
ConCoord: Concurrency and Coordination

[[ -- Given the applications of types to security of mobile agents
      and code, this call may be interesting for the readers of TYPES --]]

			  Final Announcement
		      Deadline Extended:  22.04.01

	International Workshop on Concurrency and Coordination

			 Lipari Island, Italy
			    6-8 July 2001

           A workshop associated to the 13th Lipari School


Aims and Scope

 During the last few years, the role of global computing, and 
 in particular of web applications, has become more and more
 widespread. The emerging programming paradigms require on the 
 one hand mechanisms to support mobility of code and computations, 
 and effective infrastructures to support coordination and control 
 of dynamically loaded software modules. On the other hand, an
 abstract semantic framework to formalize the model of computation 
 of internet applications is clearly needed. Such a semantic framework
 may provide the formal basis to discuss and motivate controversial
 design/implementation issues and to state and certify properties in 
 a rigorous way.

 Similar aims have been pursued by two Esprit working groups, which
 recently terminated their activity: CONFER-2 (CONcurrency and Functions:  
 Evaluation and Reduction <http://para.inria.fr/confer/>) led by 
 Jean-Jacques Lévy (Inria Roquencourt), with technical assistance of Lone
 Leth and Bent Thomsen (ICL, London); and COORDINA (From COORDINAtion 
 models to applications, <http://malvasia.di.fct.unl.pt/activity/coordina/>),
 led by Antonio Porto (DI-FCT/UNL, Lisboa).

 The goal of the workshop is to review the large range of results
 achieved by the two working groups and to set the stage for future
 scientific advances and collaboration. However contributions and
 participation are encouraged by all those interested in the mentioned



 The workshop is associated to the 13th Lipari School for Computer
 Science Researchers, Lipari, July 1-14, 2001. The Lipari School 
 (<http://lipari.dmi.unict.it/Lipari/index.asp>) is a well established
 initiative attended every year by about 60 PhD students and researchers 
 from Italy, Europe and the US. In 2001 the school will be dedicated to 
 the foundations of Wide Area Network Programming and will consist of 
 lectures by Martin Abadi, Bell Labs Research, Palo Alto; Luca Cardelli, 
 Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK; Paolo Ciancarini, University of
 Bologna; Peter Lee, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh; Doug Lea,
 State University of New York at Oswego; Michael I. Schwartzbach,
 University of Aarhus; and Jim Waldo, Sun Microsystems, Burlington,
 Mass. and Harvard University.  

 Lipari is the largest island of the Eolie Archipelago, located north
 of Sicily, well known for its volcanic activities. It has sceneries
 of incomparable beauty and contrasting character. It can be easily
 reached from Milazzo, Palermo, Naples, Messina and Reggio Calabria by
 ferry or hydrofoil (50 minutes from Milazzo).



 The program of the workshop will include invited talks by the
 lecturers of the Lipari School (and possibly others), and talks
 presenting submitted contributions.


Program Committee

 Farhad Arbab, CWI
 Jean-Jacques Lévy, Inria Roquencourt
 Ugo Montanari, University of Pisa (co-chair)
 Antonio Porto, Universidade Nova De Lisboa
 Vladimiro Sassone, University of Catania (co-chair)
 Bjorn Victor, Uppsala University


 Extended abstracts (of at most 8 pages) should be submitted
 electronically as uuencoded postscript files at the address 
 <mailto:concoord@tosca.dmi.unict.it>. A separate message should also
 be sent, with a text-only one-page abstract and with mailing addresses
 (both postal and electronic), telephone number and fax number of the
 corresponding author. The proceedings will be published in the ENTCS
 series. To make easier the preparation of the final versions, papers
 should be formatted using Latex with the ENTCS style (look at
 for instructions)


Important Dates

 Deadline for submission: 22 April 2001.
 Notification of acceptance: 21 May 2001.
 Final version due: 11 June 2001.
 Workshop dates: 6-8 July 2001.


Registration and Hotel Reservation

 Due to the high season in Lipari, hotel reservation will be
 guaranteed only for those registering before May 31.



 Alfredo Ferro (Catania), Ugo Montanari (Pisa), Vladimiro Sassone (Catania).


For more information:

 WWW:   <http://tosca.dmi.unict.it/concoord>
 EMAIL: <mailto:concoord@tosca.dmi.unict.it>
