
TCS2000 call for papers

                                call for papers
         IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
                                  IFIP TCS2000
           --- Exploring New Frontiers of Theoretical Informatics ---
                              August 17 - 19, 2000
                         Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

IFIP TCS2000 is the first International Conference on Theoretical Computer 
Science organized by the IFIP TC1 on Foundations of Computer Science. Major 
topics of the conference are follows:

Track (1): Algorithms, Complexity and Models of Computation

    analysis and design of algorithms --- algorithm experimentation ---
    continuous algorithms and complexity --- computational complexity ---
    descriptional complexity --- cellular automata and machines, automata
    and formal languages --- hardware algorithms and parallel algorithms
    --- computational learning theory --- algorithmic aspects in discovery
    science --- cryptography --- combinatorics --- probabilistic and
    randomized algorithms --- molecular computing and algorithmic aspects
    of bioinformatics --- quantum computing --- neural network computing
    --- evolutionary and genetic algorithms --- computational geometry ---
    computational and mathematical finance --- bridging complexity and

Track (2): Logic, Semantics, Specification and Verification

    logic and semantics for programs and languages --- foundations of
    system specification --- term rewriting systems --- proofs and
    specifications in computer science --- types and category theory in
    computer science --- theoretical aspects of specification and
    verification of hardware and software --- theoretical aspects of
    software concepts --- concurrency theory --- theory of parallel and
    distributed systems --- theory of internet languages and systems ---
    constructive and non-standard logics in computer science ---
    foundations of security --- theoretical foundations of data bases ---
    logic, specification and verification of hybrid and real-time
    systems --- theoretical foundations of open systems --- bridging
    semantics and complexity.

Submissions on the above topics and related topics are invited. Submitted 
papers should preferably be typeset in LaTeX2e using the Springer document 
class llncs for the LNCS format, see 
(the command \pagestyle{plain} turns on page numbering), and no longer than
 14 pages.  They should be sent in Postscript by email to one of the 
following addresses by January 28 (Friday), 2000:

       for Track (1), tcs2000-track1@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp;
       for Track (2), tcs2000-track2@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp.

A submission should include the track name for the submission, the title of 
the paper, names and affiliations of authors, an abstract up to 300 words, 
and the contact author's name, address, phone number, fax number, and email 
address. The submission must be in English, and it should provide a summary 
of the main results and their details to allow the program committee to 
assess their merits and significance, including references and comparisons. 
The result of the paper must be unpublished and not submitted for 
publication  elsewhere, including journals and the proceedings of other 
symposia or workshops. One author of each accepted paper should be able to 
present it at the conference.

Important Dates:

   January 28, 2000: Deadline for submission of papers
   April 7, 2000: Notification of acceptance
   May 5, 2000: Final camera-ready text due

See http://hagi.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/tcs2000/ for further information about the 
submission procedure. 

The program will consist of:

  Plenary Invited Talks
           Mart\'in Abadi (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies)
           Masami Hagiya (U. Tokyo)
           Madhu Sudan (MIT)

  Track (1) Invited Talks             
           Ernst Mayr (TU Muenchen)
           Shu Tezuka (IBM Tokyo Research Lab)
           Mihalis Yannakakis (AT\&T Research)       

  Track (2) Invited Talks
           Thomas Henzinger (UC Berkeley & MPI-Saarbrucken)
           Naoki Kobayashi (U. Tokyo)
           Gordon Plotkin (U. Edinburgh)

  Banquet Speech
           Michael O. Rabin (Harvard U.)

as well as the selected contributed talks and a panel discussion.  

The Proceedings, published as a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer 
Science, Springer-Verlag, will be available at the conference.  See 
http://tcs2000.ito.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/tcs2000/ for general information 
about the IFIP TCS2000 Conference.

Program Committee Co-Chairs
Track (1): Algorithms, Complexity and Models of Computation
           Jan van Leeuwen (U. Utrecht)
           Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo Inst. of Technology)
Track (2): Logic, Semantics, Specification, and Verification
           Masami Hagiya (U. Tokyo)
           Peter D. Mosses (U. Aarhus)

Program Committee
Track (1): Ricardo Baeza-Yates (U. Chile), Siu-Wing Cheng (Hong Kong UST),
           Felipe Cucker (City U. Hong Kong), 
           Rosario Gennaro (IBM T.J. Watson Research),
           Alan Gibbons (U. Liverpool), Andrew V. Goldberg (InterTrust STAR Lab, USA),
           Ernst Mayr (TU Muenchen), Hiroshi Nagamochi (Kyoto U.), 
           Kouichi Sakurai (Kyushu U.), Paul Vitanyi (CWI, Amsterdam), 
           Jiri Wiedermann (Academy of Sciences, Prague), Takashi Yokomori (Waseda U.)
Track (2): Samson Abramsky (U. Edinburgh), Egidio Astesiano (U. Genova),
           Luca Cardelli (Microsoft, Cambridge), Robert Constable (Cornell U.), 
           Javier Esparza (TU Muenchen), Naoki Kobayashi (U. Tokyo), 
           Jos\'e Meseguer (SRI, Menlo Park), Benjamin Pierce (U. Pennsylvania), 
           Davide Sangiorgi (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis), John Staples (U. Queensland), 
           Andrzej Tarlecki (Warsaw U.), 
           P. S. Thiagarajan (Chennai Math. Inst., India), 
           Kazunori Ueda (Waseda U.), Naoki Yonezaki (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)

Conference Co-Chairs
           Giorgio Ausiello (IFIP TC1 Chair and U. Roma "La Sapienza")
           Takayasu Ito (Tohoku U.)

Steering Committee
           Giorgio Ausiello (U. Roma) <chair>, Wilfried Brauer (TU Muenchen),
           Takayasu Ito (Tohoku U.), Michael O. Rabin (Harvard U.),
           John Staples (U. Queensland), Joseph Traub (Columbia U.) 

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
           Setsuo Arikawa (Kyushu U.), Yasuyoshi Inagaki (Nagoya U.),
           Takayasu Ito (Tohoku U.) 

The IFIP TCS2000 conference is organized by the IFIP TC1 on Foundations of 
Computer Science in cooperation with Information Processing Society of Japan,
Japan Society of Software Science and Technology, Institute of Electronics, 
Information and Communication Engineers in Japan*, European Association of 
Theoretical Computer Science, Association of Symbolic Logic, and Association 
for Computing Machinery-SIGACT. (* indicates "to be verified".)

E-mail address for any inquiry: TCS2000@ito.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp