ASIAN'00: Call for Papers
Asian Computing Science Conference
Penang, Malaysia, November 25-27, 2000
Conference Web Page: http://www.sato.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~asian00
Paper submission deadline: July 31, 2000
The series of annual Asian Computing Science Conferences (ASIAN) was
initiated in 1995 by AIT, INRIA and UNU/IIST to provide a forum for
researchers in computer science from the Asian region and to promote
interaction with researchers from other regions. The first five
conferences have been held, respectively, in Bangkok, Singapore,
Kathmandu, Manila and Phuket. In addition to support from the host countries,
they have also been sponsored by INRIA, France, UNU/IIST, Macau and
NUS, Singapore. The proceedings have been published as Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag.
The scope of the conferences has been a broad coverage of Computer Science,
but with a focus on a few chosen specific themes concerning the formal
aspects of algorithms, programming, concurrency and parallelism, networking
and security. The 2000 conference will continue to emphasize the conceptual
areas of Computer Science, though papers in all areas will be considered.
The following themes represent the areas of focus for this year:
* Logics in Computer Science
* Data Mining
* Networks and Performance
The keynote speaker at ASIAN'00 will be Jean Vuillemin (Ecole Normale
Superieure, France). We will also have some invited speakers, in the
tradition of the past conferences.
We invite submissions on original research not published or submitted for
publication elsewhere. Submission procedure is described below.
The proceedings are to be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS
series. In addition to regular papers, we hope to accept posters,
which will appear as two-page abstracts in the proceedings. Papers
and posters must be presented at the conference by one of the authors.
Shigeki Goto (Waseda U., Japan) Kanchana Kanchanasut (AIT, Thailand)
Stephane Grumbach(INRIA, France) R.K. Shyamasundar (TIFR Bombay, India)
Joxan Jaffar (NUS, Singapore) Kazunori Ueda (Waseda U., Japan)
Gilles Kahn (INRIA, France) Zhou Chaochen (UNU/IIST, Macau)
Program Co-Chairs:
He Jifeng Masahiko Sato
United Nations University Graduate School of Informatics
International Institute Kyoto University
for Software Technology Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
Macau Japan
Email: jifeng@iist.unu.edu E-Mail: masahiko@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Telephone: +853-712930 Telephone: +81-75-753-5868
Jean-Marie Alain (LIRMM, France)
Ming-Syan Chen (National Taiwan U., Taiwan)
Ian Graham (U. of Waikato, New Zealand)
He Jifeng (co-chair) (UNU, Macau)
Kazunori Konishi (KDD, Japan)
Bing Liu (IBM, USA)
Zhen Liu (INRIA, France)
Ian Mason (U. of New England, Australia)
Mitsu Okada (Keio U., Japan)
Luke Ong (Oxford U., UK)
Masahiko Sato (co-chair) (Kyoto U., Japan)
Kyuseok Shim (KAIST, Korea)
Joxan Jaffar, National University of Singapore, Singapore
To be announced. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang will provide
local arrangements.
Paper submission deadline: July 31, 2000
Acceptance decisions: September 10, 2000
Camera-ready copy due: September 25, 2000
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts by e-mail in a self-contained
PostScript file (gzipped and uuencoded) to asian00@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
This is to be complemented by one hard copy sent to the
program co-chair, Masahiko Sato, at the above address.
Submissions should be formatted in the LNCS style
(see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
Papers must be written in English and not exceed 15 pages.
More details can be found on the conference webpage. In addition,
a separate e-mail message should be sent containing the paper title and
an abstract (at most 150 words), authors, keywords, postal address,
e-mail address and fax number.
If e-mail is not available, five hard copies each and the above coversheet
information should be sent by paper mail to both PC chairs at the above
To be announced.
