Termination Workshop - Deadline Extension
(WST '01)
Utrecht, The Netherlands
May 20-21, 2001
After the successful international workshops on termination held in
1. St. Andrews (1993),
2. La Bresse (1995),
3. Ede (1997), and
4. Dagstuhl (1999),
the fifth international workshop on termination will be held in Utrecht
in conjunction with the International Conference on
Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA). We hope to attain the same
friendly atmosphere as in past workshops, which enabled fruitful exchanges
leading to joint research and subsequent publications.
This workshop delves into all aspects of termination of processes.
Though, the halting of computer programs, for example,
is undecidable, methods of establishing termination play a fundamental
role in many applications and the challenges are both
practical and theoretical. From a practical point of view, proving
termination is a central problem in software development
and formal methods for termination analysis are essential for program
verification. From a theoretical point of view,
termination is central in mathematical logic and ordinal theory.
Areas of interest to this workshop, include, but are not limited to,
the following:
Well-quasi-order theory
Ordinal notations
Fast/slow growing hierarchies
Strong normalization of lambda calculi
Termination of programs
Termination of rewriting
Termination of logic programs
Ordinals and termination orderings
Hard termination problems/proofs
Termination methods for theorem provers / verification systems
Implementations of termination methods
Applications of termination methods
Extended abstracts of papers (1-3 pages) should be submitted
electronically by February 19, 2001. Expect notification around
March 1. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to attend and
present their paper at the workshop.
Registration Information
To register for the workshop, please fill out the registration form
before April 1, 2001.
Important Dates
February 19, 2001
Submission deadline
March 1, 2001
Notification of acceptance
April 1, 2001
Registration deadline (tentative)
May 20-21, 2001
WST Workshop
May 22-24, 2001
RTA conference
Program Committee
Nachum Dershowitz (Tel-Aviv)
Danny De Schreye (Leuven)
Juergen Giesl (Aachen)
Pierre Lescanne (Lyon)
Albert Rubio (Barcelona)
Stephen Simpson (Pennsylvania)
Hans Zantema (Eindhoven)
Further Information and Requests
Nachum Dershowitz
School of Computer Science
Tel Aviv University
P.O.B. 39040
Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978
Tel.: [+972] 3-640-5356
Fax.: [+972] 3-640-9357
Email: nachumd@tau.ac.il
Local Arrangements
Vincent van Oostrom
Department of Philosophy
Utrecht University
Heidelberglaan 8
3584 CS Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel.: [+31] 30-253-2761
Fax.: [+31] 30-253-2816
Email: Vincent.vanOostrom@phil.uu.nl
Website: http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~nachumd/wst.html