LICS'99: Call for Papers (text & LaTeX)
A postscript version of the call for papers is available via the LICS
web pages at http://www.bell-labs.com/topic/conferences/lics, and
Fourteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on
July 2 - 5, 1999, Trento, Italy
The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and
practical topics in computer science that relate to logic in a broad
Topics of interest include: abstract data types, automated deduction,
bounded arithmetic, categorical models and logics, combination of
logics, concurrency, constraint programming, constructive mathematics,
database theory, denotational semantics, domain theory and
applications, finite model theory, formal methods, game semantics,
hybrid systems, logics of knowledge, lambda and combinatory calculi,
linear logic, logical aspects of computational complexity, logics in
artificial intelligence, logics of programs, logic programming, modal
and temporal logics, model checking, logical aspects of protocol
security, rewriting, semantics, software specification, type theory
and type systems, universal algebra, and verification.
Paper submission: Email an extended abstract (not a full paper) to the
program chair, Giuseppe.Longo@ens.fr, and to the associate chair,
Gilles.Dowek@inria.fr, to be received by December 10, 1998. The
abstract should mention, on the first page, one or more keywords
(possibly from the list above), in decreasing order of relevance. The
deadline is firm; late submissions and papers without keywords will
not be considered. Authors will be notified of acceptance or
rejection by February 17, 1999. Accepted papers in a specified format
for the proceedings will be due by April 5, 1999.
Format your abstract as a PostScript file, accompanied by a separately
emailed textfile cover letter. One hard copy must be sent to the
program chair, to arrive before December 18, 1998.
The first page of the extended abstract should include the title of
the paper, names and affiliations of authors, a brief synopsis, the
keywords, and the contact author's name, address, phone number, fax
number, and email address. The extended abstract may not exceed 10
typed pages in no less than 11-point font. It must be in English and
provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee to assess the
merits of the paper. It should begin with a succinct statement of the
issues, a summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of
their significance and relevance to the conference, all phrased for
the non-specialist. References and comparisons with related work
should be included. Technical development directed to the specialist
should follow. Submissions departing significantly from these
guidelines risk rejection.
The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or workshops.
All authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign copyright
release forms. One author of each accepted paper will be expected to
attend the conference in order to present it.
Submission deadline: December 10, 1998
Notification: February 17, 1999
Final papers due: April 5, 1999
Conference: July 2 - 5, 1999
Kleene Award for Best Student Paper: An award of $500, in honor of the
late S.C. Kleene, may be given for the best student paper, as judged
by the program committee. Eligibility requires all authors to be
full-time students at the date of submission; this must be noted on
the submission letter.
The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on
Mathematical Foundations of Computing in cooperation with the
Association for Symbolic Logic, the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science, and the Association for Computing
Machinery. The symposium is hosted by ITC-IRST, and is a part of the
Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'99). For more information about
FLoC, see http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/what/floc99.
Giuseppe Longo
Attn: LICS
Ecole Normale Superieure
45 Rue D'Ulm
75005 Paris, France
Phone: +33-1-4432-3328
Fax: +33-1-4432-2080
Martin Abadi, DEC SRC Martin Grohe, U. Freiburg
Rajeev Alur, U. Penn Nils Klarlund, AT&T Labs
Luigia C. Aiello, U. Roma Giorgio Levi, U. Pisa
Andrea Asperti, U. Bologna Giuseppe Longo (chair), ENS
Vincent Danos, CNRS & Paris VII Mitsuhiro Okada, Keio U.
Mariangiola Dezani, U. Torino Martin Otto, RWTH Aachen
Roberto Di Cosmo, ENS, Paris Edmund Robinson, Queen Mary
Gilles Dowek, INRIA Davide Sangiorgi, INRIA
Abbas Edalat, Imperial College Amilcar Sernadas, IST, Lisboa
Thomas Ehrhard, CNRS, Marseille Natarajan Shankar, SRI
Melvin Fitting, CUNY Wolfgang Thomas, RWTH Aachen
Rob van Glabbeek, Stanford U. Scott Weinstein, U. Penn
Eugenio Moggi
DISI, Universita di Genova
16146 Genova, Italy
Simona Ronchi della Rocca
Dipartimento di Informatica
Universita di Torino
I-10149 Torino, Italy
Leonid Libkin
Bell Laboratories/Lucent Technologies
600-700 Mountain Avenue,
Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA
E-mail: libkin@research.bell-labs.com
John C. Mitchell
Computer Science Department
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-9045
A. Aggarwal, M. Bezem, W. Brauer, E. Clarke, R. Constable,
N. Derschowitz, F. Giunchiglia, D. Leivant, L. Libkin, G. Longo,
M. Magidor, J. Mitchell (chair), E. Moggi, V. Pratt, J. Riecke,
S. Ronchi della Rocca, M. Stickel, J. Tiuryn, M.Y. Vardi,
J. Vitter, G. Winskel
M. Abadi, S. Abiteboul, S. Abramsky, M. Dezani, J. Halpern,
R. Impagliazzo, D. Kozen, L. Pacholski, A. Scedrov, D. Scott, J. Wing
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\newcommand{\ital}[1]{{\it #1 \/}}
{\bf CALL FOR PAPERS}\\[2ex]
{\large Fourteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on }\\[2ex]
{\large\it July 2 -- 5, 1999, Trento, Italy}\\[1ex]
{\tt http://www.bell-labs.com/topic/conferences/lics/} or