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\newcommand{\asian}{{\sc Asian'00}}
{\Large\sc Call for Papers - \asian{}}
{\Large \bf Asian Computing Science Conference}\\[1.5ex]
{\large\bf Penang, \ Malaysia, November 25-27, 2000}
Conference Web Page:
& ~~{\tt \bf http://www.sato.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/\verb|~|asian00} \\
\bf Paper submission deadline: ~~& ~~\bf July 31, 2000
{\bf General Chair:} \vspace*{1mm}
Joxan Jaffar, \\
National University of Singapore,
{\bf Program Co-Chairs:}\vspace*{1mm}
He Jifeng \\
United Nations University\\
International Institute\\
for Software Technology \\
{\it E-Mail:}~~~ & {\tt jifeng@iist.unu.edu}\\
{\it Tel:} & +853-712930\\
Masahiko Sato\\
Graduate School of Informatics\\
Kyoto University\\
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto\\
{\it E-Mail:}~~~ & {\tt masahiko@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp}\\
{\it Tel:} & +81-75-753-5868\\
{\bf {\sc Asian'00} Steering Committee:}
Shigeki Goto (Waseda U., Japan) \\
Stephane Grumbach(INRIA, France) \\
Joxan Jaffar (NUS, Singapore) \\
Gilles Kahn (INRIA, France) \\
Kanchana Kanchanasut (AIT, Thailand) \\
R.K. Shyamasundar (TIFR Bombay, India) \\
Kazunori Ueda (Waseda U., Japan) \\
Zhou Chaochen (UNU/IIST, Macau) \\
{\bf Program Committee (Partial List):}
Jean-Marie Alain (LIRMM, France)\\
Ming-Syan Chen (National Taiwan U.,\\
\hskip 3cm Taiwan)\\
Ian Graham (U. of Waikato, New Zealand)\\
He Jifeng (co-chair) (UNU, Macau)\\
Kazunori Konishi (KDD, Japan)\\
Bing Liu (IBM, USA)\\
Zhen Liu (INRIA, France)\\
Ian Mason (U. of New England, Australia)\\
Mitsu Okada (Keio U., Japan) \\
Luke Ong (Oxford U., UK)\\
Masahiko Sato (co-chair) (Kyoto U., Japan)\\
Kyuseok Shim (KAIST, Korea)\\
{\bf Local Chair:}
To be announced. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang will provide
local arrangements.
{\bf Background:} \\
The series of annual Asian Computing Science Conferences (ASIAN) was
initiated in 1995 by AIT, INRIA and UNU/IIST to provide a forum for
researchers in computer science from the Asian region and to promote
interaction with researchers from other regions. The first five
conferences have been held, respectively, in Bangkok, Singapore,
Kathmandu, Manila and Phuket. In addition to support from the host countries,
they have also been sponsored by INRIA, France, UNU/IIST, Macau and
NUS, Singapore. The proceedings have been published as Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag.
{\bf Scope:} \\
The scope of the conferences has been a broad coverage of Computer Science,
but with a focus on a few chosen specific themes concerning
the formal aspects of algorithms, programming, concurrency and parallelism,
networking and security.
The 2000 conference will continue to emphasize the conceptual
areas of Computer Science, though papers in all areas will be considered.
The following themes represent the areas of focus for this year:
Logics in Computer Science
Data Mining
Networks and Performance
{\bf Invited Speakers:} \\
The keynote speaker at ASIAN'00 will be {\sc Jean Vuillemin}
(Ecole Normale Supeieure, France).
We will also have some invited speakers, in the
tradition of the past conferences.
{\bf Paper submissions:} \\
We invite submissions on original research not published or submitted for
publication elsewhere. The details of the paper submission procedure
can be found on the conference web page.
The proceedings are to be published by Springer-Verlag in the
{\it Lecture Notes in Computer Science} series.
In addition to
regular papers, we hope to accept posters, which will appear as two-page
abstracts in the proceedings. Papers and posters must be presented at the
conference by one of the authors.
{\bf Important dates:}
\hspace*{\fill} \fbox{
July 31, 2000 & ~~Paper submission deadline \\
September 10, 2000 & ~~Acceptance decisions \\
September 25, 2000~~ & ~~Camera-ready copy due \\
} \hspace*{\fill}
{\bf Post Conference Asian School:}
To be announced.