
New programs in the foundation of mathematics conference

     "New programs and open problems in the foundation of
      mathematics and of its applications, in year 2000"             

                                November 13 and 14, 2000
               Ecole Normale Superieure, 45, rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
                                   Salle Dussane

              Monday, November 13:

       14h :    J.-Y. Girard (CNRS, Marseille): "Locus solum"
       Respondent: P.-L. Curien (CNRS - Univ. Paris VII)

       15h 30 :    A. Macintyre (Univ. Edinburgh):
       "Prospects in logic"
       Respondent: A. Marcja (Univ. Firenze)

       17h : PAUSE.

       17h 15 :    W. Lawvere (SUNY, Buffalo):
       "Dialectical foundations of, by, and for mathematics"
       Respondent: I. Moerdijk (Univ. Utrecht)

              Tuesday, November 14:

       9h 30 :    R. Milner (Univ. Cambridge):
      "The flux of computation"
       Respondent: G. Berry (Ecole des Mines, Sophia-Antipolis)

       11h :    G. Parisi (Univ. Roma I):
      "Six spaces looking for a geometer"
       Respondent: J.-P. Nadal (CNRS-ENS, Paris)

              Tuesday afternoon:

       14h 30 :    A. Connes (College de France, Paris):
       "Non-commutative Geometry"
       Respondent: C. Soule (IHES, Paris);

       16h :    Panel discussion :
       "Geometric Structures in Logic, Physics and Computing" with  
the invitees and the members of the working group "Geometrie et  
Cognition" (G. Longo, CNRS-ENS, chair)


The Conference is one of the activites promoted by the "Atelier de  
Recherche" Geometrie et Cognition  (  
http://www.dmi.ens.fr/users/longo/geocogni.html )
financed by the french Ministry of Research, and it is partly  
supported also by the Laboratoire d'Informatique
The Conference is open to public (no attendance fees) and the  
organizers can provide no help to attendees
(a list of hotels may be found in :   
http://www.dmi.ens.fr/users/longo/GeoCo-fold/hotels.html ).
