LINEAR Summer School (2nd call)
To: amast@cs.utwente.nl, bra-types@cs.chalmers.se, caml-list@inria.fr, categories@mta.ca, colibri@let.uu.nl, concurrency@cwi.nl, coq-club@pauillac.inria.fr, eacsl@dimi.uniud.it, eapls-request@mailbase.ac.uk, haskell@haskell.org, info-hol@jaguar.cs.byu.edu, isabelle-users@cl.cam.ac.uk, lambda-usergroup@dcs.ed.ac.uk, lego-club@dcs.ed.ac.uk, licsr@sun7.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de, logic@cs.stanford.edu, pept%yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jppvs@csl.sri.com, rewriting@ens-lyon.fr, types@cis.upenn.edu, engsc@uma.pt, elsa@gia.ist.utl.pt, math-phys_sem@bebop.math.ist.utl.pt, aruano@mozart.si.ualg.pt, rmenezes@mat.ua.pt, docentes@noe.ubi.pt, isabel@dei.uc.pt, comct@mat.uc.pt, angelica@dmat.uevora.pt, mchauser@ptmat.lmc.fc.ul.pt, lmp@di.fct.unl.pt, secretaria@di.fct.unl.pt, luis@ncc.up.pt, appsem@cs.chalmers.se, igplmember@dcs.kcl.ac.uk
Subject: LINEAR Summer School (2nd call)
From: Nuno Barreiro <nbar@di.fc.ul.pt>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 04:33:24 +0100
Sender: nbar@mail.di.fc.ul.pt
The LINEAR International Summer School
(Linear Logic and Applications)
August 30 to September 7, 2000
Hotel Terra Nostra, S.Miguel, Azores, Portugal
The Linear TMR research network (http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/LINEAR) is
proud to announce its first International Summer School on Linear
Logic and Applications.
The school is directed to everyone doing postgraduate work in
Computer Science or Mathematics with an interest in the field
of Formal Logic and its applications.
The school lasts one week and comprises both lectures and
thematic sessions. The lectures are in the tradition of summer
schools and cover one topic, from basic material to more advanced
issues. The topics and lecturers are the following:
Samson Abramsky --- Game Semantics
Jean-Yves Girard -- Linear Logic and Ludics
Stefano Guerrini -- Proof-Nets and Lambda-Calculus
Yves Lafont ------- Phase Semantics and Decision Problems
Phil Scott -------- Category Theory and Concrete Models
The thematic sessions will cover state-of-the-art research in Linear
Logic. Each session has an organiser responsible for inviting speakers
who will talk about their work. The themes and organisers are the
Andrea Asperti ---- Applications
Vincent Danos ----- Proof Theory
Thomas Ehrhard ---- Semantics
Glynn Winskel ----- Concurrency
The school will be held in the island of S.Miguel, Azores, amid
luxurious vegetation and hot water springs. The entrance to the mythic
kingdom of the Atlantis is believed to be located near Hotel Terra
Nostra, some say at the bottom of its famous red and hot water swimming
Detailed information and application forms are available at
Don't forget to check it!