
Lipari Summer School 2001

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              Foundations of Wide Area Network Programming
			(second announcement)
       13th International School for Computer Science Researchers
                    Lipari Island, July 1-14, 2001

The 13th School for Computer Science Researchers addresses Ph.D. students
and young researchers who want to get exposed to the forefront of research
activity in the field of Wide Area Network Programming, with particular
reference to the future of the World Wide Web and to issues of distributed
architectures, software engineering, object oriented design, security,
mobility, coordination, collaborative work and retrieval/handling of
semistructured data.

The school will be held in the beautiful surroundings of the island of
Lipari. Participants will be arranged in a comfortable hotel at very
special rates. The conference room (in the same hotel) is air conditioned
and equipped with all conference materials. Special areas are reserved to
students for the afternoon coursework and study. The island of Lipari can
be easily reached from Milazzo, Palermo, Naples, Messina and Reggio
Calabria by ferry or hydrofoil (50 minutes from Milazzo). The organization
provides a round-trip bus from Catania airport (the third most important
airport in Italy) to Milazzo hydrofoil terminal and viceversa. A
proficiency final exam at the end of each chosen course is mandatory for
students. A social tour to Stromboli with spectacular vulcano fireworks
will be held on Sunday, July 8.

The official language is English.

Lipari International School Web Pages


Directors of Lipari 2001

Alfredo Ferro (University of Catania), Co-chair
Ugo Montanari (university of Pisa), Co-chair
Vladimiro Sassone (University of Catania), Co-chair


* Security Protocols and Formal Methods.

Martin Abadi
Bell Labs Research, Palo Alto

These lectures are an introduction to security protocols and to some of the
formal approaches to their design and analysis. The lectures cover the
basics of security protocols, with some examples (fragments of SSL, SSH,
etc.) and principles. Then they focus on formal methods for modeling and
reasoning about security protocols, and particularly on the spi calculus
(an extension of the pi calculus with constructs for cryptography).

* Principles of Wide Area Programming.

Luca Cardelli
Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK

We discuss the challenges of computation on wide-area networks, and
introduce a formalism, the Ambient Calculus, that matches some fundamental
characteristics of wide-area networks and systems. Our approach (developed
with Andrew Gordon) reflects the intuition that to function satisfactorily
on a wide-area network, the existing "sea of objects" must be partitioned
and made hierarchical, internally mobile, and secure.

* Coordination Languages and Models.

Paolo Ciancarini
Universita' degli Studi, Bologna

The emergence of high bandwidth network technology, and the trend toward
reusing whole applications as components of larger software configurations
is fuelling the development of distributed software architectures and
agent-oriented programming. Coordination languages are a class of
programming languages which offer a variety of solutions to the problem of
managing the interaction among computing entities, like agents or
processes. These languages usually offer explicit support for composing and
controlling software architectures made of interacting active components.
Interestingly, most coordination languages are based on a few common
notions, such as pattern-based, associative communication, that complements
the name-oriented, data-based communication of traditional languages for
parallel programming. A number of interesting models have been proposed and
used to support coordination languages and systems. We will describe and
discuss a number of these models and languages.

* Mobility, Security and Proof-Carrying Code.

Peter Lee
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh

This course will provide an introduction to the security problems raised by
mobile code, along with an overview of approaches to solving them. A
portion of the overview will cover approaches used in current practice, but
the majority of the course will focus on various forms of proof-carrying
code (PCC), including the Necula/Lee approach as well as recent
developments such as typed assembly language. A substantial part of the
course will explain some of the "proof-engineering" issues that must be
solved in order to make any approach to PCC practical.

* Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming.

Doug Lea
State University of New York at Oswego

Topics include: Concurrent object models and their mappings to systems,
general design constraints and patterns for exclusion, state dependence,
sending messages, and creating threads, application-specific design
patterns for computationally-intensive, event-driven, and IO-intensive
programs, and for constructing distributed object system middleware.
Programming examples will be in Java.

* The Extensible Markup Language (XML).

Michael I. Schwartzbach
University of Aarhus

XML is emerging as a unifying notation for structured data. Its main areas
of application are Web contents and databases. In itself, XML is just a
particular notation for labeled ordered trees. The potentially vast impact
arises from a collection of generic tools that are being integrated into
the Web infrastructure. The main tools deal with namespaces, schemas
(grammars), linking, transformation, and querying. These lectures will
present 'the XML vision' and its technological foundations.

* Java, Jini and Related Technologies.

Jim Waldo
Sun Microsystems, Burlington, Mass.
and Harvard University

In this course, we will investigate the effect being able to move objects
(including the code that implements the object) has in a distributed computing
system. We will begin by looking at Java Remote Method Invocation, the base
distributed computing infrastructure within Java. We will then see how Jini is
built on the semantic model established by RMI, and how such a system allows
abstraction from the communication protocols used in the system. Finally, we
will look at some of the research challenges open in such a world of mobile

Advanced Seminars

A few talks will be given by auditors or by experts visiting the School for
short periods.


Two kinds of partecipants are welcome.

Students: Partecipants who are expected to do afternoon courseworks and
take a final exam.
Auditors: Partecipants who are not interested in taking the final exam.

Up to 60 students and a limited number of additional auditors will be
admitted. Deadline for application is March 31, 2001. Applicants must
include a short curriculum vitae and specify two professors whom letters of
recommendation will be asked to, if deemed necessary. Applicants will be
notified about admission by April 14, 2001. Registration fee is 400 U.S.
dollars (includes bus+hydrofoil Catania airport-Lipari-Catania airport,
social tour to Stromboli, approx. 1000 pages of xeroxed course material).
While electronic application is preferred, applications by mail to the
following address will also be accepted:

Lipari School Director:
Prof. Alfredo Ferro
Universitą degli Studi di Catania - Dipartimento di Matematica
Cittą Universitaria - Viale A.Doria, 6 - 95125 Catania - ITALY
Tel: +39 095 221012 / 7383071 / 330533(ext.666)
Fax: +39 095 330094
E-mail: mailto:ferro@dmi.unict.it