
Lipari Summer School 2001

			  First Announcement

              Foundations of Wide Area Network Programming
       13th International School for Computer Science Researchers
                    Lipari Island, July 1-14, 2001

 The 13th School for Computer Science Researchers addresses Ph.D. 
 students and young researchers who want to get exposed to the
 forefront of research activity in the field of Wide Area Network
 Programming, with particular reference to the future of the World
 Wide Web and to issues of distributed architectures, software
 engineering, object oriented design, security, mobility,
 coordination, collaborative work and retrieval/handling of
 semistructured data.

 The school will be held in the beautiful surroundings of the island
 of Lipari. Participants will be arranged in a comfortable hotel at
 very special rates. The conference room (in the same hotel) is air
 conditioned and equipped with all conference materials. Special areas
 are reserved to students for the afternoon coursework and study. A
 proficiency final exam at the end of each chosen course is mandatory
 for students. A social tour to Stromboli with spectacular vulcano
 fireworks will be held on Sunday, July 8.

 The official language is English.

 The island of Lipari can be easily reached from Milazzo, Palermo,
 Naples, Messina and Reggio Calabria by ferry or hydrofoil (50 minutes
 from Milazzo). The organization provides a round-trip bus from
 Catania airport (the third most important airport in Italy) to
 Milazzo hydrofoil terminal and viceversa. 

Lipari International School Web Pages


Courses (incomplete list)

 * Security Protocols and Formal Methods.

    Martin Abadi
    Bell Labs Research, Palo Alto

 * Principles of Wide Area Programming.

    Luca Cardelli
    Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK

 * The Coordination Paradigm.

    Paolo Ciancarini
    Universitą degli Studi, Bologna

 * Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming.

    Doug Lea
    State University of New York at Oswego

 * Mobility, Security and Proof-Carrying Code.

    Peter Lee
    Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh

 * Java, Jini and Related Technologies.

    Jim Waldo
    Sun Microsystems, Burlington, Mass.
    and Harvard University


 Alfredo Ferro     (University of Catania), Co-chair
 Ugo Montanari     (University of Pisa),    Co-chair
 Vladimiro Sassone (University of Catania), Co-chair

Advanced Seminars

 A few talks will be given by auditors or by experts visiting the
 School for short periods.


 Two kinds of partecipants are welcome.

    Partecipants who are expected to do afternoon courseworks and take
    a final exam. 

    Partecipants who are not interested in taking the final exam.

 Up to 60 students and a limited number of additional auditors will be
 admitted. Deadline for application is March 31, 2001. Applicants must
 include a short curriculum vitae and specify two professors whom
 letters of recommendation will be asked to, if deemed necessary. 
 Applicants will be notified about admission by April 14, 2001. 
 Registration fee is 400 U.S. dollars (includes bus+hydrofoil Catania
 airport-Lipari-Catania airport, social tour to Stromboli, approx. 1000 
 pages of xeroxed course material). While electronic application is
 preferred, applications by mail to the following address will also be

     School Director:
     Prof. Alfredo Ferro
     Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica 
     Universitą degli Studi di Catania - Cittą Universitaria
     Viale A.Doria, 6 - 95125 Catania - ITALY

     Tel:    +39 095 221012 / +39 095 7383071
     Fax:    +39 095 7337032
     E-mail: ferro@dmi.unict.it

Important dates

 Deadline for application:  March 31, 2001. 
 Notification of admission: April 14, 2001. 
 Lipari School:             July 1-14,2001