{\tt www-rocq.inria.fr/verso/lics/}
\begin{minipage}[t]{2.1in}% first column
\parskip 4pt
{\bf Program Chair:} \\[1mm]
Giuseppe Longo\\
Attn: LICS\\
{E}cole Normale Sup\'erieure\\
45 Rue D'Ulm\\
75005 Paris, France\\
{\tt Giuseppe.Longo@ens.fr}\\
Phone: +33-1-4432-3328\\
Fax: \hspace*{0.37cm}+33-1-4432-2080\\
{} \\
{\bf Program Committee:} \\[1mm]
Mart\'{\i}n Abadi, \ital{DEC SRC}\\
Rajeev Alur, \ital{U.\ Penn}\\
Andrea Asperti, \ital{U.\ Bologna}\\
Luigia C. Aiello, \ital{U.\ Roma I}\\
Vincent Danos, \ital{CNRS \& Paris VII}\\
Mariangiola Dezani, \ital{U.\ Torino}\\
Roberto Di Cosmo, \ital{ENS, Paris}\\
Gilles Dowek (associate chair), \ital{INRIA}\\
Abbas Edalat, \ital{Imperial College}\\
Thomas Ehrhard, \ital{CNRS, Marseille}\\
Melvin Fitting, \ital{CUNY}\\
Rob van Glabbeek, \ital{Stanford U.}\\
Martin Grohe, \ital{U.\ Freiburg}\\
Nils Klarlund, \ital{AT\&T Labs}\\
Giorgio Levi, \ital{U.\ Pisa}\\
Mitsuhiro Okada, \ital{Keio U.}\\
Martin Otto, \ital{RWTH Aachen}\\
Edmund Robinson, \ital{Queen Mary}\\ % \& Westfield Coll}\\
Davide Sangiorgi, \ital{INRIA}\\
Am\'{\i}lcar Sernadas, \ital{IST, Lisboa}\\
Natarajan Shankar, \ital{SRI}\\
Wolfgang Thomas, \ital{RWTH Aachen}\\
Scott Weinstein, \ital{U.\ Penn}\\
{\bf Conference Co-Chairs:} \\[1mm]
Eugenio Moggi \\
DISI, Univ.~di Genova\\
{\tt moggi@disi.unige.it}\\[3mm]
Simona Ronchi della Rocca\\
Universit\`a di Torino\\
{\tt email: ronchi@di.unito.it}\\
{\bf Publicity Chair:}\\[1mm]
Leonid Libkin\\
Bell Labs,
Lucent Technologies\\
{\tt libkin@research.bell-labs.com}\\
{\bf General Chair:}\\[1mm]
John C. Mitchell\\
Stanford University\\
{\tt mitchell@cs.stanford.edu}\\
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The {\bf LICS} Symposium aims to attract original papers of high
quality on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that
relate to logic in a broad sense, including algebraic, categorical and
topological approaches.
Topics of interest include: {\em abstract data types, automated
deduction, bounded arithmetic, categorical models and logics,
combination of logics, concurrency, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, denotational semantics,
domain theory and applications, finite model theory, formal methods,
game semantics, hybrid systems, logics of knowledge, lambda and
combinatory calculi, linear logic, logical aspects of computational
complexity, logics in artificial intelligence, logics of programs,
logic programming, modal and temporal logics, model checking, logical
aspects of protocol security, rewriting, semantics, software
specification, type theory and type systems, universal algebra, and
{\bf Paper submission:} Email an extended abstract (not a full paper)
to the {\bf program chair}, {\tt Giuseppe.Longo@ens.fr}, {\em and} to
the associate chair, Gilles.Dowek@inria.fr, to be {\bf received} by
{\bf December 10, 1998}. The abstract should mention, on the first
page, one or more keywords (possibly from the list above), in
decreasing order of relevance. {\sl The deadline is firm; late
submissions and papers without keywords will not be considered.}
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 17,
1999. Accepted papers in a specified format for the proceedings will
be due by April 5, 1999.
Format your abstract as a PostScript file, accompanied by a separately
emailed textfile cover letter. One hard copy must be sent to the
program chair, to arrive before December 18, 1998.
The first page of the extended abstract should include the title of
the paper, names and affiliations of authors, a brief synopsis, the
keywords, and the contact author's name, address, phone number, fax
number, and email address. The extended abstract may not exceed 10
typed pages in no less than 11-point font. It must be in English and
provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee to assess the
merits of the paper. It should begin with a succinct statement of the
issues, a summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of
their significance and relevance to the conference, all phrased for
the non-specialist. References and comparisons with related work
should be included. Technical development directed to the specialist
should follow. Submissions departing significantly from these
guidelines risk rejection.
The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or workshops.
All authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign copyright
release forms. One author of each accepted paper will be expected to
attend the conference in order to present it.
The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on
Mathematical Foundations of Computing in cooperation with the
Association for Symbolic Logic, the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science, and the Association for Computing
Machinery. The symposium is hosted by ITC-IRST, and is a part of the
Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'99). For more information about FLoC,
see {\tt www.cs.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/what/floc99}.
{\bf Kleene Award for Best Student Paper:}
An award of \$500, in honor of the late S.C.\ Kleene, will be given to
the best paper, as judged by the program committee, written solely by
one or more students. A submission is eligible if all authors are
full-time students at the time of submission. This should be
indicated in the submission letter. The program committee may decline
to make the award or may split it among several papers.
{\bf Organizing Committee:} {A.~Aggarwal, M.~Bezem, W.~Brauer,
E.~Clarke, R.~Constable, N.~Derschowitz, F.~Giunchiglia, D.~Leivant,
L.~Libkin, G.~Longo, M.~Magidor, J.~Mitchell (chair), E.~Moggi,
V.~Pratt, J.~Riecke, S.~Ronchi della Rocca, M.~Stickel, J.~Tiuryn,
M.Y.~Vardi, J.~Vitter, G.~Winskel.}