
[CONCUR 2000] Conference Announcement and Call for Workshops

[N.b.: In past years, CONCUR has been home to quite a few interesting
papers applying type systems in the setting of concurrent computation.
  -- Moderator]

			     CONCUR 2000
	 11th International Conference on Concurrency Theory
			  August 22-25, 2000
	       Penn State University, Pennsylvania, USA

       Conference Email: concur2000@cse.psu.edu
       Conference URL: http://www.cse.psu.edu/concur2000/
       Workshops  URL: http://www.cs.auc.dk/concur2000/cfw.html

       Conference Organizers: Dale Miller, Catuscia Palamidessi 
       Workshops Coordinator: Uwe Nestmann 

SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE ..............................................

The  purpose   of  the  CONCUR   conferences  is  to   bring  together
researchers, developers and students in order to advance the theory of
concurrency, and promote its  applications.  Interest in this topic is
continuously growing, as a  consequence of the importance and ubiquity
of concurrent  systems and their  applications, and of  the scientific
relevance  of  their  foundations.    Typical  topics  of  the  CONCUR
conferences  are  all  areas  of semantics,  logics  and  verification
techniques for concurrent systems.

CALL FOR WORKSHOPS ...................................................

As in past  years (1998 and 1999), CONCUR  facilities will be provided
for pre-conference  and post-conference workshops that  are related to
topics generally covered by CONCUR, or that are of special interest to
CONCUR attendees.

Researchers  and practitioners  are  invited to  submit proposals  for
workshops  on  topics  in  concurrency theory.   Past  workshops  have
emphasized  emerging topics  of particular  interest.   Proposals that
promise  to  bring new  topics  into  CONCUR,  of both  practical  and
theoretical  importance, or  that provide  a forum  for  more detailed
discussion of central topics of continuing importance are welcome.

Meeting areas for one-day and  half-day workshops will be available on
Monday, August 21, and Saturday, August 26.

PROPOSALS should consist of two parts.  

(1) a short scientific justification of the proposed topic, its scope,
    and its relevance for the CONCUR community.   

(2) organizational details, which should include:

  * list of all organizers
  * address, email, phone, and fax, of a single contact person,
  * proposed format and agenda of the workshop,
  * [optional: list of previously organized similar workshops]
  * expected number of participants,
  * character of the workshop 
    (formal/informal, via submission/invitation),
  * duration and preferred period (pre- or post-CONCUR),
  * plans for proceedings or other publications, if any,
  * plans for demo sessions, if any.

Proposals are due:                                  December 24, 1999.
WS-Organizers will be notified by:                   January 14, 2000.

Proposals should  be submitted  electronically to the  workshop chair,
Uwe  Nestmann  <uwe@cs.auc.dk>,   preferably  as  <ASCII>  email  with

The accepted proposals will be included in the conference
program and advertised in CONCUR's call for participation.

The individual workshop organizers will be responsible for:

  * producing a "Call for Papers" for their workshop and
    posting it via various electronic lists or other means,
  * providing a brief description of the workshop for the
    conference program.
  * scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the
    local organizers and the workshop chair,
  * making the accepted papers available to the workshop
