BABEL'01: Preliminary programme and Call for Participation
[ This is the first of a big pile of Types postings that I'll be
distributing during the next few minutes... -BCP ]
Call for Participation
BABEL 2001
First workshop on multi-language
infrastructure and interoperability.
Part of PLI 2001
Firenze, Italy. 8th September 2001.
Preliminary programme now available at
Recent years have seen a resurgence of interest in multi-language
tools and intermediate languages, and in interoperability between
programs and components written in different programming
languages. Shared infrastructure such as code generators, analysis
tools and garbage collectors can greatly ease the task of producing a
high-quality implementation of a new programming language, whilst
being able to interoperate easily with code written in existing
languages is essential for such an implementation to be useful in
practice. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and
developers working on multi-language integration.
Note that the deadline for the early registration rate is JULY 25.
Nick Benton (chair) Microsoft Research
Fergus Henderson University of Melbourne
Andrew Kennedy (organiser) Microsoft Research
Greg Morrisett Cornell University
Martin Odersky Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
John Reppy Bell Labs
Andrew Tolmach Portland State University
David Wakeling University of Exeter
9:00-10:00. Invited talk
Towards a Principled Multi-Language Infrastructure
Zhong Shao (Yale University)
10:30-12:30. Session 1
A framework for interoperability
Kathleen Fisher (AT&T Labs, Research), Riccardo Pucella (Cornell
and John Reppy (Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs)
Alice in the Land of Oz - An Interoperability-based Implementation
of a Functional Language on Top of a Relational Language
Leif Kornstaedt (Universität des Saarlandes)
No-Longer-Foreign: Teaching an ML compiler to speak C "natively"
Matthias Blume (Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs)
ILX: Extending the .NET Common IL for Functional Language
Don Syme (Microsoft Research, Cambridge)
14:00-15:30. Session 2
Compiling Mercury to the .NET Common Language Runtime
Tyson Dowd, Fergus Henderson (University of Melbourne)
and Peter Ross (Mission Critical, Belgium)
Object-Oriented Style Overloading for Haskell
Mark Shields and Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research, Cambridge)
Annotations for Portable Intermediate Languages
Fermin Reig (University of Glasgow)
16:00-17:30. Session 3
Active Oberon for .NET: An Exercise in Object Model Mapping
Jurg Gutknecht (ETH Zurich)
Language-Agnostic Approaches to Mobile Code
Peter Housel, Christian Stork, Vivek Haldar, Niall Dalton and Michael
(University of California, Irvine)
Tail call elimination on the Java Virtual Machine
Michel Schinz and Martin Odersky (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de