compositional Optimization of Disjunctive
                     Abstract Interpretations
               CA5   A. Ku"hnemann
                     A pumping Lemma for Output Languages of Macro
                     Tree Transducers
12.30 - 14.00        LUNCH
14.00 - 15.00  E5    C.B. Jones
                     Some Practical Problems and their Influence on
15.00 - 15.30  E6    F. Maraninchi, N. Halbwachs
                     Compositional Semantics of Non-deterministic
                     Synchronous Languages
               CA6   D. Merlini, R. Sprugnoli, M.C. Verri
                     The area determined by underdiagonal lattice paths
15.30 - 16.00  COFFEE BREAK
16.00 - 16.30  E7    R. Barbuti, P. Mancarella
                     A Multiple-valued Logical Semantics for Prolog
               CA7   Y. Takayama
                     Extraction of Concurrent Processes from Higher
                     Dimensional Automata
16.30 - 17.00  E8    M. Alpuente, M. Falaschi, G. Vidal
                     Narrowing-driven Partial Evaluation of Functional
                     Logic Programs
               CA8   R. Kaivola
                     Axiomatising Extended Computation Tree Logic
17.00 - 17.30  E9    D. Bechet
                     Removing Value Encoding using Alternative Values
                     in Partial Evaluation of Strongly-Typed Languages
               CA9   M. Lenisa
                     Final Semantics for a Higher Order Concurrent

Tuesday April 23

09.00 - 10.00  CA10  F. Pfenning
                     The practice of logical framework
10.00 - 10.30  E10   E. Goubault
                     Durations for Truly-concurrent Transitions
               CA11  L. Bachmair, T. Chen, C.R. Ramakrishnan,
                     I.V. Ramakrishnan
                     Subsumption Algorithms Based on Search Trees
10.30 - 11.00  COFFEE BREAK
11.00 - 11.30  E11   K. Stlen
                     Assumption/Commitment Rules for Data-flow
                     Networks - with an Emphasis on Completeness
               CA12  M. Fernndez, I. Mackie
                     Interaction Nets and Term Rewriting Systems
11.30 - 12.00  E12   S. Melzer, J. Esparza
                     Checking System Properties via Integer Programming
               CA13  B. Lisper
                     Computing in Unpredictable Environments:
                     Semantics, Reduction Strategies, and Program
12.00 - 12.30  E13   U. Montanari, M. Pistore, D. Yankelevich
                     Efficient Minimization up to Location Equivalence
               CA14  J. Glauert, Z. Khasidashvili
                     Relative Normalization in Deterministic Residual
12.30 - 14.00  LUNCH
14.00 - 14.30  E14   G. Smith, D. Volpano
                     Towards an ML-style Polymorphic Type System for C
               CA15  T. Arts
                     Termination by absence of infinite chains of
                     dependency pairs
14.30 - 15.00  E15   P. Fradet, R. Gaugne, D. Le Me'tayer
                     Static Detection of Pointer Errors: an
                     Axiomatisation and a Checking Algorithm
               CA16  B. Gramlich
                     Confluence without Termination via Parallel
                     Critical Pairs
15.00 - 15.30  E16   E. Rohwedder, F. Pfenning
                     Mode and Termination Checking for Higher-Order
                     Logic Programs
               CA17  E.A. Cichon, H. Touzet
                     An Ordinal Calculus for Proving Termination in
                     Term Rewriting
15.30 - 16.00  COFFEE BREAK
16.00 - 16.30  E17   J. Palsberg, B. Patt-Shamir, K. Lieberherr
                     A New Approach to Compiling Adaptive Programs
               CA18  M. Bidoit, A. Tarlecki
                     Behavioural satisfaction and equivalence in
                     concrete model categories
16.30 - 17.00  E18   S. Liang, P. Hudak
                     Modular Denotational Semantics for Compiler
               CA19  A. Cheng, M. Nielsen
                     Open Maps, Behavioural Equivalences, and
17.00 - 17.30  E19   E. Rose
                     Linear Time Hierarchies for a Functional
                     Language Machine Model
               CA20  A. Rensink
                     Denotational, Causal and Operational Determinism
                     in Event Structures
17.30 - 18.00  E20   M. Thune', K. hlander
                     Towards an expressive language for PDE solvers
19.00          CONFERENCE DINNER

