
Jobs at INRIA Sophia

Job openings in  formal  methods for global computing at INRIA 

INRIA Sophia-Antipolis is opening up several doctoral and
post-doctoral positions, starting from October 2001. All positions are
related to projects on modelling and verification techniques for global
computing and smartcards, and more specifically on the use of
algorithmic techniques for applet verification, and on the use of types
in verification methods for mobility and security. We seek candidates
with a strong background in any of the following fields: 

- type systems 
- process calculi 
- formal verification, including theorem-proving and model-checking 
- program analysis and transformation 
- language-based security

To apply (or for further details) please send an email to: 

Gilles Barthe (Gilles.Barthe@inria.fr) 

Gerard Boudol (Gerard.Boudol@inria.fr) 

Davide Sangiorgi (Davide.Sangiorgi@inria.fr) 

Your email application should include a CV, names and addresses of
three referees, and, if available, pointers to on-line articles
(please do *not* include the articles in your mails). You should also
indicate your topic preferences, if any. Applications will be
evaluated from now on until the positions are filled.