Book announcement: Algol-like languages
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Algol-like Languages
edited by
P.W. O'Hearn, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, UK
R.D. Tennent Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
For more information, including Contents, the Introduction,
and Ordering Information, see
>From the cover:
In recent years there has been a remarkable convergence of interest in
programming languages based on ALGOL 60. Researchers interested in the
theory of procedural and object-oriented languages discovered that ALGOL 60
shows how to add procedures and object classes to simple imperative
languages in a general and efficient manner. And, on the other hand,
researchers interested in purely functional languages discovered that
ALGOL 60 shows how to add imperative mechanisms to functional languages
in a way that does not compromise their desirable properties.
Unfortunately, many of the key works in this field have been rather hard to obtain. The primary purpose of this collection is to make the most significant
material on Algol-like programming languages conveniently available to graduate students and researchers.
Volume 1 contains an Introduction, historical and foundational material,
and works on language design. All of this material should be accessible to
beginning graduate students in programming languages and theoretical
computer science.
Volume 2 consists of more specialized and more technically demanding
material. This volume will be suitable for advanced seminars and
researchers with adequate background in logic, semantics, and type theory
and category theory.
Contributing Authors
Samson Abramsky
Stephen Brookes
Matthias Felleisen
Evan Ireland
Guy McCusker
Albert Meyer
Peter O'Hearn
Frank Oles
Andrew Pitts
John Power
Uday Reddy
John Reynolds
Kurt Sieber
Christopher Strachey
Vipin Swarup
Makoto Takeyama
Stephen Weeks
Bob Tennent
Volume 1: 1997 Approx. 286 pp. Hardcover $49.50 ISBN 0-8176-3880-6
Volume 2: 1997 Approx. 348 pp. Hardcover $69.50 ISBN 0-8176-3937-3
Two-Volume Set: Hardcover $99.50 ISBN 0-8176-3936-5
Progress in Theoretical Computer Science. Editor: R.V. Book
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