Foundational Methods in Computer Science Workshop (FMCS'01)
Workshop on
Foundational Methods in Computer Science
-- a series of informal workshops on
categories and logic in computer science
FMCS'01 : May 31 -- June 3, 2001
Spokane, Washington
with sponsorship from the
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Washington State University
May 31: Arrival day
-- Reception in the evening, 7-10pm PDT
June 1: Tutorial Talks
June 2: Research Talks
Conference Banquet
June 3: Research Talks in the morning
Noon -- end of workshop
[includes talks by John MacDonald, Robin Cockett, Ernie Manes, Paul Gilmore,
and tutorials by Ernie Manes and Phil Mulry]
WestCoast River Inn (509) 326-5577
(800) 325-4000
State you are with the FMCS conference
to obtain the lower conference rate of $US73 per night.
[There are a limited number of rooms at this rate,
so call soon!]
The hotel provides transportation from/to the Spokane airport,
so inquire about this when you call...
Registration information will be forthcoming. As always,
the registration fees for students are set at about 60%
of non-student registrations and everybody may either
prepay or pay onsite.
If you plan to attend and have not previously communicated with me,
please reply as soon as may be to
and indicate if you would like to give a tutorial or a research talk.
Thank you!
Professor David B. Benson (509) 335-2706
School of EE and Computer Science (EME 102A) (509) 335-3818 fax
PO Box 642752, Washington State University dbenson@eecs.wsu.edu
Pullman WA 99164-2752 U.S.A.