
"OctoberFest" category theory meeting in Montreal

               Centre de Recherche en Theorie des Categories
                             -- Montreal --
                     Category Theory Research Center

                       Category Theory OctoberFest

                       McGill University, Montreal
                 Saturday - Sunday, October 16 - 17, 1999

We invite you to join us in Montreal next October for a weekend meeting
in Category Theory, the "not-quite-annual" OctoberFest. As has been the
tradition with these meetings, we invite talks from all participants. If
you wish to give a talk, send your request along with a short abstract
(before the end of September please) to Robert Seely at the address
below. Early in October the program committee will announce a
preliminary schedule on the Categories email list, and on the CTRC/CRTC
web site. The final schedule will be announced at the meeting.

We will meet in the Bronfman Building, 1001 Sherbrooke West, on Saturday
morning, October 16th. Coffee will be available from 8:30 am. The first
talk will be at 9:00. Registration will take place during the morning,
before the first talk and during the first coffee break.

There will be a registration fee of about $CAN45 (approximately $US30),
with luck, less: all possible attempts will be made to keep this as low
as we can. The precise amount will be announced in early October,
along with the proposed schedule.  There will be a dinner/party to be
held Saturday evening, hosted by Marta Bunge.  (Instructions for getting
to the Bunge home will be announced at the meeting.)  Please let us know
if you intend to join us by sending a short email (before the end of
September if possible) to Robert Seely, also indicating whether or not
you will bring a guest to the party. (We need to have a good estimate of
how many people will attend the party about a week before the meeting.)

Below you will find a list of hotels and tourist rooms close to McGill.
Please note that October is a popular month for visiting Montreal, and
early booking is recommended. If you have any further questions, please
contact one of us.
Michael Barr [barr@barrs.org]
Robert Seely [rags@math.mcgill.ca]

Dept of Mathematics and Statistics
McGill University
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, Quebec


(Montreal area code = 514)
  * L'Appartement, 455 Sherbrooke W, 284-3634, $85
  * Howard Johnson Plaza, 475 Sherbrooke W, 842-3961, $94 (1-800-842-3961).
    (Mention McGill Maths Dept.)
  * Mariott Courtyard , 410 Sherbrooke W, 844-8851, $140
  * Holiday Inn, 420 Sherbrooke W, 842-6111, $99 (Mention McGill Maths Dept.)
  * Hotel du Parc, 3625 Park Ave, 288-6666, $109
  * Versailles*, 1659 Sherbrooke W, 933-3611, $91 (B&B)

Tourist Rooms:

(Prices vary depending on choice of single/double room, private/shared
  * Ambrose, 3422 Stanley, 288-6922, $50-80 (excellent)
  * Armor*, 157 Sherbrooke E, 285-0140, $55-109
  * Bienvenue B&B** 3950 Laval, 844-5897, $65-95 (1-800-227-5897)
  * Casa Bella, 258 Sherbrooke W, 849-2777, $45-98 (Mention McGill Maths Dept
    for an additional discount, approx 10%)
  * Centre Ville B&B*, 3458 Laval, 289-9749, $55-65-85
  * Pierre*, 169 Sherbrooke E, 288-8519, $60

*15 minute walk from McGill
**30 minute walk from McGill