LOPSTR'95 Call for Papers
[Since it explicitly mentions `constructive type theory',
I am distributing this conference announcement
to types. -- Philip Wadler, moderator, Types Forum.]
Call for Papers
Fifth International Workshop on
Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation
20--22 September 1995, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Sponsored by the Network in Computational Logic
LOPSTR '95 is the fifth in a series of annual workshops, after those in
Manchester (1991 and 1992), Louvain-la-Neuve (1993), and Pisa (1994). This
time the workshop will take place in Utrecht (the Netherlands) and it will be
run in parallel with PLILP '95, the Seventh International Symposium on
Programming Languages, Implementations, Logics and Programs. LOPSTR and
PLILP will share invited lectures and sessions of common interest. The two
meetings will be organized by the Computer Science Department of Utrecht
The aim of the workshop is to present recent work (including work in
progress) and discuss new ideas and trends in the following fields: program
synthesis, program transformation, program specialization, partial deduction
all in the context of logic programming. Papers pointing out the
relationships of the above topics with other topics in the field of automated
program development, such as: automated deduction, constructive type theory,
implementation techniques, inductive logic programming, meta-languages,
program analysis, program specification, query optimization in deductive
databases, software engineering, synthesis and transformation in the context
of other programming languages, are welcomed. Papers describing automated
systems for program development and overviews of recent work on the topics of
interest are also solicited. System demonstrations will be possible during
the workshop.
Authors should submit 5 copies of an extended abstract to the
following address by May 25, 1995:
Maurizio Proietti, IASI-CNR, Viale Manzoni, 30, I-00185 Roma, Italy
Phone: +39 6 7716426, Fax: +39 6 7716461, E-mail: proietti@iasi.rm.cnr.it
The submissions should include a return postal address and an e-mail
address, if available. Submission of abstracts by e-mail is also accepted
(LaTeX or Postscript). Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of
their abstracts for presentation at the workshop by July 20, 1995. The
accepted abstracts will be collected into preliminary proceedings which
will be available at the workshop. Extended abstracts can be completed into
full papers and submitted after the workshop by October 15, 1995.
Submitted papers will be reviewed for publication in the final proceedings
which are planned to be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science series. Authors will be
notified of acceptance or rejection of their papers for the proceedings by
December 1, 1995. Accepted papers must be received in camera-ready form
by January 15, 1996.
The extended abstract should be 5--8 page long (excluding references and
appendices). The following aspects will be relevant for the evaluation of the
submission: originality, clarity, significance, and correctness. In particular,
the abstract should clearly point out the relationships with published work
or submissions by the same authors and it should be understandable by a
broad audience. Proofs may be added in appendix, if needed.
Program Committee:
A. Bossi (U. Calabria, Rende, Italy), D. Boulanger (K.U. Leuven, Belgium),
Y. Deville (U.C. Louvain, Belgium), S. Debray (U. Arizona, Tucson, USA),
L. Fribourg (LIENS-CNRS, Paris, France), N. Fuchs (U. Zurich, Switzerland),
J. Gallagher (U. Bristol, UK), T. Mogensen (U. Copenhagen, Denmark),
M. Proietti (IASI-CNR, Roma, Italy, chair), H. Seki (NIT, Nagoya, Japan),
P. Tarau (U. Moncton, Canada), G. Wiggins (U. Edinburgh, UK)
Organizing Committee: Doaitse Swierstra, Jeroen Fokker, Erik
Meijer, Margje Punt (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
For more information: http://www.iasi.rm.cnr.it/../iasi/lopstr95.html
\newcommand{\subtitle}[1]{ \par \vspace*{\parskip} \par
{\large {\bf #1}}
\par }
{\large Call for Papers }\\[.2cm]
{\LARGE {\bf LOPSTR'95 }}\\[.1cm]
{\Large Fifth International Workshop on }\\[.1cm]
{\Large Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation }\\[.2cm]
{\large 20--22 September 1995, Utrecht, the
Netherlands }\\
LOPSTR'95 is the fifth in a series of annual workshops, after
those in Manchester (1991 and 1992), Louvain-la-Neuve (1993), and Pisa (1994).
