
post-doctoral positions

I recently posted a message about the availability of some post-doc
positions on this list. I gave a reference to the University personnel
department web pages for further details. Unfortunately, as soon as I
had done so the personnel department expunged this information. I
therefore repeat the posting, including some further details of the

Best wishes,

Samson Abramsky


Two 2-year postdoctoral fellowships are available on the UK EPSRC-funded
grant ``Foundational Structures in Computer Science'', to work on topics
related to game semantics. 

I would be very grateful if you could bring these positions to the
attention of anyone in your group who might be interested.

Anyone wishing to discuss the project informally is welcome to contact
me by email.

Further details of the positions:

1. To investigate the applications of game semantics to
programming languages and the computational interpretation of Classical
Logic. The applicant should have a strong background in logic and
semantics, and preferably some familiarity with recent developments in
Game Semantics. Duration: 12 months. Ref: 896767

2. To investigate applications of game semantics to concurrent
systems. The applicant should have a good background in concurrency
and semantics. Both these posts are associated with the project
``Foundational Structures in Computer Science''. The Principal
Investigator is Professor Samson Abramsky. Duration: 12 months. Ref:

Salary for these positions will be in the range 15735 to 20107 (UK

Further particulars including details of the application procedure
should be obtained from:

The Personnel Office, The University of Edinburgh. 1 Roxburgh Street,
Edinburgh EH8 9TB

Tel: 0131-650-2511 (24 hour answering service)
quoting the appropriate reference number

closing date: 5 November 1998

Late applications will be considered.