
CADE-14 ATP System Competition Call for Participation

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                 The CADE-14 ATP System Competition (CASC-14)
                            Townsville, Australia
                                16 July, 1997

                            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

The CADE conferences are the major forum for the presentation of new
research in all aspects of automated deduction.  In order to stimulate
ATP system development, and to expose ATP systems to interested
researchers, a competition for 1st order ATP systems will be held at
CADE-14, on Wednesday 16th July 1997.

CASC-14 will evaluate the performance of sound fully automatic ATP
systems. The evaluation will be in terms of the number of problems
solved, and the average time taken for each successful solution; in
the context of a specified CPU time limit for each solution attempt,
and a bounded number of eligible problems, chosen from the TPTP
Problem Library.  Information regarding the competition divisions,
problem selection and preparation, time limits and timing, system
execution, performance evaluation, special hardware demonstration
divisions, and the conditions for participation, can be found in the
CASC-14 WWW pages:

The competition is being organized by Christian Suttner and Geoff
Sutcliffe.  The competition will be overseen by a panel of
knowledgeable researchers who are not participating in the event.  It
is planned to publish the competition results in a form that includes
contributions written by entrants.

Registration for participation closes on 15 May 1997.  Please fill in
the registration form on the WWW page (or email one of the
organizers).  Please register as early as possible (e.g., right away),
so that the organizers can ensure that sufficient resources are

CASC-14 Organizers:
    Christian Suttner                  Geoff Sutcliffe
    Institut fuer Informatik           Department of Computer Science
    TU Muenchen                        James Cook University
    D-80290 Muenchen                   Townsville, QLD 4811
    Germany                            Australia

    Tel: [+49] 89 521098               [+61] 77 815085
    FAX: [+49] 89 526502               [+61] 77 814029
    Email: suttner@informatik.tu-muenchen.de     geoff@cs.jcu.edu.au


The CADE-14 conference itself will be held from Sunday, 13 July, to
Thursday, 17 July, 1997. Further information about CADE-14 can be
obtained from the Local Arrangements Chair or from the CADE-14 WWW

CADE-14 Program Chair:                 CADE-14 Local Arrangements Chair:
    William McCune                     Geoff Sutcliffe
    Mathematics and Computer Science   Department of Computer Science
    Argonne National Laboratory        James Cook University
    Argonne, IL, 60439-4844            Townsville, QLD 4811
    USA                                Australia

    Tel: [+1] 630 2523065              [+61] 77 815085
    Fax: [+1] 630 2525986              [+61] 77 814029
    Email: cade14-chair@mcs.anl.gov    geoff@cs.jcu.edu.au
