Better vector math using dependent types
I finally found the solution
to a type theory problem that's been bugging me for years.
It's a twist on the "function parameters are covariant" problem, in
the special case of mathematical objects like vector spaces and
Here I will use functions from natural numbers
(or an upper-bounded subset of natural numbers) to real numbers to
represent vectors. You can think of such functions as fixed-length arrays
of real numbers, or of floating point numbers -- I will be lax with the
-- The Problem
When determining whether one function type (or
array type, or vector type) is a subtype of another, type systems treat the
function parameter type contravariantly. Conceptually, this isn't what one
wants with mathematical objects like vectors.
I will use fixed-length arrays as an example below
and assume classic array typing rules. However, you could see the
same issue in C++ by declaring a class vec2d {float x,y;} and
a class vec3D: public vec2D {float z;}, and a subclass vec4D containing yet
another component.
Example of the problem in C-style
void Use3DVector(float[3] my3DVector)
...do something
void Example() {
// Declare a 2D vector and a 4D
my4DVector a={1,2,3,4};
// Use the 4D vector.
This succeeds because it's typesafe:
// a 4D vector has all
the components of a 3D vector and
// Use the 2D vector. This fails
because it's not typesafe: a 2D
// vector doesn't have certain
components that a 3D vector has.
In other words, traditional type
systems inherently use these subtyping relationships
.. <: float[4] <: float[3]
<: float[2] <: float[1]
This is the opposite of how mathematicians look at
vector spaces. They see 1D space as a subspace of 2D space; 2D space as a
subspace of 3D space, etc:
float[1] <: float[2] <:
float[3] <: ..
-- The Solution --
Define a new type "zero" which is a subtype of
"float". Type "zero" has only one instance, the value "0". By
definition of subtyping, all zeros are floats, but not all floats are
zeros. This is sound.
Since "zero" has only one instance, variables of
type "zero" don't need to be stored; they take up no runtime storage.
Since they take up no storage, you can store infinitely many of them in a
fixed-sized data structure. I exploit this to represent vectors as
infinite-length arrays consisting of a finite number of reals, followed by an
infinite number of zeros.
Now, instead of looking at vectors in the Java
style (float[0], float[1], etc.), we view them with dependent types,
ForAll(i nat).if i<3 then
float else zero // a 3d vector
ForAll(i nat).if i<1 then
float else zero // a 1d vector
Or concepually, you can think of vectors as
the examples below, where "..." stands for "followed by infinitely many
If you define a generic type constructor vec(i) in
the style above, you'll find that it's exactly what mathematicians
vec(1) <: vec(2) <: vec(3)
<: ...
You can verify this by looking at the "ForAll"
expressions above, verifying that for every possible input value "i", the
corresponding subtyping rules hold. For example: {real,zero...} <:
{real,real,zero...} because (looking at the first elements) real<:real, and
(second elements) zero<:real, and (subsequent elements) zero<:zero,
-- Other Benefits --
You can then derive types from constants, i.e.
{2,1,0} has the type of a 2D vector because the third component is 0, whose
exact type is zero rather than the more general float.
You can also type strangely-shaped vector spaces
like {float,zero,float,zero...} -- the space of vectors with only X and Z
In languages supporting dependent types and pattern
matching, many mathematical rules automatically fall out of the results.
For example, transforming a vector by a matrix which has one column of zeros
yields a vector with the corresponding component set to zero -- not just at
runtime, but in the type system as well, as long as the zeros are statically
-- Summary and Future
Work --
By changing our representation of vectors
from fixed-length arrays of reals, to infinite-sized arrays containing finitely
many reals and infinitely many zeros, vectors now obey the subtype=subspace
rules mathematicians want, rather than the covariant subtyping of traditional
fixed-length arrays and records.
I am currently working on extending this approach to deal with the
multivectors of Geometric (Clifford) Algebra. There are many ways of
doing this which don't involve any new type-theory constructs, but clearly
nothing we can build out of ordinary dependent types will admit ordinary
scalars, and the newly-defined vectors here, as elements of any more
general multivector type.
However, I've found a new construct, sort of a "dimensionality-indexed
transparent product" that gives you multivectors compatible with
traditional scalars, and the vectors defined here. Better yet, it admits
imaginary numbers, complex numbers, quaternions, and spinors of arbitrary
dimensionality as subtypes; and it always knows the more specific derivable type
of your result. This is still somewhat sketchy but I'd be glad to
share it if there is any interest.