Wednesday April 24

09.00 - 10.00  E21   Invited speaker: S.L. Peyton Jones
                     Compiling Haskell by Transformation
10.00 - 10.30  E22   J. Launchbury, R. Paterson
                     Parametricity and Unboxing with Unpointed Types
               CC1   G. Riedewald
                     CC conferences - the first decade
10.30 - 11.00  COFFEE BREAK
11.00 - 11.30  E23   J.C. Gonzlez-Moreno, M.T. Hortal-Gonzlez,
                     F.J. Lpez-Fraguas, M. Rodrguez-Artalejo
                     A Rewriting Logic for Declarative Programming
               CC2   J. Wang, G.R. Gao
                     Pipelining-Dovetailing: A Transformation to
                     Enhance Software Pipelining for Nested Loops
11.30 - 12.00  E24   J.A. Bergstra, T.B. Dinesh, J. Field, J. Heering
                     A Complete Transformational Toolkit for Compilers
               CC3   P. Pfahler, G. Piepenbrock
                     A Comparison of Modulo Scheduling Techniques for
                     Software Pipelining
12.00 - 12.30  E25   S. van Bakel, F. Barbanera, M. Fernndez
                     Rewrite Systems with Abstraction and beta-rule:
                     Types, Approximants and Normalization
               CC4   M.A. Ertl, A. Krall
                     Removing Anti Dependences by Repairing
12.30 - 14.00  LUNCH
14.00 - 14.30  CA21  M.H. Srensen
                     Effective Longest and Infinite Reduction Paths in
                     Untyped lambda-Calculi
               CC5   J. Janssen, H. Corporaal
                     Controlled Node Splitting
14.30 - 15.00  CA22  G. Boudol, C. Lavatelli
                     Full abstraction for lambda calculus with
                     resources and convergence testing
               CC6   J.W. Davidson, S. Jinturkar
                     Aggressive loop unrolling in a retargetable,
                     optimizing compiler
15.00 - 15.30  CA23  J. Tiuryn, M. Wand
                     Untyped Lambda-Calculus with Input-Output
               CC7   C. Verbrugge, P. Co, L.J. Hendren
                     Generalized Constant Propagation: A Study in C
15.30 - 16.00  COFFEE BREAK
16.00 - 16.30  CC8   C. Cifuentes
                     Structuring Decompiled Graphs
16.30 - 17.00  CC9   A. Geser, J. Knoop, G. Luttgen, O. Ruthing,
                     B. Steffen
                     Non-monotone Fixpoint Iterations to resolve
                     Second Order Effects
17.00 - 17.30  CC10  U. Assmann
                     How to Uniformly Specify Program Analysis and
                     Transformation with Graph Rewrite Systems
17.30 - 18.00  CC11  B. Steensgaard
                     Points-to Analysis by Type Inference of Programs
                     with Structures and Unions
               (at the Department of Computer and Information Science)

Thursday April 25

09.00 - 10.00  CC12  Invited speaker: W. Waite
                     Compiler Construction: Craftsmanship or
10.00 - 10.30  CC13  A. Nymeyer, J-P. Katoen, Y. Westra, H. Alblas
                     Code Generation = A* + BURS
10.30 - 11.00  COFFEE BREAK
11.00 - 11.30  CC14  M. Pettersson
                     A Compiler for Natural Semantics
11.30 - 12.00  CC15  D. Boucher, M. Feeley
                     Abstract compilation: a new implementation
                     paradigm for static analysis
12.00 - 12.30  CC16  D.J. Salomon
                     Using Partial Evaluation in Support of
                     Portability, Reusability, and Maintainability
12.30 - 14.00  LUNCH
14.00 - 14.30  CC17  J-D. Choi, V. Sarkar, E. Schonberg
                     Incremental Computation of Static Single
                     Assignment Form
14.30 - 15.00  CC18  Z. Li, C. Kirkham
                     Efficient Storage Reuse of Aggregates in Single
                     Assignment Languages
15.00 - 15.30  CC19  F. Chow, S. Chan, S-M. Liu, R. Lo, M. Streich
                     Effective Representation of Aliases and Indirect
                     Memory Operations in SSA Form
15.30 - 16.00  COFFEE BREAK
16.00 - 18.00  POSTER SESSION
19.00          CONFERENCE DINNER

