
AFP 2nd Call


     A D V A N C E D   F U N C T I O N A L   P R O G R A M M I N G

                      12 - 19, September, 1998
                        University of Minho


    Lex Augusteijn, Philips Research        Pedro Henriques, Minho
    Lennart Augustsson, Chalmers            Doaitse Swierstra, Utrecht
    Roland Backhouse, Eindhoven             Jose Oliveira, Minho
    Johan Jeuring, Utrecht
    Daan Leijen, Utrecht
    Rafael Lins, Recife
    Erik Meijer, Utrecht             +-----------------------------------+
    Oege de Moor, Oxford             |    PROGRAM & REGISTRATION AT:     |
    Jose Oliveira, Minho             |                                   |
    Joao Saraiva, Minho              |    http://www.di.uminho.pt/~afp   |
    Tim Sheard, Oregon               +-----------------------------------+
    Doaitse Swierstra, Utrecht


After two successful schools on Advanced Functional Programming, which
were held in Bastad (Springer LNCS 925) and Portland (Springer LNCS 1129),
a third school will be organized in Braga, Portugal, by the Department of
Computer Science of the University of Minho, from 12th to 19th September,
The primary aim of this series of schools is to make the participants
acquainted with recent developments in the area of Functional Programming.
Lectures are aimed especially at showing new programming techniques,
introducing new language constructs, and presenting interesting application
areas. Another important goal is to provide that kind of information which
enables participants to use functional programming in their daily life, 
after returning from the school.

Most of the lectures in the Summer School are aimed at some aspect of
GENERIC PROGRAMMING i.e., programming in a "data-type independent" way.

The school emphasizes learning by doing.  Thus a substantial amount of time
is reserved for actually using the ideas presented in the lectures in
programming exercises. During the course students will be challenged to solve 
a number of exercises in generic program construction by interaction with the
lecturer, and by working together on problems.


Tutorial:         An Introduction to Haskell
                  by Jose Barros & Jose Almeida

Advanced Courses: Sorting Morphisms
                  by Lex Augusteijn

                  Construction and Implementation of Generic Programs
                  by Roland Backhouse & Johan Jeuring

                  Embedding New Languages
                  by Doaitse Swierstra & Joao Saraiva

                  Scripting HaskellScript
                  by Erik Meijer & Daan Leijen

                  Transformational Development of Generic Programs
                  by Oege de Moor

                  Cayenne - Spice up your Programming with Dependent Types
                  by Lennart Augustsson

                  Metaprogramming with MetaML
                  by Tim Sheard

Invited Lectures: The Fall and Rise of Functional Programming
                  by Rafael Lins

                  Data Structuring Calculation as a Basis for Information System Design
                  by Jose Nuno Oliveira

Workshop for PhD Students (see details in the School Homepage)


The Summer School will be held in Braga, an ancient town in the 
north-west corner of Portugal, located 50 km from Oporto and 30 km
from the seaside.  

The nearest airport is Francisco Sa Carneiro Airport in Oporto.
A transport service will be provided by the local organization
from there to Braga on Saturday, 12th.

Both the scientific sessions, meals and accommodation will be located at
Casa do Espirito Santo, on the top of a hill surrounding the town.
This self-contained and quiet environment will hopefully provide for maximal
interaction between the participants and a good working atmosphere.

Braga has fast train and motorway connections to Lisbon, the city which is
hosting the celebrations of the 5th centenary of Vasco da Gama's arrival
in India.  A world exhibition --- Expo'98 --- will be held until the end 
of September on the theme "The oceans: a heritage for the future".


Registration can be made directly from the School's homepage or by
electronic mail to the address below.

Fees & Documentation:  PTE 25 000 (until 25th July)
                       PTE 50 000 (late registrations, until 1st September)
Accommodation:         PTE 50 000
                       (accommodation in double room with full boarding)

                       (1 USD = 184 PTE) 

For additional information contact:

     | AFP                                 |
     | Carla Oliveira                      |
     | Univ. Minho, CIUM                   |
     | Campus de Gualtar -- 4710 Braga     |
     | Portugal                            |
     |                                     |
     | Email: afp@di.uminho.pt             |
     | Phone: 351-53-604140                |
     | Fax:   351-53-678484                |
     | Web:   http://www.di.uminho.pt/~afp |