
Call for Paper ICTCS'01

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

        Seventh Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
                    Torino, October 4th - 6th, 2001

             Sponsored by the European Association
            of Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)

The seventh Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
will take place in Torino, in the period 4-6 October 2001.
Paper presenting original contributions in any area of theoretical
computer science are being sought.
Topics include (but are not limited to):

     computability, automata, formal languages, new computing
     paradigms, term rewriting, analysis and design of algorithms,
     computational complexity, symbolic and algebraic computation,
     cryptography and security, data types and data structures, theory
     of data base and knowledge bases, semantics of programming
     languages, program specification and verification, foundations of
     functional and logic programming, parallel and distributed
     computation, theory of concurrency, theory of robotics, theory of
     logical design and layout.


     A. Asperti, Bologna                 A. Bertoni, Milano
     B. Codenotti, Pisa                  C. De Felice, Salerno
     P. Degano, Pisa                     R. De Nicola, Firenze
     M. Falaschi, Udine                  P. Inverardi, L'Aquila
     G. F. Italiano, Venezia             E. Moggi, Genova
     L. Pagli, Pisa                      A. Restivo (Co-Chair), Palermo
     S. Ronchi della Rocca (Co-Chair), Torino


     Paper Submission:            March 30th, 2001
     Acceptance Notification:     June 6th, 2001
     Camera-ready Paper Deadline: July 15th, 2001
     Conference:                  October 4th -- 6th, 2001


     Authors are invited to submit ELECTRONICALLY one copy
     of their extended abstract, not exceeding twelve pages
     (use of LaTeX and of the Springer LNCS style,
     available at the URL: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/,
     is recommended), following the instruction given below.
     In the case electronic submission is not possible, the authors
     should submit 15 copies of their extended abstracts by
     ordinary mail to the address below.
     The abstracts should clearly indicate the results archieved,
     their significance, and their relation to other work in the area.

     Simona Ronchi della Rocca,
     Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita' di Torino,
     C.so Svizzera, 185
     10149 TORINO, Italy
     E-mail: ronchi@di.unito.it
     URL:    http://www.di.unito.it/~ronchi


     Instructions for electronic submission of papers will appear
     in the WWW page for the conference at the URL:
     This page will contain further information and latest news.


    It is planned to publish the proceedings in the
    Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.


     S. Berardi, Torino             V. Bono, Torino
     F. Damiani, Torino             U. De' Liguoro, Torino
     M. Dezani (Chair), Torino      P. Giannini, Alessandria
     L. Roversi, Torino


     Mariangiola Dezani,
     Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita' di Torino,
     C.so Svizzera, 185
     10149 TORINO, Italy
     E-mail: dezani@di.unito.it
     URL:    http://www.di.unito.it/~dezani