IFIP TC1 TCS Conference Y2000 in Japan
"International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science"
--- Exploring New Frontiers of Theoretical Informatics ---
organized by
IFIP Technical Committee TC1 on Foundations of Computer Science
in cooperation with
Information Processing Society of Japan
Japan Society of Software Science and Technology (*)
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan (*)
European Association of Theoretical Computer Science
Association for Symbolic Logic (*)
Association for Computing Machinery-SIGACT
(*) indicates "to be verified".
Date: August 17 - 19, 2000
Place: Aoba Memorial Building, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Japan
Web page: http://tcs2000.ito.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/tcs2000.html
Email: For any inquiry on TCS2000,
<<to be formed as follows>>
Conference Co-Chairs:
Giorgio Ausiello, IFIP TC1 Chair and University of Roma "La Sapienza"
Takayasu Ito, Tohoku University
Steering Committee:
Giorgio Ausiello, University of Roma "La Sapienza" (chair)
Wilfried Brauer, Technical University of Muenchen
Takayasu Ito, Tohoku University
Michael Rabin, Harvard University
John Staples, University of Queensland
Joseph Traub, Columbia University
Organizing Committee:
Co-Chairs: Takayasu Ito, Tohoku University
Yasuyoshi Inagaki, Nagoya University
Setsuo Arikawa, Kyushu University
Members: (To be announced)
Program Committee:
TRACK (1): "Algorithms, Complexity and Models of Computation"
Co-Chairs: Jan van Leeuwen, University of Utrecht
Osamu Watanabe, Tokyo Institue of Technology
TRACK (2): "Logic, Semantics, Specification and Verification"
Co-Chairs: Peter D. Mosses, University of Aarhus
Masami Hagiya, University of Tokyo
PC Members: (To be announced)
Major Topics: <Tentative list of major topics>
TRACK (1): "Algorithms, Complexity and Models of Computation"
Analysis and design of algorithms
Continuous algorithms and complexity
Computational complexity
Descriptional complexity
Cellular automata and machines
Automata and formal languages
Hardware algorithms and parallel algorithms
Computational learning theory
Algorithmic aspects in discovery science
Molecular computing and algorithmic aspects of bioinformatics
Probabilistic and randomized algorithms
Quantum computing
Neural network computing
Evolutionary and genetic algorithms
Computational geometry
Computational mathematical finance
Bridging complexity and semantics
TRACK (2): "Logic, Semantics, Specification and Verification"
Logic and semantics for programs and languages
Foundations of system specification
Term rewriting systems
Proofs and specifications in computer science
Types and category theory in computer science
Theoretical aspects of specification and verification of
hardware and software
Theoretical aspects of software concepts
Concurrency theory
Theory of parallel and distributed systems
Theory of internet languages and systems
Constructive and non-standard logics in computer science
Foundations of security
Theoretical foundations of data bases
Logic, specification and verification of hybrid and real-time systems
Theoretical foundations of open systems
Bridging semantics and complexity
Keynote Plenary Speakers: (to be announced)
Invited Speakers for TRACKs: (to be announced)
Call for Papers: (to be announced)
[Important Dates]
Deadline for submission: January 28 (Friday), 2000
Notification of acceptance: April 7 (Friday), 2000
Deadline for final text: May 5 (Friday), 2000