First CFP: Types in Compilation 2000
The Third International Workshop on
Types in Compilation (TIC 2000)
Montreal, Canada
Co-located with PLI 2000
Types play a central role in many of the advanced compilation techniques
developed for modern programming languages. Standard or non-standard type
systems and type analyses have been found to be useful for optimizing
method dispatch in object-oriented languages, for reducing run-time tests in
dynamically-typed languages, for guiding data representations and code
generation, for program analysis and transformation, for compiler
and debugging, and for establishing safety properties of distributed or
code. The Types in Compilation (TIC) workshops bring together researchers
share new ideas and results in this area. The next workshop, TIC 2000, will
take place as part of the colloquium on Principles, Logics, and
Implementations of high-level programming languages (PLI 2000).
Submissions for this event are invited on all areas of interaction between
advanced compilation techniques and type systems or type analyses, including
both practical applications and theoretical aspects. TIC 2000 specifically
encourages papers from a broad field of programming language researchers,
including object-oriented, dynamically-typed, late-binding, and mobile-code
paradigms, as well as traditional fully-static type system. Topics of
interest include:
- Type-directed compilation and typed intermediate languages.
- Analysis and transformations for efficient implementation of
parametric and subtype polymorphism.
- Compiling and optimizing dynamic dispatch and related issues
in object-oriented languages.
- Elimination of run-time type tests in dynamically-typed
- Flow analysis for reconstructing type information, including
control-flow analyses, set-based analyses, and soft typing.
- Type-based data representation analysis.
- Type-based interoperability between languages.
- Types and the correctness of program transformations.
- Type-safe, mobile intermediate representations such as
proof-carrying code or Java-style safe bytecodes.
- Interactions between types and run-time systems such as
garbage collectors.
- Compile-time and run-time representations of type
- Type-directed partial evaluation; type-based multi-level
This is not meant to be an exhaustive list; papers on novel utilizations of
type information are welcome. Authors concerned about the suitability of a
topic are encouraged to inquire via electronic mail to the program chair
to submission.
Workshop chair:
Karl Crary
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
E-mail: crary@cs.cmu.edu
Program chair:
Robert Harper
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
E-mail: rwh@cs.cmu.edu
Program committee:
Dominic Duggan, Stevens Institute of Technology
Robert Harper (chair), Carnegie Mellon University
Trevor Jim, AT&T
Andrew Kennedy, Microsoft Corporation
Atsushi Ohori, Kyoto University
Franklyn Turbak, Wellesley College
Organizing committee:
Craig Chambers, University of Washington
Robert Harper, Carnegie Mellon University
Xavier Leroy, INRIA Rocquencourt
Robert Muller, Boston College
Atsushi Ohori, Kyoto University
Simon Peyton Jones, Glasgow University
Important dates:
Submission deadline June 1, 2000
Notification of acceptance August 15, 2000
Workshop September 21, 2000
Submission procedure:
We solicit submissions on original research not published or submitted
for publication elsewhere. Technical summaries, in English and not to
exceed 5000 words (approximately 10 pages), should be submitted to the
program chair by Monday, June 1, 2000. To submit, authors
should complete the following two steps by the submission deadline:
1. Send an e-mail message to rwh+tic@cs.cmu.edu containing the title,
authors' contact information, and an abstract (not to exceed 200
words) in ASCII.
2. Send the technical summary itself. The summary should be sent
electronically to rwh+tic@cs.cmu.edu. (Persons to whom electronic
submission poses a hardship may make individual arrangements with
the program chair.)
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is strongly preferred for all
submissions. Authors should ensure that to use full font inclusion to
portability. All papers must be formatted for US Letter (8.5"x11") paper.
Postscript (PS) format submissions will also be accepted, provided that they
preview and print properly using Ghostscript with standard fonts.
All submissions must include a return postal address and an electronic mail
address. Receipt of the submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail within 2
A post-workshop refereed proceedings is anticipated. Further details will
be available once arrangements have been made with the publisher.