paper on recursion and objects
I would like to announce the availability of the following paper, which
introduces a new type system for the "let rec" construct, relaxing the
syntactic restrictions usually imposed on this construct, and explores
its expressive power, as regards object-oriented, or more precisely
"mixin-oriented", programming.
The Recursive Record Semantics of Objects Revisited
Gérard Boudol
In a call-by-value language, representing objects as
recursive records requires using an unsafe fixpoint.
We design, for a core language including extensible
records, a type system which rules out unsafe recursion
and still supports the reconstruction of a principal type.
We illustrate the expressive power of this language with
respect to object-oriented programming by introducing a
sub-language for ``mixin-based'' programming.
The paper is available from my web page:
Comments are welcome!