Research Studentship
Department of Computer Science,
University of Durham.
Applications are invited from students with good undergraduate or MSc
degrees in computer science or mathematics to study for a PhD degree.
A U.K. EPSRC research studentship is available for a suitably
qualified candidate for the October 1995 entry. It covers tuition
fees and maintenance for three years. The level of the maintenance
grant is linked to the standard grant offered by EPSRC which for
1994/95 was set at 4910 pounds per annum.
The successful candidate is expected to work on a project closely
related to computer-assisted reasoning, program specification and
development, or application of logics and type theories.
Enquiries may be made to and application forms can be obtained from
Dr. Zhaohui Luo
Dept. of Computer Science
Durham University
South Road
Durham DH1 3LE
Email: Zhaohui.Luo@durham.ac.uk
Fax: +44 (0)191 374 2560
Phone: +44 (0)191 374 3657