
Research Positions at BRICS Research Centre and Int. PhD School

		 BRICS, Basic Research in Computer Science

		   Universities of  Aarhus  and Aalborg

Research Positions at BRICS Research Centre and International PhD School

There are  several research positions  at BRICS  starting  next year, 1999.
Applications are welcome by researchers in theoretical computer science and
related areas, especially, but not exclusively, within the following areas:

      - Semantics of Computation,
      - Logic,
      - Algorithms and Data Structures,
      - Complexity Theory,
      - Data Security,
      - Programming Languages,
      - Distributed Computing,
      - Verification.

Openings,  while likely to  start as postdoctoral  positions, generally for
1-2 years, have the possibility of extension to longer-term positions.

BRICS, Basic Research in Computer Science, is funded by the Danish National
Research Foundation and consists of the BRICS Research Centre and the BRICS
International PhD School.
The Research Centre (Director Glynn Winskel) is a joint venture between the
theoretical-computer-science  groups at   the  universities of  Aarhus  and
Aalborg, Denmark.
The PhD  School (Director Mogens Nielsen)  is based in the Computer Science
Department at the University of Aarhus.

The BRICS Research  Centre is based on  a commitment to develop theoretical
computer science and related  mathematics, using a combination of long-term
efforts and a number  of short-term, intensive programmes, within carefully
chosen scientific themes. The BRICS International PhD  School offers a full
PhD programme  in  computer science,   including a  wide range of  courses,
summer  schools etc., and a  number  of PhD grants  for  Danish as well  as
foreign students. 

Further information on BRICS can be accessed by opening the URL:


The BRICS  WWW  entry contains  information about  activities, courses, PhD
grants  and  researchers  as  well  as   access  to  electronic copies   of
information material and reports of the BRICS Series.


        Department of Computer Science
        University of Aarhus
        Ny Munkegade, building 540
        DK - 8000 Aarhus C

        Telephone:      +45 8942 3360
        Telefax:        +45 8942 3255
        Internet:       BRICS@brics.dk

How to apply

Applications for positions should preferably be sent by e-mail
(BRICS@brics.dk), preferably early in January 1999, and include

      - curriculum vitae, and 

      - a description of your research interests,  to include, on its first
	page, a short say 5-10 line summary of research interests,

      - two or three names of referees for recommendations with the referees'
	+ regular mail addresses and, if possible,
	+ e-mail addresses, as well as

      - an URL to your WWW home directory if available.

The various parts of the application (application letter,  CV, etc.) can be
sent by e-mail as e.g. uuencoded PDF, PostScript, clear ASCII text or if it
causes trouble, just as an URL in which case we will try to load the files.