
Call for Participation: Workshop on Proof-Carrying Code

                   CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: PCC 2000

               Tutorial Workshop on Proof-Carrying Code

             University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
         Wednesday, June 28, 2000 -- Thursday, June 29, 2000

The Workshop on Proof-Carrying Code aims to foster discussion and
collaboration between implementors of proof-carrying code systems and
researchers in the foundational areas of logic, static analysis,
programming language semantics, compilers, type theory, and theorem
proving.  It will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, June 28-29, 2000
at the University of Santa Barbara, California, USA, between LICS 2000
(26 to June 29) and SAS 2000 (29 June to 1 July).  Tutorials and
reports on work in progress will be given by invited speakers,

    Karl Crary
    Amy Felty 
    Greg Morrisett 
    George Necula 
    Atsushi Ohori 

Additional contributions are solicited.  Appropriate topics include
(but are not limited to):

* certifying compilers 
* type systems, safety policies, and security policies in
  proof-carrying code systems
* efficient proof checking 
* compact proof representations 
* secure mobile code frameworks

Interested parties should contact the organizer.


Workshop home page: http://www.research.att.com/~conf/PCC2000/
Organizer: Trevor Jim
Web: http://www.research.att.com/~trevor/
E-mail: trevor@research.att.com
Phone: 973-360-8175
Fax: 973-360-8077
    AT&T Shannon Laboratory
    180 Park Avenue
    Florham Park, NJ 07932