Friday April 26

09.00 - 09.30  CC20  B.M. Kadhim, W.M. Waite
                     Maptool - Supporting Modular Syntax
09.30 - 10.00  CC21  P. McLean, R.N. Horspool
                     A faster Earley Parser
10.00 - 10.30  CC22  T.A. Proebsting, B.R. Whaley
                     One-Pass, Optimal Tree Parsing - With Or Without
10.30 - 11.00  COFFEE BREAK
11.00 - 11.30  CC23  J. Vitek, R.N. Horspool
                     Compact Dispatch Tables for Dynamically Typed
                     Object Oriented Languages
11.30 - 12.00  CC24  J. Bosch
                     Delegating Compiler Objects - An Object-Oriented
                     Approach to Crafting Compilers
12.00 - 12.30  CC25  P. Fritzson, R. Wismu"ller, O. Hansen, J. Sala,
                     P. Skov
                     A Parallel Debugger with Support for Distributed
                     Arrays, Multiple Executables, and Dynamic

Please see the separate description for the Friday
afternoon satellite meetings.

Quick Overview

         |   Mon    |   Tue    |   Wed    |   Thu    |  Fri   |
09.00 -  |   CA1    |   CA10   |   E21    |   CC12   |  CC20  |
09.30 -  |  - " -   |  - " -   |  - " -   |   - " -  |  CC21  |
10.00 -  |  E1 CA2  | E10 CA11 | E22 CC1  |   CC13   |  CC22  |
10.30 -  |                COFFEE BREAK                        |
11.00 -  |  E2 CA3  | E11 CA12 | E23 CC2  |   CC14   |  CC23  |
11.30 -  |  E3 CA4  | E12 CA13 | E24 CC3  |   CC15   |  CC24  |
12.00 -  |  E4 CA5  | E13 CA14 | E25 CC4  |   CC16   |  CC25  |
12.30 -  |                   LUNCH                   |--------+
14.00 -  |    E5    | E14 CA15 | CA21 CC5 |   CC17   |
14.30 -  |  - " -   | E15 CA16 | CA22 CC6 |   CC18   |
15.00 -  |  E6 CA6  | E16 CA17 | CA23 CC7 |   CC19   |
15.30 -  |                COFFEE BREAK               |
16.00 -  |  E7 CA7  | E17 CA18 |   CC8    |  POSTER  |
16.30 -  |  E8 CA8  | E18 CA19 |   CC9    |          |
17.00 -  |  E9 CA9  | E19 CA20 |   CC10   |          |
17.30 -  |          |   E20    |   CC11   |          |
18.00    +-------------------------------------------+
19.00    |          |  DINNER  |   DEMO   |  DINNER  |


A number of systems will be demonstrated during the course of the
conference.  The demonstrations and buffet will take place at the
Department of Computer and Information Science.  There is still space
available and it may be possible to arrange for equipment for the
demonstrations.  Contact point below.  Note that a fee will be charged
for commercial exhibitions.

        attn. Mikael Pettersson
        Department of Computer and
        Information Science
        Linko"ping University
        S-581 83 Linko"ping
        Telephone: +46 13 26 83
        Telefax: +46 13 28 44 99
        E-mail: mpe@ida.liu.se


The CAAP/ESOP/CC conferences will be hosted by Linko"ping University in
April 1996.  Organised by the Programming Environments Laboratory at
the Department of Computer and Information Science, the conferences
will be held in the Collegium building at the Mja"rdevi Science Park,
near the University campus.  Accommodation is available at several
downtown hotels.

Linko"ping is the fifth largest city in Sweden and has about 130,000
inhabitants. It is located about 200 kilometres southwest of
Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.

There are airports in Linko"ping and Norrko"ping (40 kilometres from
Linko"ping) with regular flights from Copenhagen and Stockholm. One of
the main railways runs from Stockholm through Norrko"ping, Linko"ping
and further to Malmo" in the south of Sweden.  There are also direct
train connections from several European cities.

The weather is in general unpredictable. Temperatures in spring can
vary between 5 and 15C. You are best advised to bring several layers
of clothing which can be put on and taken off as required.


The registration fee covers lunches, coffee breaks, conference
dinner(s) and proceedings which are to be published by Springer-Verlag
in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.  Student fees cover
lunches and proceedings, but not the conference dinner(s).  Extra
dinner tickets will be available for purchase at the conference.

The registration desk is open on Sunday April 21 from 17 to 21 in the
lobby of Frimurarehotellet, Monday April 22 from 8 to 9 in Collegium,
and Wednesday April 24 from 8 to 9 in Collegium.

The phone number to Collegium is +46 13 20 44 00.


We have reserved rooms at a number of downtown hotels. Rooms should be
booked before April 1st, after that date no rooms are reserved.  Note
that you have to contact the hotels yourself for booking
accommodation. Booking code and the conference name (or the name of
our reference person: Ms. Gunilla Blom) must be given when contacting
the hotel for booking. The hotels below have reserved rooms. Prices
are per night.

