
LOGSEM workshop in Birmingham

[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]

The researchers from the EU-funded projects Categorical Logic in
Computer Science (CLiCS) I and II are holding a meeting dedicated to
the theme "Logic and Semantics in Programming" at the School of
Computer Science, University of Birmingham.

The meeting is happenning over the weekend 13-16th September and
talks are invited on the broad topics of mathematical structures in 
semantics, type systems for programming languages, logic and 
concurrency theory. 

Accomodation is available at 23.55 per night in University House,
just across the street from the campus. We intend to start after lunch
on Friday and finish with lunch on Monday, so it may be possible for
some of you to travel on Friday and/or Monday.

   All the best,

   Valeria de Paiva  and  Achim Jung.

			   LOGSEM Workshop

	     Logic and Semantics of Programming Languages
		       September 13 - 16, 1996
		      School of Computer Science
		     The University of Birmingham

 Do you want to give a talk?


 Shall we reserve a room for you in University House? (23.55 B&B):