CFP: LPAR'2000, Reunion Island, France
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Subject: CFP: LPAR'2000, Reunion Island, France
From: Andrei Voronkov <voronkov@cs.man.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 17:49:12 +0100 (BST)
Call for Papers
7th International Conference on
Logic for Programming and
Automated Reasoning
November 6-10, 2000,
General information:
LPAR'2000 will be held November 6-10, 2000,
on Reunion Island, a small French island in the Indian Ocean,
to the east of Madagascar. It will be followed by a Workshop on
Implementations of Logic, November 11-12, 2000.
For more detailed information see
automated reasoning | lambda and combinatory calculi
interactive theorem proving | constructive logic and type theory
implementations of logic | computional interpretations of logic
design of logical frameworks | logical foundations of programming
program and system verification | logical aspects of concurrency
model checking | program extraction from proofs
rewriting | linear logic
logic programming | modal and temporal logics
constraints programming | knowledge representation and reasoning
logic and databases | reasoning about actions
logic and computational complexity | description logics
specification using logics | nonmonotonic reasoning
Invited speakers:
BrunoCourcelle (Bordeaux-1 University)
Georg Gottlob (Technische Universität Wien)
Erich Grädel (RWTH Aachen)
Michael Rusinowitch (LORIA-INRIA-Lorraine)
(the list will be extended)
Programme Committee
Stefano Berardi (Università di Torino)
Manfred Broy (Technische Universität München)
Maurice Bruynooghe (Catholic University of Leuven)
Hubert Comon (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan)
Gilles Dowek (INRIA)
Harald Ganzinger (Max-Planck-Institute)
Mike Gordon (University of Cambridge)
Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft Research)
Neil Jones (DIKU University of Copenhagen)
Teodor Knapik (Université de la Réunion)
Yves Lafont (Université de la Méditerrannée)
Daniel Leivant (Indiana University)
Maurizio Lenzerini (Università di Roma)
Giorgio Levi (Pisa University)
Leonid Libkin (Bell Laboratories)
Patrick Lincoln (SRI International)
David McAllester (AT&T Labs Research)
Robert Nieuwenhuis (Technical University of Catalonia)
Mitsuhiro Okada (Keio University)
Catuscia Palamidessi (Pennsylvania State University)
Leszek Pacholski (University of Wroclaw)
Michel Parigot (University of Paris VII), co-chair
Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University)
Helmut Schwichtenberg (Lüdwig-Maximilian University, Munich)
Jan Smith (Chalmers University)
Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen)
Pascal van Hentenryck (Brown University)
Andrei Voronkov (University of Manchester), co-chair
Organizing Committee
Teodor Knapik (University of Reunion)
Pascal Manoury (University of Paris VI)
Andrei Voronkov (University of Manchester)
Submission of papers
Submitted papers must be original and not submitted
concurrently for publication to a journal or to another conference.
Submission by members of the Program Committee is not allowed.
Submitted "theoretical" papers should not be longer than 15 proceedings pages.
If proofs do not fit in 15 pages, add an appendix
with proofs or refer to a full version of the article on the Web.
Submitted "experimental" papers should not be longer than 10 proceedings pages.
The proceedings of LPAR'2000 will be published by Springer-Verlag in
the LNAI series. Authors of accepted papers will
be requested to sign a form transfering copyright of their contribution to Springer-Verlag.
Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX2e and the Springer
llncs class files. If you use this style, turn on page numbers using
Papers in the postscript or PDF format, preferably uuencoded and
zipped or gzipped, should be sent by email to lpar00-submission@cs.man.ac.uk.
Title, abstract, and the list of authors with their email addresses
should be sent to the same address in a separate message.
Important dates
* Submission: June 1
* Notification: July 15
* Final version: August 10
* Conference: November 6-10
* Worskhop on implementations of logic: November 11-12.
All questions related to submission should be sent
to the program chairs:
Michel Parigot (parigot@logique.jussieu.fr) and
Andrei Voronkov (voronkov@cs.man.ac.uk)