Ekoxen Hotell             40 single rooms at SEK 1080
Addr: Klostergatan 68     Booking code FI 651
Tel: +46 13 14 60 70
Fax: +46 13 12 19 03

Frimurarehotellet         75 single rooms at SEK 825
Addr: Sankt Larsgatan 14  Give the conference name
Tel: +46 13 12 91 80
Fax: +46 13 13 95 44

Good Evening Hotel        65 single rooms at SEK 555
Addr: Hantverkaregatan 1  Booking code BI 365
Tel: +46 13 12 90 00
Fax: +46 13 13 88 50

Stora Hotellet            80 single rooms at SEK 810
Addr: Stora Torget 9      Booking code BI 364
Tel: +46 13 12 90 00
Fax: +46 13 13 37 69

Linko"pings Vandrarhem     3 single rooms at SEK 390,
(youth hostel)            5 double rooms at SEK 470
Addr: Klostergatan 52A    (SEK 235/person), 2 flats for 4
Tel: +46 13 14 90 90      persons each at SEK 210/person
Fax: +46 13 14 83 00      Give the conference name

Satellite meetings

Workshop on Compiler Techniques for Application Domain Languages and
Extensible Language Models.
Friday afternoon, April 26. Tentatively 14.00--18.00.
Jan Bosch (Jan.Bosch@ide.hk-r.se), and
Go"rel Hedin (Gorel.Hedin@dna.lth.se).
For more information, please contact the organisers or visit

The use of functional languages in industry - the Erlang experience,
and other cases.
Friday afternoon.
Contact: Bengt Lennartsson (bln@ida.liu.se).
For more information, see the web page below.

Workshop on Term Rewriting and Tree Languages.
Probably Thursday April 25. 
Dieter Hofbauer (dieter@cs.tu-berlin.de)
Sophie Tison (tison@lifl.fr)

The workshops aim at providing a discussion forum for the exchange of
ideas and experience in these areas. Participants are required to send
a short position paper to one of the organisers before April 5th.


A word-wide-web page containing information about the conferences is
reachable by URL:


Contact point for Conference administration:
        attn. Ms. Gunilla Blom
        Department of Computer and
        Information Science
        Linko"ping University
        S-581 83 Linko"ping
        Telephone: +46 13 28 22 97
        Telefax: +46 13 28 44 99
        E-mail: gunli@ida.liu.se


CAAP'96 chair: He'le`ne Kirchner
E-mail: caap96@loria.fr

CC'96 chair: Tibor Gyimothy
E-mail: cc96@inf.u-szeged.hu

ESOP'96 chair: Hanne Riis Nielson
E-mail: esop96@daimi.aau.dk

Local arrangements chair: Peter Fritzson
E-mail: conf96@ida.liu.se


Registration fees should be paid by Eurocheque, cheque or bankdraft
(in Swedish crowns drawn on a Swedish bank) or travellers cheques in
Swedish crowns.  We cannot accept bank transfers, credit cards or
cheques drawn on non-Swedish banks or in currencies other than Swedish

All payments must be made in advance, preferably enclosed with the
registration form.

For Swedish participants, we also have the possibility to send an
invoice of the amount.

Registration form

Return this form to:
        attn. Ms. Gunilla Blom
        Department of Computer and
        Information Science
        Linko"ping University
        S-581 83 Linko"ping
        Telephone: +46 13 28 22 97
        Telefax: +46 13 28 44 99
        E-mail: gunli@ida.liu.se


Dietary restrictions:

Please check the relevant box.

                          Early           Late
CAAP/ESOP, regular        SEK 2450 [  ]   SEK 2750 [  ]
CAAP/ESOP, student        SEK 1500 [  ]   SEK 1750 [  ]

CC, regular               SEK 2200 [  ]   SEK 2550 [  ]
CC, student               SEK 1450 [  ]   SEK 1700 [  ]

CAAP/ESOP & CC, regular   SEK 4000 [  ]   SEK 4550 [  ]
CAAP/ESOP & CC, student   SEK 2450 [  ]   SEK 2750 [  ]

Payment enclosed:         SEK

Early registration forms must be received by 15th March 1996.
Student registrations must include proof of status (e.g. copy of
identity card or letter from advisor or supervisor).

All cancellations received before 9th April 1996 will incur an
administration charge of SEK 200. No refunds can be made for
cancellations received after this date.