
FOSSACS 2000, Call for Papers

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

                          FOSSACS 2000
     Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
                 March 27-31, 2000, Berlin, Germany
	        Submision deadline: October 18, 1999

                          A member conference of 
    the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software 
                          (ETAPS 2000)

Conference decsription:

FOSSACS seeks papers which offer progress in foundational research
with a clear significance for software science. A central issue is
theories and methods which support the specification, transformation,
verification, and analysis of programs and software systems.

Topics covered are:

**    Computational and syntactic foundations of software science:
      computation processes over discrete and continuous data,
      techniques for their manipulation, and their algorithmic, 
      algebraic, and logical properties;

**   Transition systems, models of concurrency and reactive systems,
      and corresponding calculi, algebras, and logics;

**   Type theory, domain theory, and their connections to semantics
      of programming languages and software specification.


There will be two awards for the best paper among all the papers presented
at any of the five main ETAPS conferences: EATCS award and EAPLS


    Monday 18th October 1999           Submission deadline
    Monday 13th December 1999          Notification of authors
    Thursday 13th January  2000        Final versions due
    March, 27 -- April, 1  2000        Conference dates

INVITED SPEAKER: Abbas Edalat (Imperial College, London)


Submitted papers must be in English and must 
not have appeared in, or have been submitted to, other symposia 
or journals.  Papers should be no more than 15 pages in the 
Springer-Verlag LNCS style 
(see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/Authors.html for details).

Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged. An electronic
submission should consist of the cover letter, which contains a short
abstract in plane ASCII format, and a postscript file with the
paper. The postscript can be included as an attachment or can be send
as a separate e-mail. Electronic submissions should be sent to the


Authors will be notified by e-mail about the successful receipt of their

Authors without access to internet can send six hard copies of the
paper to the Program Committee Chair:

Jerzy Tiuryn
Institue of Informatics 
Warsaw University
Banacha 2
02-097 Warsaw, Poland 


 Andre Arnold (Bordeaux)
 Mariangiola Dezani (Torino),
 Harald Ganzinger (Saarbr\"{u}cken),
 Georg Gottlob (Vienna),
 Fritz Henglein (Copenhagen),
 Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (Orsay),
 Dexter Kozen (Ithaca, NY),
 Marta Kwiatkowska (Birmingham),
 Giuseppe Longo (Paris),
 Andrew Pitts (Cambridge),
 Wolfgang Thomas (Aachen),
 Glynn Winskel (Aarhus),
 Moshe Y. Vardi (Houston, TX),
 Jerzy Tiuryn (Warsaw, chair).