This time the workshop will take place in Utrecht (the Netherlands)
and it will be run in parallel with {\bf PLILP'95}, the Seventh International
Symposium on {\em Programming Languages, Implementations, Logics and
LOPSTR and PLILP will share invited lectures and sessions of common
The two meetings will be organized by the Computer Science Department
of Utrecht University and sponsored by the Network in Computational Logic.
The aim of the workshop is to present recent work (including work in
progress) and discuss new ideas and trends in the following fields:
{\it program synthesis, program transformation, program specialization,
partial deduction} all in the context of logic programming.
Papers pointing out the relationships of the above topics with other topics
in the field of automated program development, such as:
{\it automated deduction, constructive type theory,
implementation techniques, inductive logic programming, meta-languages,
program analysis, program specification,
query optimization in deductive databases, software engineering,
synthesis and transformation in the context of other programming
languages}, are welcomed.
Papers describing {\it automated systems for program development}
and {\it overviews of recent work} on the topics of interest are also solicited.
System demonstrations will be possible during
the workshop.
Authors should submit 5 copies of an {\bf extended abstract}
to the following address by {\bf May 25, 1995}:
\hspace*{2cm}Maurizio Proietti \\
\hspace*{2cm}IASI-CNR \\
\hspace*{2cm}Viale Manzoni, 30 \\
\hspace*{2cm}I-00185 Roma, Italy \\
\hspace*{2cm}Phone: +39 6 7716426, Fax: +39 6 7716461 \\
\hspace*{2cm}E-mail: {\tt proietti@iasi.rm.cnr.it}
The submissions should include a return postal address and
an e-mail address, if available.
Submission of abstracts by e-mail is also accepted (LaTeX or Postscript).
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their
abstracts for presentation
at the workshop by {\bf July 20, 1995}.
The accepted abstracts will be collected into preliminary
proceedings which will be available at the workshop.
{\it Extended abstracts can be completed into
full papers and submitted after the workshop} by
{\bf October 15, 1995}. Submitted papers will be
reviewed for publication in the final proceedings which are
planned to be published by Springer-Verlag.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their papers for
the proceedings by {\bf December 1, 1995}. Accepted papers must
be received in camera-ready form
by {\bf January 15, 1996}.
The extended abstract should be 5--8 page long
(excluding references and appendices). The following aspects will be relevant
for the evaluation of the submission: originality, clarity,
significance, and correctness. In particular, the abstract should
clearly point out the relationships with published work or submissions
by the same authors and it should be understandable
by a broad audience. Proofs may be added in appendix, if needed.
\subtitle{Program Committee}
\begin{tabular}{ @{} l l @{\hspace{1cm}} l l}
A. Bossi & (U. Calabria, Rende, Italy) & J. Gallagher & (U. Bristol, UK) \\
D. Boulanger & (K.U. Leuven, Belgium) & T. Mogensen & (U. Copenhagen, Denmark)\\
Y. Deville & (U.C. Louvain, Belgium)
& M. Proietti & (IASI-CNR, Roma, Italy) (chair)\\
S. Debray & (U. Arizona, Tucson, USA) & H. Seki & (NIT, Nagoya, Japan)\\
L. Fribourg & (LIENS-CNRS, Paris, France) & P. Tarau & (U. Moncton, Canada)\\
N. Fuchs & (U. Zurich, Switzerland) & G. Wiggins & (U. Edinburgh, UK)
\subtitle{\bf Organizing Committee} Doaitse Swierstra, Jeroen Fokker, Erik
Meijer, Margje Punt (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)\\
For more information: {\tt http://www.iasi.rm.cnr.it/../iasi/lopstr95.html}