
SAS'96: last call for papers

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                         Third  Call  For  Papers

	     International  Static  Analysis  Symposium	 (SAS'96)

		    Aachen, Germany, 24-26 September 1996

Static Analysis is increasingly recognised as a fundamental tool for
high performance implementations and verification systems of
high-level programming languages.  The last two decades have witnessed
substantial developments in this area, ranging from theoretical
frameworks to design, implementation, and application of analysers in
optimising compilers.
    The Third International Static Analysis Symposium, SAS'96, will be
held in Aachen in combination with the Fifth International Conference
on Algebraic and Logic Programming (ALP'96) and the Eighth
International Symposium on Programming Languages, Implementations,
Logics, and Programs (PLILP'96).
    The technical program for SAS'96 will consist of invited lectures,
presentations of refereed papers, and software
demonstrations. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of Static
Analysis, including, but not limited to
	     Abstract Interpretation	     Optimising Compilers
	     Complexity			     Theoretical Frameworks
	     Experimental Evaluation	     Verification Systems
	     Specific Analyses		     Type Inference
	     Partial Evaluation		     Abstract Domains

    Submissions can address any programming paradigm, including
concurrent, constraint, functional, imperative, logic and
object-oriented programming. Survey papers that present some aspect of
the above topics with a new coherence are also welcome.
    Papers must be written in English, must not exceed 15 pages
(excluding references and figures), and must contain a cover page
containing the following: a 200-word abstract, keywords, postal and
electronic mailing addresses, and phone numbers and fax numbers of one
of the authors.
    Submissions should arrive at the address below by 6 MAY 1996 in
one of these two forms: by email, a Postscript file; or by post, six
paper copies.  Electronic submission is preferred, but do ensure that
your submission is self-contained and prints on A4 paper. At the time
of submission a message containing an ASCII or LaTeX version of the
paper's cover page should be sent by email.
    Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their
papers by 25 JUNE 1996.  Final versions of the accepted papers must be
received in camera-ready form by 17 JULY 1996. We anticipate that the
proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.
Contact and Submission Address:			Program Co-Chairs:
Email:	   rcousot@lix.polytechnique.fr		Radhia Cousot	    (FR)
Phone:	   +33 1 69 33 45 95			Dave Schmidt	    (US)
Fax:	   +33 1 69 33 30 14		   
Post:	   Radhia Cousot			Program Committee:
	   LIX					Franncois Bourdoncle(FR)
	   Ecole Polytechnique			Alain Deutsch	    (FR)
	   91128 Palaiseau cedex		Roberto Giacobazzi  (IT)
	   France				Nicolas Halbwachs   (FR)
						Chris Hankin	    (UK)
Local Organisation:				William L. Harrison (US)
Markus Mohnen					Neil Jones	    (DK)
RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl fur Informatik II	Peter Lee	    (US)
D-52056 Aachen, Germany				Kim Marriott        (AU)
aachen96@informatik.rwth-aachen.de		Jens Palsberg	    (US/DK)
						Hanne Riis Nielson  (DK)
Important Dates: Deadline:	     6  May	Carolyn Talcott	    (US)
		 Notification:	    25	June	Mads Tofte	    (DK)
		 Final Version:	    17	July	Reinhard Wilhelm    (DE)

Information on SAS'96 (and ALP'96 and PLILP'96) is available from the WWW URL