
Call for Participation: HOOTS99, Paris, Sept 1999 (early registra tion deadline is August 20)

[Apologies for any duplicates you may receive]

The Third International Workshop on 
Higher Order Operational Techniques in Semantics

Paris, September 30-October 1, 1999
A part of the PLI 99 conference
Affiliated with ESPRIT AppSem WG

SCOPE The third workshop on Higher Order Operational Techniques in Semantics
(HOOTS99) will address fundamental principles and important innovations in
the definition, analysis, and application of operational semantics for
higher order languages and calculi.   Techniques addressed in the HOOTS
series include operational equivalences, type systems, and program logics.
Application areas include implementation of programming languages, security,
and mobility. Languages discussed include both high-level and low-level
languages, and a variety of calculi, including calculi of functions,
objects, and processes.

Nick Benton and Andrew Kennedy
 Monads, Effects and Transformations

Olivier Danvy, Belmina Dzafic and Frank Pfenning
 On proving syntactic properties of CPS programs

John Fiskio-Lasseter and Amr Sabry
 Putting operational techniques to the test:
 A syntactic theory for behavioural Verilog

Neal Glew
 Object Closure Conversion

Joergen Gustavsson and David Sands
 A foundation for space-safe transformation of call-by-need programs

Pankaj Kakkar and Carl Gunter
 Experience specifying the PLAN network programming language

Yasuhiko Minamide
 Space-profiling semantics of the call-by-value lambda calculus
 and the CPS transformation

E. Moggi and F. Palumbo
 Monadic encapsulation of effects: a revised approach

Andrew Moran, Soeren B. Lassen, and Simon Peyton Jones
 Imprecise Exceptions, Co-inductively

Soeren B. Lassen
 Trees and bisimulation for the pure lambda-calculus

REGISTRATION  See the PLI page http://pauillac.inria.fr/pli/ for information
on how to register for HOOTS99 and the other events making up PLI99.  The
deadline for early registration is August 20.

PROCEEDINGS  Elsevier will publish the proceedings of HOOTS99 as a volume of
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.  A preliminary proceedings
will be available at the time of the workshop.

PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Roberto Amadio, University of Provence; Andrew Gordon,
Microsoft Research (Co-Chair); Robert Harper, Carnegie Mellon University;
Alan Jeffrey, DePaul University; Jean-Jacques Levy, INRIA Rocquencourt;
Andrew Pitts, University of Cambridge (Co-Chair); David Sands, Chalmers
University; Carolyn Talcott, Stanford University.
